Admin Insights v0.3.0

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

The Insights API manages visual presentation of analytic results related to the financial institution’s data. By utilizing this API, administrative consumers at a financial institution can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and make informed business decisions. Insights are defined and provided by a data provider.

Insight Types are templates of visual data presentations that analysts use to create insights instances they see in the application. Insight Types are analogous to items in a tool palette. Data scientists define the Insight Types that analysts may chose from when building dashboards or reports.

An Insight Type consists of a visualType, one of chart, metric, or table. Charts offer graphical representation of data, helping users visualize patterns, trends, and correlations. Metrics provide numeric measurements, such as average funding amount or average customer age. Tables comprise of columns and rows that contain specific values.

An Insight Type also has a category, which is tells which measure the Insight corresponds to. These categories are used to determine which pre-defined dashboard the Insight shows up on. When users create their own dashboards, they can add Insights to a dashboard based on its category or ID.

Download OpenAPI Definition (YAML)

Base URLs:

Terms of service

Email: Apiture Web: Apiture

License: Apiture API License


  • OpenID Connect authentication (accessToken)
    • OpenId Connect (OIDC) authentication/authorization. The client uses the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint to obtain an access token to pass in the Authorization header. Those endpoints are available via the OIDC Configuration URL. The actual URL may vary with each financial institution. See details at Secure Access.
    • OIDC Configuration URL =

Insight Types

Templates Used to Create Insight Instances


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Return a list of insight types


Return a collection of insight types.


in: query
Optional search string. This search is case insensitive and will return insight types where any part of the label or description matches the search string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 1000
in: query
Return insight types whose label equals the given value, ignoring case. See also the q query parameter to search for insight types based on substrings.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 128

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
      "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements.",
      "category": {
        "id": "engagement",
        "label": "Engagement"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "Customers",
      "description": "Customer insights let you know which customers are your highest earners, who is paying fees, and more.",
      "category": {
        "id": "retailCustomer",
        "label": "Retail Customer"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"


200 OK
Schema: insightTypes
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well-formed but otherwise invalid.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 422

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{insightTypeId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{insightTypeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{insightTypeId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{insightTypeId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{insightTypeId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{insightTypeId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{insightTypeId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a representation of this insight type


Return the JSON representation of this insight type resource.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this insight type. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
  "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements.",
  "category": {
    "id": "engagement",
    "label": "Engagement"
  "tags": [
  "provider": {
    "name": "domo",
    "domo": {
      "cardId": "qjRQ2",
      "pageId": "BgnKQ"
  "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"


200 OK
Schema: insightType
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found
Not Found. There is no such insight type resource at the specified {insightTypeId}.
Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a representation of the recommended insight types


Returns insights based on current users preferred topics. These are matched using the Insight's topicType.

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
      "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements.",
      "category": {
        "id": "engagement",
        "label": "Engagement"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "Customers",
      "description": "Customer insights let you know which customers are your highest earners, who is paying fees, and more.",
      "category": {
        "id": "retailCustomer",
        "label": "Retail Customer"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"


200 OK
Schema: insightTypes
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Visual Presentations of Banking Analytics


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json' \
  -H 'Accept: text/html' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
Accept: text/html

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = '{
  "id": "string",
  "type": "metric",
  "filters": {
    "operator": "or",
    "primitiveFilters": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "215eaed841368ce154d5",
          "name": "customerType"
        "operator": "equals",
        "values": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "6b3927745edec398ad74",
          "name": "customerAge"
        "operator": "between",
        "values": [
    "compositeFilters": [
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "in",
            "values": "[Object]"
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "greaterThan",
            "values": "[Object]"
const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'POST',
  body: inputBody,
  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '',
  method: 'post',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Content-Type' => 'application/merge-patch+json',
  'Accept' => 'text/html',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/merge-patch+json',
  'Accept': 'text/html',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Content-Type": []string{"application/merge-patch+json"},
        "Accept": []string{"text/html"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a visual representation of an insight


Fetch a visual representation of an insight using the data provider. This operation is idempotent: an insight visual will not change unless it is changed in the data provider.

Body parameter

  "id": "string",
  "type": "metric",
  "filters": {
    "operator": "or",
    "primitiveFilters": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "215eaed841368ce154d5",
          "name": "customerType"
        "operator": "equals",
        "values": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "6b3927745edec398ad74",
          "name": "customerAge"
        "operator": "between",
        "values": [
    "compositeFilters": [
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "in",
            "values": "[Object]"
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "greaterThan",
            "values": "[Object]"


body insightVisualParameters (required)
The fields required to retrieve an insight visual from the data provider.

Example responses

200 Response


400 Response

  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "status": 400,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "Input did not parse as JSON",
  "instance": ""


200 OK
OK. The response is an HTML element that the client can use to embed visuals in the application.
Schema: string
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.




Analytic Filter Operator Type (v1.0.0)

Indicates the type of the comparison operator used by an analytic filter.

analyticFilterOperatorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The measure is equal to a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.

notEqualsNot Equals:

The measure not equal to a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.

lessThanLess Than:

The measurement less than a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.

lessThanOrEqualToLess Than or Equal To:

The measure less than or equal a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.

greaterThanGreater Than:

The measure is greater than a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.

greaterThanOrEqualToGreater Than or Equal To:

The measure greater than or equal to a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.


The measure is Between a minimum and maximum value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 2 values.

notBetweenNot Between:

Measure not between a minimum and maximum value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 2 values.


Date measure before or on a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.


Date measure on or after a value. A filter using this operator requires exactly 1 value.


The measure is in a set of values. A filter using this operator requires at least 2 values.

notInNot In:

The measure is not in a set of values. A filter using this operator requires exactly 2 values.

type: string

enum values: equals, notEquals, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, before, after, between, notBetween, in, notIn



Analytic Filter Type Name (v1.0.2)

The name of an analytic filter type.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100


  "id": "3752cfec9b06fae15c9e",
  "name": "customerAge"

Analytic Filter Type Reference (v1.0.2)

An object that reference and Analytic Filter Type by its id and name.


Analytic Filter Type Reference (v1.0.2) object
An object that reference and Analytic Filter Type by its id and name.
id resourceId (required)
The unique identifier for this analytic filter type resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
name analyticFilterTypeName(text)
The name of the filter type. This is for informational purposes only.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 100



Analytic Filter Value (v1.0.0)

A constant value used in a filter, such as 25 in a filter { customerAge greater than 25 }. This value is compared to the measure defined by the filter.

type: string(text)

format: text
maxLength: 200


  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists at the given account_url",
  "instance": ""

API Problem (v1.2.1)

API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.


API Problem (v1.2.1) object
API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object


  "type": "sms",
  "labels": [

Challenge Factor (v1.2.1)

An challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.


Challenge Factor (v1.2.1) object
An challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.
id challengeFactorId
The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the challenge factors associated with a challenge. The client should pass this id value as the factorId when starting or verifying a challenge factor.

Note: The id will become required in a future update to this schema.
minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"

type challengeFactorType (required)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken
labels array: [string]
A list of text label which identifies the channel(s) through which the user completes the challenge. For an sms or voice challenge, the only label item is the last four digits of the corresponding phone number. For an email challenge, each label is the masked email address.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 4
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 300
securityQuestions challengeSecurityQuestions
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.



Challenge Factor ID (v1.0.0)

The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the factors offered with a challenge.

type: string

minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"



Challenge Factor Type (v1.0.0)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

type: string

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken



Challenge Operation ID (v1.0.1)

The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"



Challenge Prompt ID (v1.0.0)

The unique ID of a prompt (such as a security question) in a challenge factor.

type: string

minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"


  "id": "74699fa628911e762ea5",
  "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"

Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1)

A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions


Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1) object
A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions
id challengePromptId (required)
The unique ID of security question prompt. This should be included in the challengeVerification response as the promptId.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
prompt string(text) (required)
The text prompt of this security question.
format: text
maxLength: 80


  "questions": [
      "id": "q1",
      "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
      "id": "q4",
      "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
      "id": "q9",
      "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"

Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1)

Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.


Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1) object
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.
questions array: [challengeSecurityQuestion] (required)
The array of security questions.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object


  "operator": "or",
  "primitiveFilters": [
      "filterType": {
        "id": "215eaed841368ce154d5",
        "name": "customerType"
      "operator": "equals",
      "values": [
      "filterType": {
        "id": "6b3927745edec398ad74",
        "name": "customerAge"
      "operator": "between",
      "values": [
  "compositeFilters": [
      "operator": "and",
      "primitiveFilters": [
          "filterType": {
            "name": "customerRegion",
            "id": "01888d58e2424bf1c676"
          "operator": "in",
          "values": [
          "filterType": {
            "name": "accountBalance",
            "id": "023cd8af6a9d46eec506"
          "operator": "greaterThan",
          "values": [

Composite Analytic Filter (v1.0.2)

A composite of analytic filter that are combined with a logical operator (and, or, not). For example, if primitiveFilters contains 3 filters p1, p2 and p2 and compositeFilters contains 2 filters c1, c2 and operator is and, the filter represents the expression ( p1 and p2 and p3 and c1 and c2 ). The example is equivalent to

( { customerType equals "retail" } or { customerAge between ["35", "49"] } or ( { customerRegion in [ "NC", "SC", "GA", "FL" ]} and { balance greaterThan "250000.00" } ) )

Note: there must be at least one item either the primitiveFilters array or the compositeFilters array.


Composite Analytic Filter (v1.0.2) object
A composite of analytic filter that are combined with a logical operator (and, or, not). For example, if primitiveFilters contains 3 filters p1, p2 and p2 and compositeFilters contains 2 filters c1, c2 and operator is and, the filter represents the expression ( p1 and p2 and p3 and c1 and c2 ). The example is equivalent to

( { customerType equals "retail" } or { customerAge between ["35", "49"] } or ( { customerRegion in [ "NC", "SC", "GA", "FL" ]} and { balance greaterThan "250000.00" } ) )

Note: there must be at least one item either the primitiveFilters array or the compositeFilters array.

operator compositeFilterOperator
The logical operator (and, or, not) used to combine the contained filters.
enum values: and, or, not
primitiveFilters array: [primitiveAnalyticFilter]
An array of 0 or more primitive filters to be combined via the operator with each other and the compositeFilters.
maxItems: 100
items: object
compositeFilters array: [compositeAnalyticFilter]
An array of 0 or more composite filters to be combined via the operator with each other and the primitiveFilters.
maxItems: 100
items: object



Composite Filter Operator (v1.0.0)

An operator for combining filters in a composite filter.

compositeFilterOperator strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A filter is true if all the nested filters evaluate to true.


A filter is true if any one or more of the nested filters evaluate to true.


A filter is true if none of the nested filters evaluate to true.

type: string

enum values: and, or, not


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
  "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements.",
  "category": {
    "id": "engagement",
    "label": "Engagement"
  "tags": [
  "provider": {
    "name": "domo",
    "domo": {
      "cardId": "qjRQ2",
      "pageId": "BgnKQ"
  "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"

Insight Type (v1.0.0)

An insight type stores the metadata needed to retrieve data and provide information for insights of that type.


Insight Type (v1.0.0) object
An insight type stores the metadata needed to retrieve data and provide information for insights of that type.
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this insight type resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
label string(text)
The human-readable label for this insight type.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 128
description string(text)
A description of the insight type.
format: text
maxLength: 512
category insightTypeCategoryReference
The category of data that the insight type contains. Categories are durable and do not change over time.
visualType insightVisualType

The visual presentation type of the insight type.

insightVisualType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A numeric measure of a key performance metric


A chart view of insight data


A table of insight data

enum values: metric, chart, table
tags array: [tag]
An array of tags attached to a resource.
maxItems: 64
items: string(text)
» format: text
» minLength: 1
» maxLength: 36
provider analyticsProvider
Properties that are specific to the data provider.
publishedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the insight type was published to the data provider, in RFC3339 UTC YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ date-time format.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "id": "string",
  "label": "string"

Insight Type Category Reference (v1.0.0)

The category of data that the insight type contains. Categories are durable and do not change over time.


Insight Type Category Reference (v1.0.0) object
The category of data that the insight type contains. Categories are durable and do not change over time.
id string
The ID of the insight type category.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"
label string(text)
The label of the insight type category.
format: text
maxLength: 512


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
  "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements",
  "category": {
    "id": "retailCustomer",
    "label": "Retail Customer"
  "tags": [
  "provider": {
    "name": "domo",
    "domo": {
      "cardId": "qjRQ2",
      "pageId": "BgnKQ"
  "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"

Insight Type Item (v1.0.0)

Summary representation of an insight type resource in the insight types collections. To fetch the full representation of the insightType, use the getInsightType operation, passing this item's id field as the insightTypeId path parameter.


Insight Type Item (v1.0.0) object
Summary representation of an insight type resource in the insight types collections. To fetch the full representation of the insightType, use the getInsightType operation, passing this item's id field as the insightTypeId path parameter.
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this insight type resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
label string(text)
The human-readable label for this insight type.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 128
description string(text)
A description of the insight type.
format: text
maxLength: 512
category insightTypeCategoryReference
The category of data that the insight type contains. Categories are durable and do not change over time.
visualType insightVisualType

The visual presentation type of the insight type.

insightVisualType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A numeric measure of a key performance metric


A chart view of insight data


A table of insight data

enum values: metric, chart, table
tags array: [tag]
An array of tags attached to a resource.
maxItems: 64
items: string(text)
» format: text
» minLength: 1
» maxLength: 36
provider analyticsProvider
Properties that are specific to the data provider.
publishedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the insight type was published to the data provider, in RFC3339 UTC YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ date-time format.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "e-statement Enrollment",
      "description": "Percentage of customer account types enrolled in e-statements.",
      "category": {
        "id": "engagement",
        "label": "Engagement"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "Customers",
      "description": "Customer insights let you know which customers are your highest earners, who is paying fees, and more.",
      "category": {
        "id": "retailCustomer",
        "label": "Retail Customer"
      "tags": [
      "filters": {
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "30e5979cbb91316427a9",
              "name": "newCustomersWithin60Days"
            "values": [
            "filterType": {
              "id": "8f78da527d8135445136",
              "name": "customerAge"
            "operator": "between",
            "values": [
      "provider": {
        "name": "domo",
        "domo": {
          "cardId": "qjRQ2",
          "pageId": "BgnKQ"
      "publishedAt": "2023-04-24T06:32:24.508Z"

Insight Type Collection (v1.0.0)

Collection of insight types. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array.


Insight Type Collection (v1.0.0) object
Collection of insight types. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array.
items array: [insightTypeItem] (required)
An array containing a page of insight type items.
maxItems: 10000
items: object


  "id": "string",
  "type": "metric",
  "filters": {
    "operator": "or",
    "primitiveFilters": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "215eaed841368ce154d5",
          "name": "customerType"
        "operator": "equals",
        "values": [
        "filterType": {
          "id": "6b3927745edec398ad74",
          "name": "customerAge"
        "operator": "between",
        "values": [
    "compositeFilters": [
        "operator": "and",
        "primitiveFilters": [
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "in",
            "values": "[Object]"
            "filterType": "[Object]",
            "operator": "greaterThan",
            "values": "[Object]"

Insight Visual Parameters (v1.0.0)

The parameters to retrieve an insight visual.


Insight Visual Parameters (v1.0.0) object
The parameters to retrieve an insight visual.
id string(text) (required)
The ID of the existing visual insight provided by the analytics provider. This ID is retrieved directly from the analytics provider.
format: text
maxLength: 64
type insightVisualType (required)

The visual presentation type of the insight type.

insightVisualType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A numeric measure of a key performance metric


A chart view of insight data


A table of insight data

enum values: metric, chart, table
filters compositeAnalyticFilter
An array that tells which filters should be applied to this visual.



Insight Visual Type (v1.0.0)

The visual presentation type of the insight type.

insightVisualType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A numeric measure of a key performance metric


A chart view of insight data


A table of insight data

type: string

enum values: metric, chart, table


  "filterType": {
    "id": "6b3927745edec398ad74",
    "name": "customerAge"
  "operator": "between",
  "values": [

Primitive Analytic Filter (v1.0.2)

A primitive analytic filter that compares constant values to a data measurement within an audience data measure and returns a boolean value.


Primitive Analytic Filter (v1.0.2) object
A primitive analytic filter that compares constant values to a data measurement within an audience data measure and returns a boolean value.
filterType analyticFilterTypeReference (required)
The name and id of the filter type that this filter is an instance of.
operator analyticFilterOperatorType (required)
The name of the filter operator to apply to the measure associated with the filter type and the optional filter values. This is one of the operators in the corresponding filter type.
enum values: equals, notEquals, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, before, after, between, notBetween, in, notIn
values array: [analyticFilterValue] (required)
The constant values to compare the measure to. The number of values in this array must be within the minimumValues and maximumValues constraints in the named filter type. Thus array is required but may be an empty array [] if the corresponding analytic filter's minimumValues is 0.
maxItems: 1000
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 200


  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists for the given account reference",
  "instance": ""

Problem Response (v0.4.1)

API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.


Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object
attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.



Read-only Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system-assigned identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used in URLs as path parameters or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL. Resource IDs are immutable.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"



Read-Only Timestamp (v1.0.0)

A readonly or derived timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in RFC 3339 date-time UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

type: string(date-time)

format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "operationId": "createTransfer",
  "challengeId": "0504076c566a3cf7009c",
  "factors": [
      "type": "sms",
      "labels": [
      "id": "85c0ee5753fcd0b0953f"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "d089e10a80a8627df37b"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "10506ecf9d1c2ee00403"
      "type": "email",
      "labels": [
      "id": "e917d671cb2f030b56f1"
      "type": "authenticatorToken",
      "labels": [
        "Acme fob"
      "id": "fe6c452d7da0bbb4e407"
      "type": "securityQuestions",
      "securityQuestions": {
        "questions": [
            "id": "q1",
            "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
            "id": "q4",
            "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
            "id": "q9",
            "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"
      "id": "df33c6f88a37d6b3f0a6"

Required Challenge (v1.2.3)

A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.


Required Challenge (v1.2.3) object
A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.
operationId challengeOperationId (required)
The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"
challengeId readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of this challenge instance. This is an opaque string. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
factors array: [challengeFactor] (required)
A list of challenge factors. The user must complete one of these challenge factors. The labels in each factor identify one or more channels the user may use, such as a list of email addresses the system may use to send a one-time passcode to the user. *Note: The same channel may be used by multiple factors in the array of factors. For example, the user's primary mobile phone number may be used for both an sms factor and a voice factor.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object



Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"



Tag (v1.0.0)

A string used as a resource tag.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 36



Tags Array (v1.0.0)

An array of tags attached to a resource.

tagsArray is an array schema.

Array Elements

type: array: [tag]

maxItems: 64

Generated by @apiture/api-doc 3.2.1 on Wed Apr 10 2024 15:36:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).