Account Applications Administration v0.15.0

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

List and view customer's new account and join owner applications for administrative applications.

  • Use listCustomerAccountApplications to list customer applications, with filters to select applications in date ranges, applications by type, by applicant or organization name, or by application state.

Download OpenAPI Definition (YAML)

Base URLs:

Terms of service

Email: Apiture Web: Apiture

License: Apiture API License


  • OAuth2 authentication (clientCredentials)
Scope Scope Description
bankingAdmin/read Read a wide variety of banking and other financial institution and customer data.

  • OpenID Connect authentication (adminAccessToken)
    • OpenId Connect (OIDC) authentication/authorization for an administrative user, such as financial institution staff or Apiture administrators. The client uses the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint to obtain an access token to pass in the Authorization header. Those endpoints are available via the OIDC Configuration URL. The actual URL may vary with each financial institution. See details at Access Tokens.
    • OIDC Configuration URL =

Customer Account Applications

Customer Account Applications


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Return a collection of customer account applications


Return a paginated collection of customer account applications. The nextPage_url in the response is a pagination link. The result is sorted in reverse chronological order.


in: query
Return only applications which have been created within this period of time before the present time. The value is an ISO 8601 duration string. For example, for ?creationPeriod=P1D or ?creationPeriod=PT24H, return applications created in the past day (24 hours). Use ?creationPeriod=P2W to list applications created within the last 2 weeks. If the present time is 16:30PM, use ?creationPeriod=PT16H30M to list all applications created since midnight, or ?creationPeriod=P1DT16H30M to list all applications created since midnight yesterday. This parameter is mutually exclusive of createdAt.
format: duration
minLength: 3
maxLength: 30
in: query
Filter the response to only applications created in the date-time range bounded by start and end date-times. This parameter is mutually exclusive of creationPeriod. The start and end values are either dates in RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DD date format, or date-times in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ date-time format.

For example

  • [start,end] between start and end date/times, inclusive of the endpoints
  • (start,end) between start and end date/times, exclusive of the endpoints
  • (start,end] between start and end date/times, exclusive of start and inclusive of the end
  • [start,end) between start and end date/times, inclusive of start and exclusive of the end
  • YYYY-MM-DD equivalent to [start,end]

Dates without a time component are converted to UTC date-time values. If start or end are date values, then start00 is defined as time 00:00:00Z on the start date, start24 is defined as 00:00AM of the day after the start date: end00 is defined as time 00:00:00Z on the end date, end24 is defined as 00:00AM of the day after the end date:

  • [start,end] is the same as [start00,end24)
  • (start,end] is the same as (start24,end24)
  • [start,end) is the same as [start00,end00)
  • (start,end) is the same as (start24,end00)

For example, the range [2023-05-01,2023-06-01) for events which occurred any day/time in May 2023 UTC is equivalent to [2023-05-01T00:00:00.00Z,2023-06-01T00:00:00.00Z).

If start is omitted, the range uses a value of 1 hour before the effective end. If end is omitted, the range uses a value of 1 hour after the effective start.

This parameter is mutually exclusive of creationPeriod.
format: text
minLength: 10
maxLength: 63
pattern: "^((\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})|([[(](((\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}([Tt]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(.\\d{1,6})?[Zz])?),(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}([Tt]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(.\\d{1,6})?[Zz])?)?)|(,(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}([Tt]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(.\\d{1,6})?[Zz])?)))[)\\]]))$"
in: query
Return only applications whose applicant first name, applicant last name, or organization name matches this value or contains this value.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 80
in: query
Return only applications whose state is in this list of states.
unique items
minItems: 1
maxItems: 7
items: string
» enum values: pending, running, blocked, canceled, expired, rejected, approved
in: query
Return only applications where the account's customer type matches this value.
enum values: personal, business
in: query
The location of the next item in the collection. This is an opaque cursor supplied by the API service. Omit this to start at the beginning of the collection. The client does not define this value; the API services automatically pass the ?start= parameter on the nextPage_url.
maxLength: 256
default: ""
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9.,-=_+:;@$]{0,256}$"
in: query
The maximum number of items to return in this paged response.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 100
default: 50

Example responses

200 Response

  "start": "d1b48af913464aa49fcb07065dcc0616",
  "limit": 10,
  "nextPage_url": "",
  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "type": "newAccount",
      "state": "blocked",
      "products": [
          "type": "cd",
          "target": "business",
          "code": "180D_CDA",
          "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
      "flaggedForReview": true,
      "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
      "applicant": {
        "id": "97fd7e918b7ae6588b4b",
        "firstName": "Elsa",
        "lastName": "Snowqueen"
      "organization": {
        "id": "21ae7ee4af1e786f2be4",
        "legalName": "Max Peck Mobile Repair"
      "account": {
        "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
        "name": "My June CD"
      "approvals": [],
      "reviewer": {
        "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
        "firstName": "Sven",
        "lastName": "Labrador"
      "assignee": {
        "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
        "firstName": "Sven",
        "lastName": "Labrador"


200 OK
Schema: customerAccountApplications
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

    The user or agent is not allowed to perform this operation; authentication credentials were provided in the request, but the server considers them insufficient to grant access. Remediation: Check the user's permissions and entitlements before attempting the operation.
Schema: Inline
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well formed but otherwise invalid.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{accountApplicationId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{accountApplicationId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountApplicationId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{accountApplicationId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{accountApplicationId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountApplicationId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{accountApplicationId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a representation of this customer account application


Return the JSON representation of this customer account application resource.


in: query
When requesting an application, sensitive data like full account numbers and personally identifiable information (PII) are masked by default for security reasons. Include this query parameter with a value of true to request that the response body includes the unmasked data. Such requests are auditable. Passing ?unmasked=true is equivalent to passing ?unmaskedFields= with all allowed fields names. unmasked and unmaskedFields are mutually exclusive, and including both parameters in the request will result in error 422 unmaskingParametersAreMutuallyExclusive.
default: false
in: query
When requesting an application, sensitive data like full account numbers and personally identifiable information (PII) are masked by default for security reasons. Include this query parameter with a comma-separated list of the allowed property names to unmask those fields in the response. Such requests are auditable. unmaskedFields is similar to the unmasked query parameter except only the specified fields are returned unmasked in the response. Passing ?unmasked=true is equivalent to passing ?unmaskedFields= with all allowed field names. unmasked and unmaskedFields are mutually exclusive, and including both parameters in the request will result in error 422 unmaskingParametersAreMutuallyExclusive.
unique items
minItems: 1
maxItems: 4
items: string
» enum values: applicantIdentification, applicantGovernmentIssuedId, beneficialOwnerGovernmentIssuedId, beneficialOwnerIdentification
in: path
readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of a banking customer's account application. This is the id property of the application.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "type": "newAccount",
  "state": "blocked",
  "products": [
      "type": "cd",
      "target": "business",
      "code": "180D_CDA",
      "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
  "flaggedForReview": true,
  "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
  "reviewer": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
  "applicant": {
    "id": "6fed31a71850ae9b287d",
    "username": "elsa_332",
    "firstName": "Elsa",
    "lastName": "Snowqueen",
    "birthdate": "1995-01-30",
    "role": {
      "name": "Primary Account Holder"
    "verification": {
      "provider": "IDology",
      "sessionId": "c97671fc-b658-4c15-a1c8-819e691b7d3c",
      "scoredAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
      "score": "passed",
      "result": "verified",
      "verifications": [
          "type": "fraudRiskReport",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:15:17Z"
          "type": "quiz",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:19:41Z"
    "attested": true,
    "contactCard": {
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105551234",
        "primaryExtension": "337"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "yearsAtPrimaryAddress": "fourOrMore"
    "dueDiligenceAnswers": {
      "bankingPurpose": "operational funds",
      "citizen": true,
      "foreignPoliticalFigure": false,
      "familyOfPoliticalFigure": false,
      "w9Withholdings": false,
      "primaryIncomeSource": "wages",
      "internationalTransfers": false,
      "identification": {
        "type": "driversLicense",
        "number": "****1234",
        "issuingAuthority": "NC",
        "issuedOn": "2018-01-30",
        "expiresOn": "2026-01-29"
      "employment": {
        "status": "fullTime",
        "currentEmployerName": "Max Peck Towing",
        "occupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
        "currentJobTitle": "Chief Accountant"
  "organization": {
    "id": "638ae35cbe5b7e0baa40",
    "legalName": "Max Peck Towing, LLC",
    "doingBusinessAs": "Max Peck Towing",
    "taxId": "112-22-3333",
    "contactCard": {
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105550155"
      "home_url": ""
    "approvals": [
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "state": "rejected",
        "done": true,
        "reason": "Invalid U.S. Address",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
        "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
        "target_url": "",
        "approvalType": {
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
          "name": "governmentId",
          "label": "Government Issued ID"
    "industrySector": "otherServices",
    "countryOfOperations": "US",
    "registeredIn": "NC",
    "employeeCountLowerBound": 1,
    "employeeCountUpperBound": 1,
    "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "under1Million",
    "regulatory": {
      "atmOperator": false,
      "charity": false,
      "internetGambling": false,
      "marijuanaBusiness": false,
      "subjectToWithholdings": false,
      "intermediaryServices": []
    "physicalLocationsCount": "from10to50",
    "legalStructure": "soleProprietorship",
    "estimatedMonthlyAmounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "wireTransfers": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion"
    "estimatedMonthlyCounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "wireTransfers": "oneToOneHundred"
    "beneficialOwners": [
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": "Daniel",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "taxId": "112-22-3333",
        "percentage": 35
    "updatedAt": "2023-10-24T06:26:53.375Z"
  "approvals": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
      "state": "approved",
      "done": true,
      "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
      "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
      "target_url": "",
      "approvalType": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "name": "governmentId",
        "label": "Government Issued ID"
  "assignee": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "documents": [
      "type": "governmentId",
      "category": "driversLicense",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "uri": ""
      "type": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "category": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "uri": ""
  "funding": {
    "maskedNumber": "*1234",
    "routingNumber": "123123123",
    "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
    "location": "external",
    "type": "checking",
    "verificationMethod": "instant",
    "fundingAmount": {
      "value": "1000.00",
      "currency": "USD"
    "authorization": {
      "granted": true,
      "grantedAt": "2024-02-01T05:58:21.375Z",
      "message": "I, Phil Duciary, on 02/01/24 hereby authorize funds in the amount of $2,500 to be withdrawn as a ONE-TIME ACH DEBIT from my Third Party Bank checking account ending in 6789."
  "overdraftProtectionElections": {
    "primary": {
      "election": true,
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-04T04:05:24.375Z"
    "secondary": {
      "election": false
  "debitCardRequest": {
    "cardholderName": "John Smith",
    "requested": true,
    "shippingAddress": {
      "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "account": {
    "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
    "name": "My June CD"
  "createdAt": "2023-10-15T06:16:36.375Z",
  "submittedAt": "2023-10-16T16:42:50.375Z",
  "trackingIds": [
      "id": "476824ec-7f8a-4909-bad7-b05ee26aba0f",
      "createdAt": "2021-06-07T09:11:02.375Z"
  "notes": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "text": "Please review this fraud report.",
      "createdAt": "2023-04-19T10:49:28.375Z",
      "creator": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
        "firstName": "Benny",
        "lastName": "Billings",
        "username": "bbillings",
        "state": "active"
      "attachments": [
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
          "name": "fraud-report-389398.pdf",
          "contentType": "application/pdf",
          "url": "",
          "contentLength": 276000


200 OK
Schema: customerAccountApplication
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found
Not Found. There is no such customer account application resource at the specified {accountApplicationId}.
Schema: problemResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well formed but otherwise invalid.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Customer Account Application Actions

Actions on Customer Account Applications


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{accountApplicationId}/resumed \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

POST{accountApplicationId}/resumed HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'POST',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountApplicationId}/resumed',
  method: 'post',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = '{accountApplicationId}/resumed',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='{accountApplicationId}/resumed', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountApplicationId}/resumed");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{accountApplicationId}/resumed", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Resume a stopped account application.


Resume an account application that was in a "hard stop" state but which has been manually repaired.

This operation is idempotent: it does nothing if the application state is already running.


in: query
If true, the failed task is marked as completed and the application is resumed at the next available step. If false (or omitted), the failed task is restarted rather than skipped.
default: false
in: path
readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of a banking customer's account application. This is the id property of the application.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "type": "newAccount",
  "state": "blocked",
  "products": [
      "type": "cd",
      "target": "business",
      "code": "180D_CDA",
      "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
  "flaggedForReview": true,
  "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
  "reviewer": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
  "applicant": {
    "id": "6fed31a71850ae9b287d",
    "username": "elsa_332",
    "firstName": "Elsa",
    "lastName": "Snowqueen",
    "birthdate": "1995-01-30",
    "role": {
      "name": "Primary Account Holder"
    "verification": {
      "provider": "IDology",
      "sessionId": "c97671fc-b658-4c15-a1c8-819e691b7d3c",
      "scoredAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
      "score": "passed",
      "result": "verified",
      "verifications": [
          "type": "fraudRiskReport",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:15:17Z"
          "type": "quiz",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:19:41Z"
    "attested": true,
    "contactCard": {
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105551234",
        "primaryExtension": "337"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "yearsAtPrimaryAddress": "fourOrMore"
    "dueDiligenceAnswers": {
      "bankingPurpose": "operational funds",
      "citizen": true,
      "foreignPoliticalFigure": false,
      "familyOfPoliticalFigure": false,
      "w9Withholdings": false,
      "primaryIncomeSource": "wages",
      "internationalTransfers": false,
      "identification": {
        "type": "driversLicense",
        "number": "****1234",
        "issuingAuthority": "NC",
        "issuedOn": "2018-01-30",
        "expiresOn": "2026-01-29"
      "employment": {
        "status": "fullTime",
        "currentEmployerName": "Max Peck Towing",
        "occupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
        "currentJobTitle": "Chief Accountant"
  "organization": {
    "id": "638ae35cbe5b7e0baa40",
    "legalName": "Max Peck Towing, LLC",
    "doingBusinessAs": "Max Peck Towing",
    "taxId": "112-22-3333",
    "contactCard": {
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105550155"
      "home_url": ""
    "approvals": [
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "state": "rejected",
        "done": true,
        "reason": "Invalid U.S. Address",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
        "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
        "target_url": "",
        "approvalType": {
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
          "name": "governmentId",
          "label": "Government Issued ID"
    "industrySector": "otherServices",
    "countryOfOperations": "US",
    "registeredIn": "NC",
    "employeeCountLowerBound": 1,
    "employeeCountUpperBound": 1,
    "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "under1Million",
    "regulatory": {
      "atmOperator": false,
      "charity": false,
      "internetGambling": false,
      "marijuanaBusiness": false,
      "subjectToWithholdings": false,
      "intermediaryServices": []
    "physicalLocationsCount": "from10to50",
    "legalStructure": "soleProprietorship",
    "estimatedMonthlyAmounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "wireTransfers": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion"
    "estimatedMonthlyCounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "wireTransfers": "oneToOneHundred"
    "beneficialOwners": [
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": "Daniel",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "taxId": "112-22-3333",
        "percentage": 35
    "updatedAt": "2023-10-24T06:26:53.375Z"
  "approvals": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
      "state": "approved",
      "done": true,
      "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
      "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
      "target_url": "",
      "approvalType": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "name": "governmentId",
        "label": "Government Issued ID"
  "assignee": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "documents": [
      "type": "governmentId",
      "category": "driversLicense",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "uri": ""
      "type": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "category": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "uri": ""
  "funding": {
    "maskedNumber": "*1234",
    "routingNumber": "123123123",
    "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
    "location": "external",
    "type": "checking",
    "verificationMethod": "instant",
    "fundingAmount": {
      "value": "1000.00",
      "currency": "USD"
    "authorization": {
      "granted": true,
      "grantedAt": "2024-02-01T05:58:21.375Z",
      "message": "I, Phil Duciary, on 02/01/24 hereby authorize funds in the amount of $2,500 to be withdrawn as a ONE-TIME ACH DEBIT from my Third Party Bank checking account ending in 6789."
  "overdraftProtectionElections": {
    "primary": {
      "election": true,
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-04T04:05:24.375Z"
    "secondary": {
      "election": false
  "debitCardRequest": {
    "cardholderName": "John Smith",
    "requested": true,
    "shippingAddress": {
      "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "account": {
    "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
    "name": "My June CD"
  "createdAt": "2023-10-15T06:16:36.375Z",
  "submittedAt": "2023-10-16T16:42:50.375Z",
  "trackingIds": [
      "id": "476824ec-7f8a-4909-bad7-b05ee26aba0f",
      "createdAt": "2021-06-07T09:11:02.375Z"
  "notes": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "text": "Please review this fraud report.",
      "createdAt": "2023-04-19T10:49:28.375Z",
      "creator": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
        "firstName": "Benny",
        "lastName": "Billings",
        "username": "bbillings",
        "state": "active"
      "attachments": [
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
          "name": "fraud-report-389398.pdf",
          "contentType": "application/pdf",
          "url": "",
          "contentLength": 276000


200 OK
OK. The account application was succesfully resumed.
Schema: customerAccountApplication
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found
Not Found. There is no such customer account application resource at the specified {accountApplicationId}.
Schema: problemResponse
409 Conflict

Conflict. The request conflicts with the state of the system.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well formed but otherwise invalid.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This problem response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.



  "id": "97fd7e918b7ae6588b4b",
  "firstName": "Elsa",
  "middleName": "Theresa",
  "lastName": "Snowqueen"

Account Applicant Reference (v1.1.0)

Describes the person who is applying for an account.


Account Applicant Reference (v1.1.0) object
Describes the person who is applying for an account.
id string(text) (required)
The ADB customer ID of the applicant.
format: text
maxLength: 48
firstName string(text) (required)
The first name of the applicant.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 128
middleName string(person-name)
The middle name of the applicant.
format: person-name
minLength: 1
maxLength: 80
lastName string(text) (required)
The last name of the applicant.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 128


  "type": "governmentId",
  "category": "driversLicense",
  "label": "Driver's License",
  "documentTarget": "personal",
  "required": false

Account Application Document (v1.0.0)

A document which the financial institution may require the applicant to upload in conjunction with this account application.


Account Application Document (v1.0.0) object
A document which the financial institution may require the applicant to upload in conjunction with this account application.
type string(text) (required)
The document type as determined by the business use case. Unlike the contentType, this indicates what the document content represents (such as a governmentId etc.).
format: text
maxLength: 32
contentType contentType
The media type for this file. For text documents, the content type should include the text encoding; if omitted, the encoding type is assumed to be utf-8.
minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"
documentTarget applicationCustomerType (required)
The target of the relevant banking product, either business or personal.
enum values: personal, business
category documentCategory (required)

Document categories for documents requested or uploaded as part of an account application.

documentCategory strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

articlesOfOrganizationArticles Of Organization:

Articles Of Organization

assumedNameCertificateAssumed Name Certificate:

Assumed Name Certificate if the business is "Doing Business As" in a name other than your own

businessLicenseBusiness License:

Issued business document that grants permission to operate within a particular jurisdiction

certificateOfGoodStandingCertificate of Good Standing:

Certificate of Good Standing authorizing your ability to do business for the issuing state

certificateOfPartnershipCertificate of Partnership:

Certificate of Partnership, Partnership Agreement, or Affidavit of Partnership

certificationOfBeneficialOwnershipCertification of Beneficial Ownership:

Completed and Signed Beneficial Ownership Certification Form

driversLicenseDrivers License:

Drivers License

employerIdNumberConfirmationLetterEmployer ID Number Confirmation Letter:

Copy of EIN certification letter from the IRS, TT&L Payment, Tax return or other evidence of the EIN, unless you operate with your SSN

operatingAgreementOperating Agreement:

Operating Agreement or Affidavit of LLC



socialSecurityCardSocial Security Card:

Social Security Card

stateIdentificationState Identification:

State Identification

taxFormTax Form:

Tax Form

utilityBillUtility Bill:

Utility Bill

websiteEvidenceWebsite Evidence:

Evidence from respective State website that the company is Active


Other document

enum values: articlesOfOrganization, assumedNameCertificate, businessLicense, certificateOfGoodStanding, certificateOfPartnership, certificationOfBeneficialOwnership, driversLicense, employerIdNumberConfirmationLetter, operatingAgreement, passport, socialSecurityCard, stateIdentification, taxForm, utilityBill, websiteEvidence, other
label string(text) (required)
User friendly label of the document.
format: text
maxLength: 120
template_url string(uri)
If present, the applicant must download the document template from this URL, fill out the document from the template, then upload that completed document.
format: uri
maxLength: 2048
required boolean (required)
If true, the financial institution requires the applicant to upload this document. This value is set based on the financial institution policies, business rules, and the data supplied as part of the application.


  "maskedNumber": "*1234",
  "routingNumber": "123123123",
  "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
  "location": "external",
  "type": "checking",
  "verificationMethod": "instant",
  "fundingAmount": {
    "value": "1000.00",
    "currency": "USD"
  "authorization": {
    "granted": true,
    "grantedAt": "2024-02-01T05:58:21.375Z",
    "message": "I, Phil Duciary, on 02/01/24 hereby authorize funds in the amount of $2,500 to be withdrawn as a ONE-TIME ACH DEBIT from my Third Party Bank checking account ending in 6789."

Account Application Funding (v1.4.0)

Describes how the new account is funded.


Account Application Funding (v1.4.0) object
Describes how the new account is funded.
accountNumber fullAccountNumber
A full account number. This is the number that the customer uses to reference the account within the financial institution. This property is present only if the caller requests unmasked data.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 32
pattern: "^[- a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,32}$"
maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: "^\\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$"
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: "^[0-9]{9}$"
institutionName institutionName(text)
The name of the financial institution where the funding account is held.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 128
location accountLocation

Indicates where an account is held

accountLocation strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Accounts held by the banking customer at the current financial institution


Accounts held by the banking customer at another financial institution


Non-banking accounts such as brokerage and fund accounts.


Accounts held by others at the same financial institution, for which the banking customer has transfer to and/or transfer from entitlements.

enum values: internal, external, outside, peer
type productType

The type (or category) of banking product.

productType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Savings Account


Checking Account


Certificate of Deposit Account


Individual Retirement Account


Loan Account

creditCardCredit Card:

Credit Card Account

moneyMarketMoney Market:

Money Market Account

healthSavingsHealth Savings:

Health Savings Account

enum values: savings, checking, cd, ira, loan, creditCard, moneyMarket, healthSavings
verificationMethod fundingAccountVerificationMethod
Indicates how an external account was verified: micro deposits or IAV (Instant Account Verification).
enum values: instant, microDeposit
fundingAmount money
How much money the applicant wishes to transfer from the funding account in order to initially fund this new account. This is optional and omitted in responses if not set when the application is created or updated.
authorization accountApplicationFundingAuthorization
The applicant's authorization for funding the new account.


  "granted": true,
  "grantedAt": "2024-02-01T05:58:21.375Z",
  "message": "I, Phil Duciary, on 02/01/24 hereby authorize funds in the amount of $2,500 to be withdrawn as a ONE-TIME ACH DEBIT from my Third Party Bank checking account ending in 6789."

Account Application Funding Authorization (v1.0.0)

The applicant's authorization for funding the new account.


Account Application Funding Authorization (v1.0.0) object
The applicant's authorization for funding the new account.
granted boolean (required)
true if and only if the user has explicitly granted funding authorization.
grantedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date and time the user granted the funding authorization. Present only if granted is true.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
message string(text)
The message presented to the user when they granted the funding authorization. Present only if granted is true.
format: text
maxLength: 1000



Account Location (v1.1.0)

Indicates where an account is held

accountLocation strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Accounts held by the banking customer at the current financial institution


Accounts held by the banking customer at another financial institution


Non-banking accounts such as brokerage and fund accounts.


Accounts held by others at the same financial institution, for which the banking customer has transfer to and/or transfer from entitlements.

type: string

enum values: internal, external, outside, peer



Account Routing Number (v1.0.0)

An account ABA routing and transit number.

type: string

minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: "^[0-9]{9}$"


  "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
  "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
  "locality": "Wilmington",
  "regionCode": "NC",
  "countryCode": "US",
  "postalCode": "28403"

Address (v1.6.1)

A postal address that can hold a US address or an international (non-US) postal addresses.


Address (v1.6.1) object
A postal address that can hold a US address or an international (non-US) postal addresses.
address1 string(text) (required)
The first line of the postal address. In the US, this typically includes the building number and street name.
format: text
maxLength: 35
address2 string(text)
The second line of the street address. This should only be used if it has a value. Typical values include building numbers, suite numbers, and other identifying information beyond the first line of the postal address.
format: text
maxLength: 35
locality string(text) (required)
The city/town/municipality of the address.
format: text
maxLength: 30
countryCode countryCode (required)
The ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for a country.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[A-Za-z]{2}$"
regionName string(text)
The state, district, or outlying area of the postal address. This is required if countryCode is not US. regionCode and regionName are mutually exclusive.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 20
regionCode string
The state, district, or outlying area of the postal address. This is required if countryCode is US. regionCode and regionName are mutually exclusive.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[A-Za-z]{2}$"
postalCode postalCode (required)
The postal code, which varies in format by country. For postal codes in the US, this should be a five digit US ZIP code or ten character ZIP+4.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 20
pattern: "[0-9A-Za-z][- 0-9A-Za-z]{0,18}[0-9A-Za-z]"



Application Administration Masked Properties (v1.0.0)

The name of the property to return unmasked.

adminApplicationMaskedProperties strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

applicantIdentificationApplicant Identification:

The taxId field of the applicant.

applicantGovernmentIssuedIdApplicant Government-Issued Identification:

The governmentIssuedId number field on the applicant.

beneficialOwnerGovernmentIssuedIdBeneficial Owner Government-Issued Identification:

The governmentIssuedId number field on the application's beneficial owners.

beneficialOwnerIdentificationBeneficial Owner Identification:

The taxId field of a beneficial owner on the application.

type: string

enum values: applicantIdentification, applicantGovernmentIssuedId, beneficialOwnerGovernmentIssuedId, beneficialOwnerIdentification


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "name": "fraud-report-389398.pdf",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "url": "",
  "contentLength": 276000

Admin Note Attachment Item (v1.0.0)

Summary representation of an admin note attachment in a list of admin note attachments.


Admin Note Attachment Item (v1.0.0) object
Summary representation of an admin note attachment in a list of admin note attachments.
name string(text) (required)
The name of this attachment.
format: text
maxLength: 128
contentType adminNoteContentType (required)
The content type (media type) of the attachment. Media types with * wildcards are not allowed.
minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"
enum values: text/plain, image/bmp, image/gif, image/png, image/jpeg, image/tiff, application/msword, application/pdf, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
url string(uri) (required)
The URL of the attachment. This URL should be directly viewable by admin users without requiring an additional Authorization or other request headers.
format: uri
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this admin note attachment resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
contentLength integer(int32) (required)
The content length (size in bytes) of the attachment.
format: int32
minimum: 1
maximum: 100000000



Admin Note Content Type (v1.0.0)

The list of allowed content types for admin notes.

type: string

enum values: text/plain, image/bmp, image/gif, image/png, image/jpeg, image/tiff, application/msword, application/pdf, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "text": "Please review this fraud report.",
  "createdAt": "2023-04-19T10:49:28.375Z",
  "creator": {
    "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
    "firstName": "Benny",
    "lastName": "Billings",
    "username": "bbillings",
    "state": "active"
  "attachments": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "name": "fraud-report-389398.pdf",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "url": "",
      "contentLength": 276000

Admin Note Item (v1.0.1)

Summary representation of an admin note resource in admin notes collections. To fetch the full representation of this admin note, use the getAdminNote operation, passing this item's id field as the adminNoteId path parameter.


Admin Note Item (v1.0.1) object
Summary representation of an admin note resource in admin notes collections. To fetch the full representation of this admin note, use the getAdminNote operation, passing this item's id field as the adminNoteId path parameter.
text string(text) (required)
The text of this note.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 400
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when this resource was created, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this admin note resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
creator adminUserReference (required)
Who created this note.
attachments array: [adminNoteAttachmentItem]
Optional description of files attached to this note. This property is omitted if there are no attachments. Use the getAdminNoteAttachment with the attachment id to fetch its content.
maxItems: 8
items: object


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "firstName": "Benny",
  "lastName": "Billings",
  "username": "bbillings",
  "state": "active"

Admin User Reference (v1.0.0)

A small object representing an administrative user's login account.


Admin User Reference (v1.0.0) object
A small object representing an administrative user's login account.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The immutable, unique, opaque identifier for the user.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
firstName string(text) (required)
The user's first name.
format: text
maxLength: 56
lastName string(text) (required)
The user's last name.
format: text
maxLength: 56
username string(text) (required)
The user's login username.
format: text
maxLength: 255
state adminUserState (required)

The current state of the admin user.

adminUserState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The admin user is active


The admin user's account is locked


The admin user has been been removed from the system

enum values: active, locked, removed



Admin User State (v1.0.0)

The current state of the admin user.

adminUserState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The admin user is active


The admin user's account is locked


The admin user has been been removed from the system

type: string

enum values: active, locked, removed


  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists at the given account_url",
  "instance": ""

API Problem (v1.2.1)

API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.


API Problem (v1.2.1) object
API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object


  "primary": {
    "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"
  "mailing": {
    "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"

Applicant Addresses (v1.0.0)

An applicant's postal addresses.


Applicant Addresses (v1.0.0) object
An applicant's postal addresses.
primary address
The customer's primary address. For individuals, this is their home address. For businesses, this is the company's business address.
yearsAtPrimaryAddress yearsAtAddress
The number of years the customer has been at their present home address, as of the date the user registered. This value may become stale over time.
enum values: unknown, oneOrFewer, two, three, fourOrMore
mailing address
The customer's mailing address. If present, financial institution sends statements and other documents to this address instead of the primary address.
previous address
The customer's previous address.


  "addresses": {
    "primary": {
      "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
    "mailing": {
      "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "emailAddress": "",
  "phoneNumbers": {
    "primary": "+19105550155",
    "primaryExtension": "347",
    "mobile": "+19105550150"

Customer Contact Card (v3.0.0)

A customer's contact information.


Customer Contact Card (v3.0.0) object
A customer's contact information.
suffix string(text)
A title or honorific suffix such as PhD or DDS.
format: text
maxLength: 20
addresses applicantAddresses (required)
The customer's postal addresses.
emailAddress customerEmailAddress(email) (required)
The customer's email address.
format: email
maxLength: 255
phoneNumbers applicantPhoneNumbers (required)
The customer's phone numbers.


  "bankingPurpose": "operational funds",
  "citizen": true,
  "foreignPoliticalFigure": false,
  "familyOfPoliticalFigure": false,
  "w9Withholdings": false,
  "primaryIncomeSource": "wages",
  "internationalTransfers": false,
  "identification": {
    "type": "driversLicense",
    "number": "****1234",
    "issuingAuthority": "NC",
    "issuedOn": "2018-01-30",
    "expiresOn": "2026-01-29"
  "employment": {
    "status": "fullTime",
    "currentEmployerName": "Max Peck Towing",
    "occupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
    "currentJobTitle": "Chief Accountant",
    "previousOccupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
    "currentEmploymentStartedOn": "2019-08-24",
    "currentEmployerAddresses": {
      "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
      "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28403"
    "currentEmployerPhoneNumber": "+19105550155",
    "previousEmployerName": "Tom's Wrecker Service",
    "previousJobTitle": "Staff Accountant",
    "previousEmploymentStartedOn": "2016-04-04",
    "previousEmploymentEndedOn": "2019-08-24"

Applicant Due Diligence Answers (v3.0.0)

Answers the applicant provided for "Know Your Customer" due diligence questions which allow financial institutions to conform to their Customer Identification Program. Some financial institutions may choose to not collect all of these answers.


Applicant Due Diligence Answers (v3.0.0) object
Answers the applicant provided for "Know Your Customer" due diligence questions which allow financial institutions to conform to their Customer Identification Program. Some financial institutions may choose to not collect all of these answers.
bankingPurpose string(text)
A reason the user gave for banking with the financial institution. This applies to all accounts they intend to open under this customer relationship.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100
otherBankingPurpose string(text)
A reason the user gave for banking with the financial institution if they selected other for bankingPurpose. This applies to all accounts they intend to open under this customer relationship.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100
citizen boolean
true if this person is a US citizen.
usResident nonCitizenApplicant
If citizen is false, this property indicates the applicant's US residency status.
w9Withholdings boolean
true if this person is a subject to backup W-9 Tax Withholdings.
foreignPoliticalFigure boolean
true if this person is a foreign senior political figure.
default: false
foreignPoliticalFigureCountry string
If this person is a foreign senior political figure, this is the foreign country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. This field is omitted if foreignPoliticalFigure is false.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "[A-Z][A-Z]"
foreignPoliticalFigurePosition string(text)
If this person is foreign senior political figure, this is the position that figure holds in the foreign country. This field is omitted if foreignPoliticalFigure is false.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100
familyOfPoliticalFigure boolean
true if this person is an immediate family member or a close associate of a foreign senior political figure.
familyOfPoliticalFigureCountry string
If this person is an immediate family member or a close associate of political figure, this is the foreign country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. This field is omitted if familyOfPoliticalFigure is false.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[A-Z][A-Z]$"
foreignPoliticalFigureAssociation foreignPoliticalFigureAssociation
If familyOfPoliticalFigureCountry is true, this is the type of association to the foreign senior political figure. This field is omitted if familyOfPoliticalFigure is false.
enum values: unknown, closeAssociate, familyMember, none, other, notApplicable
foreignPoliticalFigureAssociationPosition string(text)
If this person is an immediate family member or a close associate of a foreign senior political figure, this is the position that figure holds in the foreign country. This field is omitted if familyOfPoliticalFigure is false.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100
primaryIncomeSource string(text)
The applicant's primary source of income.
format: text
maxLength: 40
otherPrimaryIncomeSource string(text)
The actual source if income if primaryIncomeSource is other.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100
internationalTransfers boolean
If true, the user affirmed they plan to use accounts at this financial institution to send or receive funds from foreign countries.
internationalTransferCountries string(text)
If internationalTransfers is true, this is the list of country names. This field is omitted if internationalTransfers is false.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 500
identification applicantIdentification
Applicant Identification.
employment applicantEmployment
Applicant Employment.


  "status": "fullTime",
  "occupation": "computerAndMathematical",
  "previousOccupation": "computerAndMathematical",
  "currentEmployerName": "FutureSoft",
  "currentEmploymentStartedOn": "2019-08-24",
  "currentEmployerAddresses": {
    "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
    "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28403"
  "currentEmployerPhoneNumber": "+19105550155",
  "currentJobTitle": "Senior Software Engineer",
  "previousEmployerName": "LegacySoft",
  "previousJobTitle": "Junnior Software Engineer",
  "previousEmploymentStartedOn": "2016-04-04",
  "previousEmploymentEndedOn": "2019-08-24"

Applicant Employment (v3.0.0)

Applicant Employment.


Applicant Employment (v3.0.0) object
Applicant Employment.
status applicantEmploymentStatus (required)
The applicant's employment status.
enum values: unknown, fullTime, partTime, paidLeave, selfEmployed, retired, unemployed, other, notApplicable
occupation occupationType (required)
An identifier naming the applicant's current occupation.
enum values: unknown, architectureAndEngineering, artsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMedia, buildingAndGroundsCleaningAndMaintenance, businessAndFinancialOperations, communityAndSocialService, computerAndMathematical, constructionAndExtraction, educationTrainingAndLibrary, farmingFishingAndForestry, foodPreparationAndServingRelated, healthcarePractitionersAndTechnical, healthcareSupport, installationMaintenanceAndRepair, legal, lifePhysicalAndSciences, management, militarySpecific, officeAndAdministrativeSupport, personalCareAndService, production, protectiveServices, salesAndRelated, transportationAndMaterialMoving, other, notApplicable
otherOccupation string(text)
The applicant's occupation if the occupation is other (that is not in the list of occupations listed in occupationType).
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 191
previousOccupation string(text)
The applicant's previous occupation, if any.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 191
currentEmployerName string(text)
The name of the applicant's current employer. This property is only applicable if the employmentStatus indicates employment (including on leave).
format: text
maxLength: 40
currentEmploymentStartedOn date(date)
The date the applicant's employment with the current employer began, in RFC 3339 date format.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
currentEmployerAddresses address
The address of the applicant's current employer.
currentEmployerPhoneNumber simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The phone number of the applicant's current employer.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
currentJobTitle string(text)
The applicant's current job title. This property is only applicable if the employmentStatus indicates employment (including on leave).
format: text
maxLength: 80
previousEmployerName string(text)
The name of the applicant's previous employer, if any.
format: text
maxLength: 40
previousJobTitle string(text)
The applicant's previous job title.
format: text
maxLength: 80
previousEmploymentStartedOn date(date)
The date the applicant's employment with their previous employer began, in RFC 3339 date format.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
previousEmploymentEndedOn date(date)
The date the applicant's employment with their previous employer ended, in RFC 3339 date format.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10



Applicant Employment Status (v1.1.0)

The applicant's employment status.

type: string

enum values: unknown, fullTime, partTime, paidLeave, selfEmployed, retired, unemployed, other, notApplicable


  "type": "driversLicense",
  "number": "01234567",
  "issuingAuthority": "NC",
  "issuedOn": "2020-07-10",
  "expiresOn": "2026-07-10"

Applicant Identification (v1.0.1)

Applicant Identification.


Applicant Identification (v1.0.1) object
Applicant Identification.
type string(text) (required)
Indicates what type of state, government, or other authority issued identification used for a person's identification. This is a programmatic identifier, such as driversLicense, stateId, passport or militaryId, not a label.
format: text
maxLength: 32
number string(text) (required)
The ID number on the government- or authority- issued identification, such as a driver's license, military ID, or state-issued ID card. The value is masked in responses unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
format: text
maxLength: 50
issuingAuthority string(text)
The code/abbreviation of the government authority which issued the identification number, such as "NC" for a driver's license issued in North Carolina. For national issuers (such as passport), this should be the ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for the country.
format: text
maxLength: 6
issuedOn date(date)
The date the government or authority issued the identification number.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
expiresOn date(date)
The date the government- or authority- issued identification number expires. Normally, the user must submit a non-expired ID number.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
residencyBeganOn date(date)
If the identification type is unexpired permanent residency card, this is the date when that residency began.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
birthCountry string
If the identification type is unexpired permanent residency card, this is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the applicant's country of birth. The value is masked as ** in responses unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z*]{2}$"


  "state": "passed",
  "createdAt": "2022-11-21T08:43:54.375Z",
  "type": "quiz"

Applicant Identity Verification Item (v1.0.0)

One verification record for an applicant's history of identity verifications.


Applicant Identity Verification Item (v1.0.0) object
One verification record for an applicant's history of identity verifications.
state applicantIdentityVerificationState (required)

The state of the applicant's historical identity verification.

applicantIdentityVerificationState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Identity verification passed.


Identity verification failed.


Identity verification passed with risk factors.


Identity verification requires manual review.


Identity verification has not started.


Identity verification is in progress, after personal questions have been presented to the applicant.


Identity verification failed to complete due to a failure in a back-end or third party service.


Identity verification is generating a verification score.


The applicant did not complete the identity verification process before it expired.

enum values: passed, failed, passedWithRiskFactors, underReview, pending, asked, identityServiceFailure, scoring, expired
type applicantIdentityVerificationType

Describes how the identity verification was performed.

applicantIdentityVerificationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

fraudRiskReportFraud Risk Report:

Verification performed by generating a fraud risk report based on the identity's personal information.


Verification performed by executing a quiz based on personal knowledge the individual should know.

adminApprovalAdmin Approval:

Verification performed by an administrator explicitly approving the identity, for example after manually inspecting identity verification documents from the applicant.

enum values: fraudRiskReport, quiz, adminApproval
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when the verification occurred or completed. This is an RFC 3066 time stamp in the form YYYY-DD-MMThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
expiredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the verification expired. This is only set if the state is expired. This is an RFC 3066 time stamp in the form YYYY-DD-MMThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30



Verification Result (v1.0.0)

The identity verification status for this person. This field is read-only and is derived from the results of any identity verification processes executed against the personally identifiable information (PII) contained in this record.

applicantIdentityVerificationResult strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The applicant's identity verification result is unknown.


The applicant's identity has been verified (passed).


The applicant's identity has not been verified (failed).

type: string

enum values: unknown, verified, unverified



Applicant Identity Verification state (v1.0.0)

The state of the applicant's historical identity verification.

applicantIdentityVerificationState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Identity verification passed.


Identity verification failed.


Identity verification passed with risk factors.


Identity verification requires manual review.


Identity verification has not started.


Identity verification is in progress, after personal questions have been presented to the applicant.


Identity verification failed to complete due to a failure in a back-end or third party service.


Identity verification is generating a verification score.


The applicant did not complete the identity verification process before it expired.

type: string

enum values: passed, failed, passedWithRiskFactors, underReview, pending, asked, identityServiceFailure, scoring, expired



Applicant Identity Verification Type (v1.0.0)

Describes how the identity verification was performed.

applicantIdentityVerificationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

fraudRiskReportFraud Risk Report:

Verification performed by generating a fraud risk report based on the identity's personal information.


Verification performed by executing a quiz based on personal knowledge the individual should know.

adminApprovalAdmin Approval:

Verification performed by an administrator explicitly approving the identity, for example after manually inspecting identity verification documents from the applicant.

type: string

enum values: fraudRiskReport, quiz, adminApproval


  "primary": "+19105550155",
  "mobile": "+19105550150",
  "primaryExtension": "347"

Applicant Phone Numbers (v2.0.0)

The applicant's phone numbers.


Applicant Phone Numbers (v2.0.0) object
The applicant's phone numbers.
primary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The primary phone number of the customer.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
secondary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The secondary phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a secondary phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
mobile simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The mobile phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a mobile phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
alternate simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The alternate phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not an alternate phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
fax simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The fax number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a fax phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
primaryExtension string
The phone number extension of the primary phone number.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 8
pattern: "^[0-9]{1,8}$"



Applicant US Residency Status (v1.0.0)

Describes the type of US residency status if the applicant is not a US citizen.

type: string

enum values: unknown, resident, nonresident, residentAlien, nonresidentAlien, other, notApplicable


  "provider": "IDology",
  "sessionId": "c97671fc-b658-4c15-a1c8-819e691b7d3c",
  "scoredAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
  "score": "passed",
  "result": "verified",
  "verifications": [
      "type": "fraudRiskReport",
      "state": "passed",
      "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:15:17Z"
      "type": "quiz",
      "state": "passed",
      "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:19:41Z"

Applicant Identity Verification Data (v1.0.0)

Results of identity verification process that tells if an applicant has passed or failed the identity check or if the verification expired.


Applicant Identity Verification Data (v1.0.0) object
Results of identity verification process that tells if an applicant has passed or failed the identity check or if the verification expired.
verifications array: [applicantIdentityHistoryItem]
The history of this contact's identity verifications.
maxItems: 32
items: object
provider string(text)
The name of the identity verification provider.
format: text
maxLength: 32
sessionId string(text)
The unique ID for the identity verification process.
format: text
maxLength: 512
scoredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the provider ran identity verification. This is an RFC 3339 time stamp.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
score applicantIdentityVerificationState
The indication if the user has passed or failed the identity verification process.
enum values: passed, failed, passedWithRiskFactors, underReview, pending, asked, identityServiceFailure, scoring, expired
result applicantIdentityVerificationResult
The identity verification status for this person. This field is read-only and is derived from the results of any identity verification processes executed against the personally identifiable information (PII) in the associated user.
enum values: unknown, verified, unverified


  "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
  "name": "My June CD"

Application Account Reference (v1.0.0)

A reference to a banking account.


Application Account Reference (v1.0.0) object
A reference to a banking account.
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique ID of the account resource, if known. This is not available until the application has been approved and completed and the account been created in the banking core.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
name string(text)
The name (nickname) of new account. If omitted, the account label is derived from from the name of the product and masked account number.
format: text
maxLength: 128


  "firstName": "John",
  "middleName": "Daniel",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "taxId": "112-22-3333",
  "percentage": 35,
  "governmentIssuedId": {
    "type": "driversLicense",
    "number": "01234567",
    "issuingAuthority": "NC",
    "issuedOn": "2020-07-10",
    "expiresOn": "2026-07-10"

Application Beneficial Owner (v1.2.0)

A person who owns 25% or more of a business organization.


Application Beneficial Owner (v1.2.0) object
A person who owns 25% or more of a business organization.
prefix string(person-name)
A title or honorific prefix such as Dr. or Fr.
format: person-name
maxLength: 20
firstName string(text) (required)
The beneficial owner's first name (or given name).
format: text
minLength: 0
maxLength: 80
middleName string(text)
The beneficial owner's middle name.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 80
lastName string(text) (required)
The beneficial owner's last name (or surname).
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 80
suffix string(person-name)
A title or honorific suffix such as PhD or DDS.
format: person-name
maxLength: 20
role string(text)
The person's role at the organization.
format: text
maxLength: 80
birthdate string(text)
The beneficial owner's birth date in YYYY-MM-DD RFC 3339 date format. The value is masked (some or all digits replaced with an asterisk '*') in responses unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
format: text
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
pattern: "^[0-9*]{4}-[0-9*]{2}-[0-9*]{2}$"
taxId string(text) (required)
The beneficial owner's US social security number or individual taxpayer ID number (ITIN). The value is masked in responses (showing only one or more asterisks and the last four digits) unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
format: text
minLength: 5
maxLength: 16
governmentIssuedId beneficialOwnerGovernmentIssuedId
A secondary form of government issued identification for the beneficial owner.
percentage number(float) (required)
The percent of the business that this person owns.
format: float
minimum: 0
maximum: 100
address address
The beneficial owner's primary address.
emailAddress string(email)
The beneficial owner's email address, such as
format: email
minLength: 8
maxLength: 255
phoneNumber simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The beneficial owner's phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
identityVerificationStatus applicantIdentityVerificationResult
The identity verification status for this beneficial owner. This field is read-only and is derived from the results of any Identity API verification applied to this beneficial owner's personally identifiable information (PII).
enum values: unknown, verified, unverified



Application Customer Type (v1.0.0)

Indicates the customer type for the account being applied for, either personal (retail) or business (commercial).

type: string

enum values: personal, business


  "cardholderName": "John Smith",
  "requested": true,
  "shippingAddress": {
    "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"

Application Debit Card Request (v1.0.1)

Describes an optional request for a debit card to be issued for the new account.


Application Debit Card Request (v1.0.1) object
Describes an optional request for a debit card to be issued for the new account.
cardholderName string(text)
The name that will appear on the ordered debit card.
format: text
maxLength: 80
requested boolean
Denotes if a debit card was ordered for a given account.
shippingAddress address
The user's shipping address where a debit card is to be sent.


  "category": "driversLicense",
  "type": "governmentId",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "documentTarget": "personal",
  "uri": ""

Application Document (v1.1.2)

A document uploaded as part of the application process.


Application Document (v1.1.2) object
A document uploaded as part of the application process.
type string(text) (required)
The document type as determined by the business use case. Unlike the contentType, this indicates what the document content represents (such as a governmentId etc.).
format: text
maxLength: 32
contentType contentType (required)
The media type for this file. For text documents, the content type should include the text encoding; if omitted, the encoding type is assumed to be utf-8.
minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"
documentTarget applicationCustomerType
The target of the relevant banking product, either business or personal.
enum values: personal, business
category documentCategory

Document categories for documents requested or uploaded as part of an account application.

documentCategory strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

articlesOfOrganizationArticles Of Organization:

Articles Of Organization

assumedNameCertificateAssumed Name Certificate:

Assumed Name Certificate if the business is "Doing Business As" in a name other than your own

businessLicenseBusiness License:

Issued business document that grants permission to operate within a particular jurisdiction

certificateOfGoodStandingCertificate of Good Standing:

Certificate of Good Standing authorizing your ability to do business for the issuing state

certificateOfPartnershipCertificate of Partnership:

Certificate of Partnership, Partnership Agreement, or Affidavit of Partnership

certificationOfBeneficialOwnershipCertification of Beneficial Ownership:

Completed and Signed Beneficial Ownership Certification Form

driversLicenseDrivers License:

Drivers License

employerIdNumberConfirmationLetterEmployer ID Number Confirmation Letter:

Copy of EIN certification letter from the IRS, TT&L Payment, Tax return or other evidence of the EIN, unless you operate with your SSN

operatingAgreementOperating Agreement:

Operating Agreement or Affidavit of LLC



socialSecurityCardSocial Security Card:

Social Security Card

stateIdentificationState Identification:

State Identification

taxFormTax Form:

Tax Form

utilityBillUtility Bill:

Utility Bill

websiteEvidenceWebsite Evidence:

Evidence from respective State website that the company is Active


Other document

enum values: articlesOfOrganization, assumedNameCertificate, businessLicense, certificateOfGoodStanding, certificateOfPartnership, certificationOfBeneficialOwnership, driversLicense, employerIdNumberConfirmationLetter, operatingAgreement, passport, socialSecurityCard, stateIdentification, taxForm, utilityBill, websiteEvidence, other
uri string(uri) (required)
The URL of the document applicant had uploaded.
format: uri
maxLength: 2048


  "achTransactions": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
  "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
  "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
  "wireTransfers": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion"

Estimated Monthly Banking Service Amounts (v1.0.0)

Estimated monthly amounts for banking services.


Estimated Monthly Banking Service Amounts (v1.0.0) object
Estimated monthly amounts for banking services.
achTransactions string(text)
The estimated total amount sent or received by ACH per month. Use this or sentAch/receivedAch. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
mobileCheckDeposit string(text)
The estimated amount deposited by mobile app per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
remoteCheckDeposit string(text)
The estimated amount deposited remotely, via scanned images, per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
wireTransfers string(text)
The estimated wire transfer amount sent or received per month. Use this or sentWire/receivedWire. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40


  "achTransactions": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
  "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
  "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
  "wireTransfers": "oneToOneHundred"

Estimated Monthly Banking Service Counts (v1.0.0)

Estimated monthly activity for banking services.


Estimated Monthly Banking Service Counts (v1.0.0) object
Estimated monthly activity for banking services.
achTransactions string(text)
The estimated total number of ACH transactions per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
mobileCheckDeposit string(text)
The estimated number of mobile app deposits per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
remoteCheckDeposit string(text)
The estimated number of remote deposits (via scanned images) per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40
wireTransfers string(text)
The estimated number of wire transfers sent or received per month. This value is the name of a range as defined by the financial institution.
format: text
maxLength: 40


  "id": "638ae35cbe5b7e0baa40",
  "legalName": "Max Peck Towing, LLC",
  "doingBusinessAs": "Max Peck Towing",
  "taxId": "112-22-3333",
  "yearsOwned": "fourOrMoreYears",
  "contactCard": {
    "addresses": {
      "primary": {
        "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
        "locality": "Wilmington",
        "regionCode": "NC",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "28412"
      "mailing": {
        "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
        "locality": "Wilmington",
        "regionCode": "NC",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "28412"
    "emailAddress": "",
    "phoneNumbers": {
      "primary": "+19105550155",
      "primaryPhoneNumberExtension": "347"
    "home_url": ""
  "approvals": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
      "state": "rejected",
      "done": true,
      "reason": "Invalid U.S. Address",
      "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
      "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
      "target_url": "",
      "approvalType": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "name": "governmentId",
        "label": "Government Issued ID"
  "industrySector": "otherServices",
  "countryOfOperations": "US",
  "registeredIn": "NC",
  "employeeCountLowerBound": 1,
  "employeeCountUpperBound": 1,
  "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "under1Million",
  "regulatory": {
    "atmOperator": false,
    "charity": false,
    "internetGambling": false,
    "marijuanaBusiness": false,
    "intermediaryServices": [],
    "subjectToWithholdings": false
  "physicalLocationsCount": "from10to50",
  "legalStructure": "soleProprietorship",
  "estimatedMonthlyAmounts": {
    "achTransactions": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
    "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
    "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
    "wireTransfers": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion"
  "estimatedMonthlyCounts": {
    "achTransactions": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
    "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
    "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
    "wireTransfers": "oneToOneHundred"
  "beneficialOwners": [
      "firstName": "John",
      "middleName": "Daniel",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "taxId": "112-22-3333",
      "percentage": 35,
      "governmentIssuedId": {
        "type": "driverLicense",
        "number": "01234567",
        "issuingAuthority": "NC",
        "issuedOn": "2020-07-10",
        "expiresOn": "2026-07-10"
  "updatedAt": "2023-10-24T06:26:53.375Z"

Application Organization (v2.0.0)

The business associated with a new business account application.


Application Organization (v2.0.0) object
The business associated with a new business account application.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of this organization resource.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
legalName string(text) (required)
The company legal name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
doingBusinessAs string(text)
The company "doing business as" name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
taxId string(text)
The tax identification number or Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the organization.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 32
contactCard organizationContactCard
An organization's contact information.
industrySector lowerCamelCaseIdentifier40
The industry sector of this organization. This is an identifier, such as financialServices, professionalServices, education, realEstate, vehicleSales, or other. The sector names are defined by the financial institution.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,39}$"
countryOfOperations string
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the organization's operation.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]{2}$"
registeredIn string
The US state or other region in which the organization is registered.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]{2}$"
employeeCountLowerBound integer(int32)
The lower bound of the numeric range of persons employed by the organization.
format: int32
minimum: 1
maximum: 20000000
employeeCountUpperBound number(int32)
The upper bound of the numeric range of persons employed by the organization.
format: int32
minimum: 1
maximum: 20000000
physicalLocationsCount lowerCamelCaseIdentifier40
The number of physical sites, offices, or locations the organization owns, operates, or occupies. This is an identifier which defines a range of values, such as from10to50 or moreThan100, as set by the financial institution.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,39}$"
legalStructure lowerCamelCaseIdentifier64
The type of business or organization associated with the new account application. This is an identifier, such as soleProprietorship, financialInstitution, corporation, unknown, or other`. The names are defined by the financial institution.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 64
pattern: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,63}$"
approvals array: [approval]
Any approvals associated with this business.
maxItems: 50
items: object
regulatory organizationRegulatory
Responses to regulatory-related questions about the business associated with a new account application.
estimatedMonthlyAmounts applicationMonthlyBankingServiceAmounts
Estimated monthly amounts for banking services.
estimatedMonthlyCounts applicationMonthlyBankingServiceCounts
Estimated banking activity per month.
estimatedAnnualRevenue applicationOrganizationEstimatedAnnualRevenue
The range of estimated revenue in US dollars. This value is the name of a range, such as from10to100Million; these identifiers are defined by the financial institution.
enum values: unknown, under1Million, from1to10Million, from10to100Million, over100Million, other, notApplicable
beneficialOwners array: [applicationBeneficialOwner]
A list of people who own at least 25% of the business or who have a major role in the organization. The sum of the percentages may not exceed 100%. The percentage may be less than 25 for non-owners with a major role, or to retain other owners whose percentage may change to 25% in the future.
maxItems: 10
items: object
yearsOwned organizationYearsOwned
The range of years the owners/operators have owned the business.
enum values: unknown, one, two, three, fourOrMoreYears, other, notApplicable
updatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the organization was updated
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30



Estimated Annual Revenue (v1.0.0)

The estimated annual revenue in US dollars.

type: string

enum values: unknown, under1Million, from1to10Million, from10to100Million, over100Million, other, notApplicable


  "id": "string",
  "legalName": "string",
  "doingBusinessAs": "string",
  "taxId": "string"

Application Organization Reference (v1.0.0)

A reference to an application organization.


Application Organization Reference (v1.0.0) object
A reference to an application organization.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of this organization resource.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
legalName string(text) (required)
The company legal name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
doingBusinessAs string(text)
The company "doing business as" name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
taxId string(text)
The company tax identification number or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
format: text
maxLength: 32


  "type": "cd",
  "target": "business",
  "code": "180D_CDA",
  "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"

Application Product Reference (v1.1.0)

A reference to a banking product.


Application Product Reference (v1.1.0) object
A reference to a banking product.
type productType (required)
The type of account.
enum values: savings, checking, cd, ira, loan, creditCard, moneyMarket, healthSavings
target productCustomerType (required)

Indicates the type of customer that uses this banking product: personal (retail) or business (commercial).

productCustomerType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Retail banking products for personal customers


Commercial banking products for business customers

bothPersonal and Business:

Banking products for personal or business customers

enum values: personal, business, both
code string(text) (required)
The product's product code which uniquely identifies the product from other banking products. Codes are unique to the financial institution. For example, different products with the same type and the same coreType but different rates or other properties have different product codes, such as CD3M, DDA_HI_YLD, P3207.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 16
label string(text) (required)
The human-readable label or name of this banking product.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 48


  "id": "ffc90da873-92147f6832",
  "firstName": "Sven",
  "lastName": "Labrador"

Application Reviewer Reference (v1.0.0)

Describes a financial institution operator or staff member (or system) which reviewed an account application.


Application Reviewer Reference (v1.0.0) object
Describes a financial institution operator or staff member (or system) which reviewed an account application.
id string(text) (required)
The id of the operator that reviewed the approval. This is the string <system> if the application was automatically approved or rejected without operator intervention.
format: text
maxLength: 48
firstName string(text) (required)
The first name of the operator or other identity assigned to this case, if any. This is derived from the operator identified by id. This is the string <system> if the application was automatically approved or rejected without operator intervention.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 80
lastName string(text) (required)
The last name of the operator or other identity assigned to this case, if any. This is derived from the operator identified by id. This is the string <system> if the application was automatically approved or rejected without operator intervention.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 80



Application State (v1.0.0)

The state of the enrollment or application.

applicationState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Available to be started. This state is reserved for future use.


Started and has not completed or been canceled.


Started but is blocked; there are no available workflow tasks.


Canceled prior to completion.


Not completed prior to a pre-defined application life cycle term. For example, the FI may set a rule that all applications open longer than 30 days and not completed must be set to expired.


Completed but was rejected after review.


Completed and approved.

type: string

enum values: pending, running, blocked, canceled, expired, rejected, approved



Application Type (v1.0.0)

The type of an application.

applicationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

newAccountNew Account:

An application for a new banking account

jointOwnerJoint Owner:

An application to accept a joint owner invitation to an existing account

type: string

enum values: newAccount, jointOwner


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
  "state": "rejected",
  "done": true,
  "reason": "Invalid U.S. Address",
  "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
  "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
  "target_url": "",
  "approvalType": {
    "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
    "name": "governmentId",
    "label": "Government Issued ID"

Approval (v1.0.0)

An approval represents the review of some process, activity or resource, such as a document or an application. The state of the approval is recorded in its state property. The URL of the target of the approval is in the target_url.


Approval (v1.0.0) object
An approval represents the review of some process, activity or resource, such as a document or an application. The state of the approval is recorded in its state property. The URL of the target of the approval is in the target_url.
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this approval resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
state approvalState
The state of this approval. This property is derived and immutable.
default: "open"
enum values: open, submitted, approved, rejected, waived, returned, canceled
target_url string(url)
The URL of the resource that this approval applies to, such as a document an applicant has uploaded as part of an application.
format: url
maxLength: 2048
done boolean
If done is true, the approval is in a terminal state and may no longer be acted upon. Done states include canceled, approved, waived or rejected. This property is derived from the state field and is immutable.
reviewedBy readOnlyResourceId
The unique operator ID of the operator that reviewed the approval. This is an operator resource ID, not the operator's login ID.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
reason string(text)
The reason given for the last state change, such as why the approval was approved, rejected, waived, canceled, or returned.
format: text
maxLength: 512
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The approval's creation date-time, in RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
updatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time of the approval's most recent update, in RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
reviewedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the approval was reviewed.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
approvalType approvalTypeItem
The type of this approval.



Approval State (v1.0.0)

The state of this approval.

approvalState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


An approval that has been created but not submitted for review.


An approval that has been submitted for review but not yet reviewed.


An approval which has been approved by the financial institution.


An approval which has been rejected by the financial institution.


An approval which has been waived by the financial institution.


An approval which has been returned by the financial institution. The user should update the data that is the target of the review.


An approval which has been canceled by the user or the financial institution.

type: string

default: "open"
enum values: open, submitted, approved, rejected, waived, returned, canceled


  "id": "a37edb797f43d74a5a73",
  "name": "governmentId",
  "label": "Government Issued ID"

Approval Type Item (v1.0.0)

Approval Type Item.


Approval Type Item (v1.0.0) object
Approval Type Item.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this approval type resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
name string(text) (required)
The approval type's name. This is an identifier, such as governmentId
format: text
maxLength: 64
label string(text) (required)
The approval type's common (human-readable) label.
format: text
maxLength: 128


  "type": "driversLicense",
  "number": "01234567",
  "issuingAuthority": "NC",
  "issuedOn": "2020-07-10",
  "expiresOn": "2026-07-10"

Beneficial Owner Government-Issued Identification (v1.0.0)

Describes a secondary form of government-issued identification for a beneficial owner.


Beneficial Owner Government-Issued Identification (v1.0.0) object
Describes a secondary form of government-issued identification for a beneficial owner.
type string(text) (required)
Indicates what type of state, government, or other authority issued identification used for a person's identification. This is a programmatic identifier, such as driversLicense, stateId, passport or militaryId, not a label.
format: text
maxLength: 32
number string(text) (required)
The ID number on the government- or authority- issued identification, such as a driver's license, military ID, or state-issued ID card. The value is masked in responses unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
format: text
maxLength: 50
issuingAuthority string(text)
The code/abbreviation of the government authority which issued the identification number, such as "NC" for a driver's license issued in North Carolina. For national issuers (such as passport), this should be the ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for the country.
format: text
maxLength: 6
issuedOn date(date)
The date the government or authority issued the identification number.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10
expiresOn date(date)
The date the government- or authority- issued identification number expires. Normally, the user must submit a non-expired ID number.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10


  "type": "sms",
  "labels": [

Challenge Factor (v1.2.1)

A challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.


Challenge Factor (v1.2.1) object
A challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.
id challengeFactorId
The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the challenge factors associated with a challenge. The client should pass this id value as the factorId when starting or verifying a challenge factor.

Note: The id will become required in a future update to this schema.
minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"

type challengeFactorType (required)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken
labels array: [string]
A list of text label which identifies the channel(s) through which the user completes the challenge. For an sms or voice challenge, the only label item is the last four digits of the corresponding phone number. For an email challenge, each label is the masked email address.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 4
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 300
securityQuestions challengeSecurityQuestions
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.



Challenge Factor ID (v1.0.0)

The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the factors offered with a challenge.

type: string

minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"



Challenge Factor Type (v1.0.0)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

type: string

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken



Challenge Operation ID (v1.0.1)

The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"



Challenge Prompt ID (v1.0.0)

The unique ID of a prompt (such as a security question) in a challenge factor.

type: string

minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"


  "id": "74699fa628911e762ea5",
  "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"

Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1)

A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions


Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1) object
A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions
id challengePromptId (required)
The unique ID of security question prompt. This should be included in the challengeVerification response as the promptId.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
prompt string(text) (required)
The text prompt of this security question.
format: text
maxLength: 80


  "questions": [
      "id": "q1",
      "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
      "id": "q4",
      "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
      "id": "q9",
      "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"

Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1)

Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.


Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1) object
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.
questions array: [challengeSecurityQuestion] (required)
The array of security questions.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object



Content Type (v1.0.1)

The media type of a file.

type: string

minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"



Country Code (v1.0.0)

The ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for a country.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[A-Za-z]{2}$"


  • (v1.0.0)*

A ISO 4217 currency code This is always upper case ASCII. Crypto currencies with codes longer that 3 characters are not supported.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 3
maxLength: 3
pattern: "^[A-Z]{3}$"


  "id": "6fed31a71850ae9b287d",
  "username": "elsa_332",
  "firstName": "Elsa",
  "lastName": "Snowqueen",
  "attested": true,
  "taxId": "*1234",
  "role": {
    "name": "Primary Account Holder"
  "verification": {
    "provider": "IDology",
    "sessionId": "c97671fc-b658-4c15-a1c8-819e691b7d3c",
    "scoredAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
    "score": "passed",
    "result": "verified",
    "verifications": [
        "type": "fraudRiskReport",
        "state": "passed",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:15:17Z"
        "type": "quiz",
        "state": "passed",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:19:41Z"
  "contactCard": {
    "phoneNumbers": {
      "primary": "+19105551234",
      "primaryExtension": "337"
    "emailAddress": "",
    "addresses": {
      "primary": {
        "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
        "locality": "Wilmington",
        "regionCode": "NC",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "28412"
      "mailing": {
        "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
        "locality": "Wilmington",
        "regionCode": "NC",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "28412"
      "yearsAtPrimaryAddress": "fourOrMore"
  "birthdate": "1995-01-30",
  "dueDiligenceAnswers": {
    "bankingPurpose": "operational funds",
    "citizen": true,
    "foreignPoliticalFigure": false,
    "familyOfPoliticalFigure": false,
    "w9Withholdings": false,
    "primaryIncomeSource": "wages",
    "internationalTransfers": false,
    "identification": {
      "type": "driversLicense",
      "number": "****1234",
      "issuingAuthority": "NC",
      "issuedOn": "2018-01-30",
      "expiresOn": "2026-01-29"
    "employment": {
      "status": "fullTime",
      "currentEmployerName": "Max Peck Towing",
      "occupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
      "currentJobTitle": "Chief Accountant"

Account Applicant (v3.0.0)

An applicant for a new account.


Account Applicant (v3.0.0) object
An applicant for a new account.
id string(text)
The ADB customer ID of the applicant.
format: text
maxLength: 48
firstName string(text)
The applicant's first name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
lastName string(text)
The applicant's last name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
middleName string(text)
The applicant's middle name.
format: text
maxLength: 80
username customerUsername(text) (required)
The unique login username for the applicant. If omitted on a request, this field will be set for the primary applicant, based on the username of the authenticated applicant that creates the application. This field is optional for co-owners and beneficial-owners.
format: text
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
contactCard applicantContactCard (required)
The contact information for the customer. Email addresses and phone numbers are masked unless the request uses ?unmasked=true.
birthdate string(date) (required)
The applicant's birth date in YYYY-MM-DD RFC 3339 date format.
format: date
taxId string(text)
The applicant's US social security number or individual taxpayer ID number (ITIN). The value is masked in responses (showing only one or more asterisks and the last four digits) unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
format: text
minLength: 5
maxLength: 16
dueDiligenceAnswers applicantDueDiligenceAnswers
Answers the applicant provided for "Know Your Customer" due diligence questions which allow financial institutions to conform to their Customer Identification Program. Some financial institutions may choose to not collect all of these answers.
attested boolean (required)
If true, the applicant attested the information provided is true and accurate.
role customerRole
The role the applicant has relative to the account.
verification applicantVerification
The verification status of the primary applicant.


  "type": "newAccount",
  "state": "blocked",
  "products": [
      "type": "cd",
      "target": "business",
      "code": "180D_CDA",
      "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
  "flaggedForReview": true,
  "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
  "reviewer": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "updatedAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
  "applicant": {
    "id": "6fed31a71850ae9b287d",
    "username": "elsa_332",
    "firstName": "Elsa",
    "lastName": "Snowqueen",
    "birthdate": "1995-01-30",
    "role": {
      "name": "Primary Account Holder"
    "verification": {
      "provider": "IDology",
      "sessionId": "c97671fc-b658-4c15-a1c8-819e691b7d3c",
      "scoredAt": "2023-01-13T13:28:59.375Z",
      "score": "passed",
      "result": "verified",
      "verifications": [
          "type": "fraudRiskReport",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:15:17Z"
          "type": "quiz",
          "state": "passed",
          "createdAt": "2023-01-12T10:19:41Z"
    "attested": true,
    "contactCard": {
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105551234",
        "primaryExtension": "337"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "yearsAtPrimaryAddress": "fourOrMore"
    "dueDiligenceAnswers": {
      "bankingPurpose": "operational funds",
      "citizen": true,
      "foreignPoliticalFigure": false,
      "familyOfPoliticalFigure": false,
      "w9Withholdings": false,
      "primaryIncomeSource": "wages",
      "internationalTransfers": false,
      "identification": {
        "type": "driversLicense",
        "number": "****1234",
        "issuingAuthority": "NC",
        "issuedOn": "2018-01-30",
        "expiresOn": "2026-01-29"
      "employment": {
        "status": "fullTime",
        "currentEmployerName": "Max Peck Towing",
        "occupation": "businessAndFinancialOperations",
        "currentJobTitle": "Chief Accountant"
  "organization": {
    "id": "638ae35cbe5b7e0baa40",
    "legalName": "Max Peck Towing, LLC",
    "doingBusinessAs": "Max Peck Towing",
    "taxId": "112-22-3333",
    "contactCard": {
      "addresses": {
        "primary": {
          "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
        "mailing": {
          "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
          "locality": "Wilmington",
          "regionCode": "NC",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "postalCode": "28412"
      "emailAddress": "",
      "phoneNumbers": {
        "primary": "+19105550155"
      "home_url": ""
    "approvals": [
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "state": "rejected",
        "done": true,
        "reason": "Invalid U.S. Address",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
        "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
        "target_url": "",
        "approvalType": {
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
          "name": "governmentId",
          "label": "Government Issued ID"
    "industrySector": "otherServices",
    "countryOfOperations": "US",
    "registeredIn": "NC",
    "employeeCountLowerBound": 1,
    "employeeCountUpperBound": 1,
    "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "under1Million",
    "regulatory": {
      "atmOperator": false,
      "charity": false,
      "internetGambling": false,
      "marijuanaBusiness": false,
      "subjectToWithholdings": false,
      "intermediaryServices": []
    "physicalLocationsCount": "from10to50",
    "legalStructure": "soleProprietorship",
    "estimatedMonthlyAmounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion",
      "wireTransfers": "oneHundredThousandToOneMillion"
    "estimatedMonthlyCounts": {
      "achTransactions": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "mobileCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "remoteCheckDeposit": "oneHundredOneToOneThousand",
      "wireTransfers": "oneToOneHundred"
    "beneficialOwners": [
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": "Daniel",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "taxId": "112-22-3333",
        "percentage": 35
    "updatedAt": "2023-10-24T06:26:53.375Z"
  "approvals": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
      "state": "approved",
      "done": true,
      "createdAt": "2023-10-10T07:57:04.375Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-11T07:57:08.375Z",
      "reviewedAt": "2023-10-12T07:57:13.375Z",
      "target_url": "",
      "approvalType": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d-4830-a88b-30f38b8a365c",
        "name": "governmentId",
        "label": "Government Issued ID"
  "assignee": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "documents": [
      "type": "governmentId",
      "category": "driversLicense",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "uri": ""
      "type": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "documentTarget": "business",
      "category": "articlesOfOrganization",
      "uri": ""
  "funding": {
    "maskedNumber": "*1234",
    "routingNumber": "123123123",
    "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
    "location": "external",
    "type": "checking",
    "verificationMethod": "instant",
    "fundingAmount": {
      "value": "1000.00",
      "currency": "USD"
    "authorization": {
      "granted": true,
      "grantedAt": "2024-02-01T05:58:21.375Z",
      "message": "I, Phil Duciary, on 02/01/24 hereby authorize funds in the amount of $2,500 to be withdrawn as a ONE-TIME ACH DEBIT from my Third Party Bank checking account ending in 6789."
  "overdraftProtectionElections": {
    "primary": {
      "election": true,
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-04T04:05:24.375Z"
    "secondary": {
      "election": false
  "debitCardRequest": {
    "cardholderName": "John Smith",
    "requested": true,
    "shippingAddress": {
      "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "account": {
    "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
    "name": "My June CD"
  "createdAt": "2023-10-15T06:16:36.375Z",
  "submittedAt": "2023-10-16T16:42:50.375Z",
  "trackingIds": [
      "id": "476824ec-7f8a-4909-bad7-b05ee26aba0f",
      "createdAt": "2021-06-07T09:11:02.375Z"
  "notes": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "text": "Please review this fraud report.",
      "createdAt": "2023-04-19T10:49:28.375Z",
      "creator": {
        "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
        "firstName": "Benny",
        "lastName": "Billings",
        "username": "bbillings",
        "state": "active"
      "attachments": [
          "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
          "name": "fraud-report-389398.pdf",
          "contentType": "application/pdf",
          "url": "",
          "contentLength": 276000

Customer Account Application (v5.0.0)

Representation of a customer account application resource.


Customer Account Application (v5.0.0) object
Representation of a customer account application resource.
type applicationType (required)

The type of an application.

applicationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

newAccountNew Account:

An application for a new banking account

jointOwnerJoint Owner:

An application to accept a joint owner invitation to an existing account

enum values: newAccount, jointOwner
state applicationState (required)
The state of the application. The value is updated by the various application action operations.
enum values: pending, running, blocked, canceled, expired, rejected, approved
products array: [applicationProductReference]
The list of banking products to be opened by this application. Present only if type is newAccount.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object
account applicationAccountReference
A reference to a banking account.
flaggedForReview boolean (required)
true if the application is blocked awaiting review from the financial institution. This is derived from the state and approvals of the application, and is immutable.
hasUnresolvedProblems boolean (required)
true if the application has at least one unresolved problem. This is derived from the list of problems tied to the application and is immutable.
reviewer applicationReviewerReference
The most recent operator assigned to review this application. This field is omitted if no reviewed is assigned.
applicationDocuments array: [accountApplicationDocument]
An array of metadata describing one or more documents which the applicant may need to provide during the application process. These can be applicant identity verification forms, such as a government ID, a tax ID, a utility bill, articles of organization (for business accounts), etc.
maxItems: 16
items: object
documents array: [applicationDocument]
An array of metadata listing zero or more documents which the FI reviewer must review and approve. These can be applicant identity verification forms, such as a government ID, a tax ID, a utility bill, articles of organization (for business accounts), etc. The items in this array match with the requiredDocuments 1-to-1 and items may be null if the user has not yet uploaded the corresponding required document.
maxItems: 16
items: object
assignee applicationReviewerReference
Describes a financial institution operator or staff member that this application is assigned to. This property is omitted if the application is not assigned an operator.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this customer account application resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
applicant customerAccountApplicant (required)
The primary account applicant.
organization applicationOrganization
The business or organization that is the owner of the account. This is only present if corresponding banking product type is business.
approvals array: [approval]
Any approvals associated with this application.
maxItems: 50
items: object
funding accountApplicationFunding
Describes how the new account is funded.
debitCardRequest applicationDebitCardRequest
Describes an optional request for a debit card to be issued for the new account.
overdraftProtectionElections overdraftProtectionElections
Describes whether the applicant elected primary or secondary overdraft protection for the new account and when those elections were last updated.
notes array: [adminNoteItem]
Any notes that operators/reviewers have attached to this application.
maxItems: 10000
items: object
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when the approval was created.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
updatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the application was last modified. This property is omitted if the application has not been modified since it was created.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
submittedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the application was submitted. This property is omitted if the application has not been submitted.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
completedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time when the application was completed. This property is omitted if the application has not been approved, rejected, canceled, or expired.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
trackingIds array: [resourceTrackingId]
An array of tracking IDs associated with the application.
maxItems: 150
items: object


  "type": "newAccount",
  "state": "blocked",
  "products": [
      "type": "cd",
      "target": "business",
      "code": "180D_CDA",
      "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
  "flaggedForReview": true,
  "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
  "reviewer": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"
  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "createdAt": "2024-02-16T12:08:20.375Z",
  "applicant": {
    "id": "6fed31a71850ae9b287d",
    "username": "elsa_332",
    "firstName": "Elsa",
    "lastName": "Snowqueen"
  "approvals": [],
  "assignee": {
    "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
    "firstName": "Sven",
    "lastName": "Labrador"

Customer Account Application Item (v1.2.1)

Summary representation of a customer account application resource in customer account applications collections. To fetch the full representation of this customer account application, use the getCustomerAccountApplication operation, passing this item's id field as the accountApplicationId path parameter.


Customer Account Application Item (v1.2.1) object
Summary representation of a customer account application resource in customer account applications collections. To fetch the full representation of this customer account application, use the getCustomerAccountApplication operation, passing this item's id field as the accountApplicationId path parameter.
type applicationType (required)

The type of an application.

applicationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

newAccountNew Account:

An application for a new banking account

jointOwnerJoint Owner:

An application to accept a joint owner invitation to an existing account

enum values: newAccount, jointOwner
state applicationState (required)
The state of the application. The value is updated by the various application action operations.
enum values: pending, running, blocked, canceled, expired, rejected, approved
products array: [applicationProductReference]
The list of banking products to be opened by this application. Present only if type is newAccount.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object
account applicationAccountReference
A reference to a banking account.
flaggedForReview boolean (required)
true if the application is blocked awaiting review from the financial institution. This is derived from the state and approvals of the application, and is immutable.
hasUnresolvedProblems boolean (required)
true if the application has at least one unresolved problem. This is derived from the list of problems tied to the application and is immutable.
reviewer applicationReviewerReference
The most recent operator assigned to review this application. This field is omitted if no reviewed is assigned.
assignee applicationReviewerReference
Describes a financial institution operator or staff member that this application is assigned to. This property is omitted if the application is not assigned an operator.
id readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this customer account application resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
applicant accountApplicantReference (required)
The primary account applicant.
organization applicationOrganizationReference
The business or organization that is the owner of the account. This is only present if corresponding banking product type is business.
approvals array: [approval] (required)
Any approvals associated with this application.
maxItems: 50
items: object
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time the application was created, in RFC 3338 date-time format, in UTC timezone.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "start": "d1b48af913464aa49fcb07065dcc0616",
  "limit": 10,
  "nextPage_url": "",
  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "type": "newAccount",
      "state": "blocked",
      "products": [
          "type": "cd",
          "target": "business",
          "code": "180D_CDA",
          "label": "180-Day High Yield CD"
      "flaggedForReview": true,
      "hasUnresolvedProblems": true,
      "applicant": {
        "id": "97fd7e918b7ae6588b4b",
        "firstName": "Elsa",
        "lastName": "Snowqueen"
      "organization": {
        "id": "21ae7ee4af1e786f2be4",
        "legalName": "Max Peck Mobile Repair"
      "account": {
        "id": "98607305d7f7e28424c5",
        "name": "My June CD"
      "approvals": [],
      "reviewer": {
        "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
        "firstName": "Sven",
        "lastName": "Labrador"
      "assignee": {
        "id": "ffc90da87392147f6832",
        "firstName": "Sven",
        "lastName": "Labrador"

Customer Account Application Collection (v1.2.1)

Collection of customer account applications. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array. The response object may contain the nextPage_url pagination link..


Customer Account Application Collection (v1.2.1) object
Collection of customer account applications. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array. The response object may contain the nextPage_url pagination link..
limit integer(int32) (required)
The number of items requested for this page response. The length of the items array may be less that limit.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 10000
nextPage_url string(uri-reference)
The URL of the next page of resources. If this URL is omitted, there are no more resources in the collection.
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 8000
start string(text)
The opaque cursor that specifies the starting location of this page of items.
format: text
maxLength: 256
items array: [customerAccountApplicationItem] (required)
An array containing a page of customer account application items.
maxItems: 10000
items: object



Customer Email Address (v1.0.0)

A customer's single email address.

type: string(email)

format: email
maxLength: 255


  "primary": "+19105550155",
  "mobile": "+19105550150"

Customer Phone Numbers (v2.0.0)

A customer's phone numbers.


Customer Phone Numbers (v2.0.0) object
A customer's phone numbers.
primary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The primary phone number of the customer.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
secondary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The secondary phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a secondary phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
mobile simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The mobile phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a mobile phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
alternate simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The alternate phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not an alternate phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
fax simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The fax number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a fax phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20


  "name": "string"

Customer Role (v1.0.0)

Customer Role.


Customer Role (v1.0.0) object
Customer Role.
name string(text)
The name (identifier) of the role, such as primaryAccountHolder.
format: text
maxLength: 48



Customer Username (v2.0.0)

A customer's login username.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20



Date (v1.0.0)

A date formatted in YYYY-MM-DD RFC 3339 date UTC format.

type: string(date)

format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10



Date Time Range (v1.0.0)

A query parameter for selecting items in a date-time range. Filter the response to only items that fall in the range bounded by start and end date-times. The start and end values are either dates in RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DD date format, or date-times in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ date-time format.

For example

  • [start,end] between start and end date/times, inclusive of the endpoints
  • (start,end) between start and end date/times, exclusive of the endpoints
  • (start,end] between start and end date/times, exclusive of start and inclusive of the end
  • [start,end) between start and end date/times, inclusive of start and exclusive of the end
  • YYYY-MM-DD equivalent to [YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD]

Dates without a time component are converted to UTC date-time values. If start or end are date values, then start00 is defined as time 00:00:00Z on the start date, start24 is defined as 00:00AM of the day after the start date: end00 is defined as time 00:00:00Z on the end date, end24 is defined as 00:00AM of the day after the end date:

  • [start,end] is the same as [start00,end24)
  • (start,end] is the same as (start24,end24)
  • [start,end) is the same as [start00,end00)
  • (start,end) is the same as (start24,end00)

For example, the range [2023-05-01,2023-06-01) matches any day/time in May 2023 and is equivalent to [2023-05-01T00:00:00.00Z,2023-06-01T00:00:00.00Z).

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 10
maxLength: 63
pattern: "^((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})|([[(](((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}([Tt]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{1,6})?[Zz])?),(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}([Tt]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{1,6})?[Zz])?)?)|(,(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}([Tt]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{1,6})?[Zz])?)))[)\]]))$"



Document Category (v1.0.0)

Document categories for documents requested or uploaded as part of an account application.

documentCategory strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

articlesOfOrganizationArticles Of Organization:

Articles Of Organization

assumedNameCertificateAssumed Name Certificate:

Assumed Name Certificate if the business is "Doing Business As" in a name other than your own

businessLicenseBusiness License:

Issued business document that grants permission to operate within a particular jurisdiction

certificateOfGoodStandingCertificate of Good Standing:

Certificate of Good Standing authorizing your ability to do business for the issuing state

certificateOfPartnershipCertificate of Partnership:

Certificate of Partnership, Partnership Agreement, or Affidavit of Partnership

certificationOfBeneficialOwnershipCertification of Beneficial Ownership:

Completed and Signed Beneficial Ownership Certification Form

driversLicenseDrivers License:

Drivers License

employerIdNumberConfirmationLetterEmployer ID Number Confirmation Letter:

Copy of EIN certification letter from the IRS, TT&L Payment, Tax return or other evidence of the EIN, unless you operate with your SSN

operatingAgreementOperating Agreement:

Operating Agreement or Affidavit of LLC



socialSecurityCardSocial Security Card:

Social Security Card

stateIdentificationState Identification:

State Identification

taxFormTax Form:

Tax Form

utilityBillUtility Bill:

Utility Bill

websiteEvidenceWebsite Evidence:

Evidence from respective State website that the company is Active


Other document

type: string

enum values: articlesOfOrganization, assumedNameCertificate, businessLicense, certificateOfGoodStanding, certificateOfPartnership, certificationOfBeneficialOwnership, driversLicense, employerIdNumberConfirmationLetter, operatingAgreement, passport, socialSecurityCard, stateIdentification, taxForm, utilityBill, websiteEvidence, other



Foreign Political Figure Association (v1.0.0)

The type of association to a foreign political figure.

foreignPoliticalFigureAssociation strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The association status of this individual is unknown.

closeAssociateClose Associate:

This individual is a close associate of a foreign political figure.

familyMemberFamily Member:

This individual is a family member of a foreign political figure.


This individual has no association to a foreign political figure.

notApplicableNot Applicable

type: string

enum values: unknown, closeAssociate, familyMember, none, other, notApplicable



Full Account Number (v1.0.0)

A full account number. This is the number that the customer uses to reference the account within the financial institution.

type: string

minLength: 1
maxLength: 32
pattern: "^[- a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,32}$"



Account Verification Method (v1.0.0)

Indicates how an external account was verified: micro deposits or IAV (Instant Account Verification).

type: string

enum values: instant, microDeposit



Institution Name (v1.0.0)

A financial institution's name.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 128



Lower Camel Case Identifier (v1.0.0)

A Lower Camel Case Identifier string, up to 40 characters long.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 40
pattern: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,39}$"



Lower Camel Case Identifier (v1.0.0)

A Lower Camel Case Identifier string, up to 64 characters long.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 64
pattern: "^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,63}$"



Masked Account Number (v1.0.1)

A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: "^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$"



Monetary Value (v1.1.1)

The monetary value, supporting only positive amounts. The numeric value is represented as a string so that it can be exact with no loss of precision.

type: string(decimal)

format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.[0-9][0-9]$"


  "value": "1000.00",
  "currency": "USD"

Money (v1.0.2)

An amount of money in a specific currency.


Money (v1.0.2) object
An amount of money in a specific currency.
value monetaryValue(decimal)
The net monetary value. A negative amount denotes a debit; a positive amount denotes a credit. The numeric value is represented as a string so that it can be exact with no loss of precision.
format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.[0-9][0-9]$"
currency currencyCode(text)
The ISO 4217 currency code for this monetary value.
format: text
minLength: 3
maxLength: 3
pattern: "^[A-Z]{3}$"


  "countryCode": "GB",
  "type": "citizen"

Non-Citizen Applicant (v1.0.0)

Information about US residency and nationality of citizenship for applicants who are not US citizens.


Non-Citizen Applicant (v1.0.0) object
Information about US residency and nationality of citizenship for applicants who are not US citizens.
countryCode string (required)
The ISO 3166-1 country code for the individual's citizenship or resident nationality. This is normalized to uppercase. The value is masked as ** in responses unless the caller requests unmasked personally identifiable information (PII).
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: "^[a-zA-Z*]{2}$"
type string (required)
The individual's citizenship status in the non-US country.
enum values: citizen, other
usResidencyStatus applicantResidencyStatus
Describes the type of US residency status if the applicant is not a US citizen.
enum values: unknown, resident, nonresident, residentAlien, nonresidentAlien, other, notApplicable



Occupation Type (v1.0.0)

The type of occupation an applicant or customer holds

occupationType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Occupation is unknown

architectureAndEngineeringArchitecture and Engineering
artsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMediaArts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media
buildingAndGroundsCleaningAndMaintenanceBuilding and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance
businessAndFinancialOperationsBusiness and Financial Operations
communityAndSocialServiceCommunity and Social Service
computerAndMathematicalComputer and Mathematical
constructionAndExtractionConstruction and Extraction
educationTrainingAndLibraryEducation, Training and Library
farmingFishingAndForestryFarming, Fishing and Forestry
foodPreparationAndServingRelatedFood Preparation and Serving Related
healthcarePractitionersAndTechnicalHealthcare Practitioners and Technical
healthcareSupportHealthcare Support
installationMaintenanceAndRepairInstallation, Maintenance and Repair

Judiciary, Law and Order

lifePhysicalAndSciencesLife, Physical and Sciences
militarySpecificMilitary Specific
officeAndAdministrativeSupportOffice and Administrative Support
personalCareAndServicePersonal Care and Service
protectiveServicesProtective Services
salesAndRelatedSales and Related
transportationAndMaterialMovingTransportation and Material Moving
notApplicableNot applicable

type: string

enum values: unknown, architectureAndEngineering, artsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMedia, buildingAndGroundsCleaningAndMaintenance, businessAndFinancialOperations, communityAndSocialService, computerAndMathematical, constructionAndExtraction, educationTrainingAndLibrary, farmingFishingAndForestry, foodPreparationAndServingRelated, healthcarePractitionersAndTechnical, healthcareSupport, installationMaintenanceAndRepair, legal, lifePhysicalAndSciences, management, militarySpecific, officeAndAdministrativeSupport, personalCareAndService, production, protectiveServices, salesAndRelated, transportationAndMaterialMoving, other, notApplicable


  "primary": {
    "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"
  "mailing": {
    "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"

Organization Addresses (v1.0.0)

An applicant's postal addresses.


Organization Addresses (v1.0.0) object
An applicant's postal addresses.
primary address
The organization's primary address. For individuals, this is their home address. For businesses, this is the company's business address.
mailing address
The organization's mailing address. If present, financial institution sends statements and other documents to this address instead of the primary address.
previous address
The organization's previous address.


  "addresses": {
    "primary": {
      "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
    "mailing": {
      "address1": "P.O. Box 1805",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionCode": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "emailAddress": "",
  "phoneNumbers": {
    "primary": "+19105550155",
    "primaryPhoneNumberExtension": "347"
  "home_url": ""

Customer Application Organization Contact Card (v2.0.0)

An organization's contact information.


Customer Application Organization Contact Card (v2.0.0) object
An organization's contact information.
addresses organizationAddresses (required)
The organization's postal addresses.
emailAddress customerEmailAddress(email) (required)
The email address of the organization's primary contact.
format: email
maxLength: 255
phoneNumbers organizationPhoneNumbers (required)
The organization's phone numbers.
home_url string(uri)
The organization's home page.
format: uri
maxLength: 2048



Intermediary Service (v1.0.0)

Intermediary/non-bank financial institution services.

type: string

enum values: unknown, accounting, fundsManagement, insurance, investment, legal, medical, notary, realEstate, taxPreparation, trustManagement, gambling, securities, loanFinance, pawnBrokerage, travelAgency, vehicleSales, foreignCurrency, preciousMetals, other, notApplicable


  "primary": "+19105550155",
  "mobile": "+19105550150"

Organization Phone Numbers (v2.0.0)

The organizations's phone numbers.


Organization Phone Numbers (v2.0.0) object
The organizations's phone numbers.
primary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The primary phone number of the customer.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
secondary simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The secondary phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a secondary phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
mobile simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The mobile phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a mobile phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
alternate simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The alternate phone number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not an alternate phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
fax simplePhoneNumber(phone-number)
The fax number of the customer. This object is omitted if there is not a fax phone number.
format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20
primaryPhoneNumberExtension string
The phone number extension of the primary phone number.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 8
pattern: "^[0-9]{1,8}$"


  "atmOperator": true,
  "charity": true,
  "internetGambling": true,
  "marijuanaBusiness": true,
  "subjectToWithholdings": false,
  "intermediaryServices": [

Organization Regulatory (v1.0.0)

Responses to regulatory-related questions about the business associated with a new account application.


Organization Regulatory (v1.0.0) object
Responses to regulatory-related questions about the business associated with a new account application.
atmOperator boolean (required)
The organization operates automated teller machines (ATMs).
charity boolean (required)
Some of the organization's income depends on a charity.
internetGambling boolean (required)
The organization derives income from internet gambling.
marijuanaBusiness boolean (required)
The organization derives income from marijuana or other drugs/controlled substances.
subjectToWithholdings boolean (required)
If true, the organization is subject to tax withholdings.
default: false
intermediaryServices array: [organizationIntermediaryService]
A list of intermediary/non-bank financial institution services provided the organization performs on behalf of others.
unique items
maxItems: 21
items: string
» enum values: unknown, accounting, fundsManagement, insurance, investment, legal, medical, notary, realEstate, taxPreparation, trustManagement, gambling, securities, loanFinance, pawnBrokerage, travelAgency, vehicleSales, foreignCurrency, preciousMetals, other, notApplicable



Organization Years Owned (v1.0.0)

The range of years the owners/operators have owned the business.

type: string

enum values: unknown, one, two, three, fourOrMoreYears, other, notApplicable


  "election": true,
  "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-04T04:05:24.375Z"

Overdraft Protection Election (v1.0.0)

Overdraft Protection Election. Describes whether an account holder has elected for an overdraft protection plan for this account or not, and when that election was last updated.


Overdraft Protection Election (v1.0.0) object
Overdraft Protection Election. Describes whether an account holder has elected for an overdraft protection plan for this account or not, and when that election was last updated.
election boolean (required)
If true, an account holder has elected to enable an overdraft protection plan for this account. false if the account holder has never set an election option or if the last change was to opt out of the plan.
lastUpdatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date and time when an account holder last changed the overdraft protection plan election. This property is omitted if an account holder has not yet changed the election for this plan.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "primary": {
    "election": true,
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2024-03-04T04:05:24.375Z"
  "secondary": {
    "election": false

Overdraft Protection Elections (v1.0.0)

Describes whether the account holder elected primary or secondary overdraft protection for the account and when those elections were last updated.


Overdraft Protection Elections (v1.0.0) object
Describes whether the account holder elected primary or secondary overdraft protection for the account and when those elections were last updated.
primary overdraftProtectionElection (required)
Describes whether an account holder elected for the account to participate in the financial institution's primary overdraft protection plan.
secondary overdraftProtectionElection
Describes whether an account holder elected for the account to participate in the financial institution's secondary overdraft protection plan. This value is only set if the financial institution offers a secondary overdraft protection plan.



Postal code (v1.0.0)

The postal code, which varies in format by country. For postal codes in the US, this should be a five digit US ZIP code or ten character ZIP+4.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 20
pattern: "[0-9A-Za-z][- 0-9A-Za-z]{0,18}[0-9A-Za-z]"


  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists for the given account reference",
  "instance": ""

Problem Response (v0.4.1)

API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.


Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object
attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.



Product Customer Type (v1.0.0)

Indicates the type of customer that uses this banking product: personal (retail) or business (commercial).

productCustomerType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Retail banking products for personal customers


Commercial banking products for business customers

bothPersonal and Business:

Banking products for personal or business customers

type: string

enum values: personal, business, both



Product Type (v2.2.0)

The type (or category) of banking product.

productType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Savings Account


Checking Account


Certificate of Deposit Account


Individual Retirement Account


Loan Account

creditCardCredit Card:

Credit Card Account

moneyMarketMoney Market:

Money Market Account

healthSavingsHealth Savings:

Health Savings Account

type: string

enum values: savings, checking, cd, ira, loan, creditCard, moneyMarket, healthSavings



Read-only Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system-assigned identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used in URLs as path parameters or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL. Resource IDs are immutable.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"



Read-Only Timestamp (v1.0.0)

A readonly or derived timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in RFC 3339 date-time UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

type: string(date-time)

format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "operationId": "createTransfer",
  "challengeId": "0504076c566a3cf7009c",
  "factors": [
      "type": "sms",
      "labels": [
      "id": "85c0ee5753fcd0b0953f"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "d089e10a80a8627df37b"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "10506ecf9d1c2ee00403"
      "type": "email",
      "labels": [
      "id": "e917d671cb2f030b56f1"
      "type": "authenticatorToken",
      "labels": [
        "Acme fob"
      "id": "fe6c452d7da0bbb4e407"
      "type": "securityQuestions",
      "securityQuestions": {
        "questions": [
            "id": "q1",
            "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
            "id": "q4",
            "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
            "id": "q9",
            "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"
      "id": "df33c6f88a37d6b3f0a6"

Required Challenge (v1.2.3)

A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.


Required Challenge (v1.2.3) object
A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.
operationId challengeOperationId (required)
The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"
challengeId readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of this challenge instance. This is an opaque string. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
factors array: [challengeFactor] (required)
A list of challenge factors. The user must complete one of these challenge factors. The labels in each factor identify one or more channels the user may use, such as a list of email addresses the system may use to send a one-time passcode to the user. *Note: The same channel may be used by multiple factors in the array of factors. For example, the user's primary mobile phone number may be used for both an sms factor and a voice factor.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object



Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"


  "id": "476824ec-7f8a-4909-bad7-b05ee26aba0f",
  "createdAt": "2021-06-07T09:11:02.375Z"

Resource Tracking Id (v1.0.0)

A tracking ID for a resource. The ID is an opaque string which client applications associate with some other process or resource, such as a promotional campaign.


Resource Tracking Id (v1.0.0) object
A tracking ID for a resource. The ID is an opaque string which client applications associate with some other process or resource, such as a promotional campaign.
id trackingId(text)
The unique tracking ID string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9.,-~=_+:;@$]{1,256}$"
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The date-time the tracking ID was added (if known) in RFC 3338 date-time format, in UTC timezone.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30



Simple Phone Number (v1.1.0)

The phone number as a string. The service strips all spaces, hyphens, periods and parentheses from input. The default country code prefix is +1. Phone numbers are returned in responses in E.164 format with a leading +, country code (up to 3 digits) and subscriber number for a total of up to 15 digits. See Phone Number Representations for more information. If the number is masked to hide Personally Identifiable Information, all but the last four digits are replaced with one or more *, such as *1234.

type: string(phone-number)

format: phone-number
minLength: 5
maxLength: 20


  • (v1.1.0)*

A unique tracking ID string.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9.,-~=_+:;@$]{1,256}$"



Years at Address (v1.0.0)

Categories for how long the person has been at their present home address.

type: string

enum values: unknown, oneOrFewer, two, three, fourOrMore

Generated by @apiture/api-doc 3.2.4 on Thu Feb 27 2025 22:02:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).