Transaction Disputes v0.9.0

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

Transaction disputes allow a customer or member of a financial institution to self-report suspicious activity or erroneous transactions. Each submitted transaction dispute requires supporting information which is collected through form items. The dispute category determines the required form items. A transaction may only have one open dispute at a time.

After creating a dispute for a transaction, customers or members can attach files as additional supporting evidence. Files cannot be added or removed after a dispute is completed. Once uploaded, attachment metadata is accessible for review, while the file content remains unavailable.

The financial institution reviews submitted disputes and marks them as rejected or approved. Before the transaction is completed, disputes can be canceled or deleted. If a dispute is rejected, customers or members may submit a new dispute for the transaction.

Completed transaction disputes are available for six months after they are approved or rejected.

Download OpenAPI Definition (YAML)

Base URLs:

Terms of service

Email: Apiture Web: Apiture

License: Apiture API License


  • OpenID Connect authentication (accessToken)
    • OpenId Connect (OIDC) authentication/authorization. The client uses the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint to obtain an access token to pass in the Authorization header. Those endpoints are available via the OIDC Configuration URL. The actual URL may vary with each financial institution. See details at Secure Access.
    • OIDC Configuration URL =

Transaction Disputes

Banking Transaction Disputes


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{accountId}/transactionDisputes',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{accountId}/transactionDisputes', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Return a account's disputes


Return a list of transaction disputes for a given account.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "state": "approved",
      "transaction": {
        "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
        "description": "**MACYS1234",
        "amount": "25.00",
        "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
      "createdAt": "2023-11-10T18:24:36.059Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "state": "submitted",
      "transaction": {
        "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
        "description": "**WALMART1337",
        "amount": "97.46",
        "occurredOn": "2023-11-01"
      "createdAt": "2023-11-15T13:57:15.123Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-15T13:57:15.123Z"


200 OK
Schema: transactionDisputes
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{accountId}/transactionDisputes \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

POST{accountId}/transactionDisputes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = '{
  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "attachment": {
    "type": "disputeForm",
    "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
    "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"
  "formResponses": [
      "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
      "values": [
        "The merchant did not issue a refund after my purchase was returned."
      "label": "Has it been more than 15 days since your refund request?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Have you had any refund requests previously denied by this merchant?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Which of the following documents has the merchant provided to you?",
      "values": [
        "Purchase Order",
        "Transaction Receipt",
        "Return Merchandise Authorization Form"
      "label": "When did you first notice the issue with the transaction?",
      "values": []
const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'POST',
  body: inputBody,
  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes',
  method: 'post',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = '{accountId}/transactionDisputes',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='{accountId}/transactionDisputes', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Create a new transaction dispute


Create a new transaction dispute within the transaction disputes collection.

Attempting to create a new dispute fails with a 409 Conflict status if the transaction has an open dispute.

Body parameter

  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "attachment": {
    "type": "disputeForm",
    "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
    "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"
  "formResponses": [
      "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
      "values": [
        "The merchant did not issue a refund after my purchase was returned."
      "label": "Has it been more than 15 days since your refund request?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Have you had any refund requests previously denied by this merchant?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Which of the following documents has the merchant provided to you?",
      "values": [
        "Purchase Order",
        "Transaction Receipt",
        "Return Merchandise Authorization Form"
      "label": "When did you first notice the issue with the transaction?",
      "values": []


body newTransactionDispute (required)
The data necessary to create a new transaction dispute.
in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"

Example responses

201 Response

  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "attachments": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "type": "disputeForm",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
      "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
      "allows": {
        "delete": true
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "state": "submitted",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true
  "createdAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"


201 Created
Schema: transactionDispute
string uri-reference
The URI of the new transaction dispute.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
409 Conflict
Conflict. Only one transaction dispute can be open for a transaction at a time.
Schema: problemResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well formed but otherwise invalid.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a representation of this transaction dispute


Return the JSON representation of this transaction dispute resource.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256

Example responses

200 Response

  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "attachments": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "type": "disputeForm",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
      "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
      "allows": {
        "delete": true
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "state": "submitted",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true
  "createdAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"


200 OK
Schema: transactionDispute
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/problem+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

DELETE{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/problem+json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'DELETE',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}',
  method: 'delete',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/problem+json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.delete '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/problem+json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.delete('{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/problem+json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Delete this transaction dispute resource


Delete this transaction dispute resource and any resources that are owned by it. Deleting active transaction disputes cancels them.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256

Example responses

400 Response

  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "status": 400,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "Input did not parse as JSON",
  "instance": ""


204 No Content
No Content. The operation succeeded but returned no response body.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
409 Conflict

Conflict. Transaction disputes cannot be deleted after they are resolved.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Transaction Dispute Attachments

Banking Transaction Dispute Attachments


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

POST{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const inputBody = '{
  "type": "disputeForm",
  "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"
const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'POST',
  body: inputBody,
  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments',
  method: 'post',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r ='{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Create a new transaction dispute attachment


Create a new transaction dispute attachment within the transaction dispute attachments collection for a transaction.

Body parameter

  "type": "disputeForm",
  "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"


body newTransactionDisputeAttachment (required)
The data necessary to create a new transaction dispute attachment.
in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256

Example responses

201 Response

  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "type": "disputeForm",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true


201 Created
Schema: transactionDisputeAttachmentSummaryItem
string uri-reference
The URI of the new transaction dispute attachment.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
409 Conflict
Conflict. Attachments cannot be added to transaction disputes after they are resolved.
Schema: problemResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well formed but otherwise invalid.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Fetch a representation of this transaction dispute attachment


Return the JSON representation of this transaction dispute attachment resource.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute attachment. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256

Example responses

200 Response

  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "type": "disputeForm",
  "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true


200 OK
Schema: transactionDisputeAttachment
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not Found.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/problem+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

DELETE{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/problem+json

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'DELETE',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}',
  method: 'delete',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/problem+json',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.delete '{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/problem+json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.delete('{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/problem+json"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{accountId}/transactionDisputes/{transactionDisputeId}/attachments/{transactionDisputeAttachmentId}", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Delete this transaction dispute attachment resource


Delete this transaction dispute attachment resource and any resources that are owned by it. Attachments may not be deleted after a transaction dispute is resolved.


in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
in: path
externalResourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction dispute attachment. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256

Example responses

400 Response

  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "status": 400,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "Input did not parse as JSON",
  "instance": ""


204 No Content
No Content. The operation succeeded but returned no response body.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not found. There is no such resource at the request URL.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
409 Conflict
Conflict. Attachments cannot be removed from a transaction dispute after the dispute is resolved.
Schema: problemResponse
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 404

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Transaction Dispute Categories

Banking Transaction Dispute Categories


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'If-None-Match: string' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Accept: application/json
If-None-Match: string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'If-None-Match' => 'string',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'If-None-Match': 'string',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "If-None-Match": []string{"string"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Return a list of transaction dispute categories


Return a list of transaction dispute categories.

This is a conditional operation when the If-None-Match header is used. If the client has a transactionDisputeCategories response and the ETag returned from a previous call, this operation returns a 304 Not Modified if called again when the categories have not changed.
Warning: The operation listTransactionDisputeCategories was deprecated on version v0.8.0 of the API. Use the listDisputeCategoriesForTransaction operation instead. listTransactionDisputeCategories will be removed on version v0.10.0 of the API.


in: header
The entity tag that was returned in the ETag response header of a previous call. If the resource's current entity tag value matches this header value, the GET will return 304 (Not Modified) and no response body, else the current resource representation and updated ETag is returned.
maxLength: 512
pattern: "^\\P{Cc}{1,512}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "There are unauthorized charges on my account.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
          "type": "singleLineText",
          "required": true
          "label": "Was your debit card stolen?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "required": true
          "label": "When did you first notice your card was missing?",
          "type": "oneOfManySelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "Less than 1 day ago",
              "value": "Less than 1 day ago"
              "label": "1 to 3 days ago",
              "value": "1 to 3 days ago"
              "label": "More than 3 days ago",
              "value": "More than 3 days ago"
          "required": true
          "label": "Additional comments about this transaction",
          "type": "multipleLineText",
          "required": false
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "I don't recognize this charge.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Which of the following describes the issue you are encountering?",
          "type": "multipleSelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "The date of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The date of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The amount of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The amount of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed."
              "label": "I was charged more than once for something.",
              "value": "I was charged more than once for something."
              "label": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account."
              "label": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account."
          "required": true
          "label": "Have you contacted the merchant?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "label": "Has the merchant responded?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"


200 OK
Schema: transactionDisputeCategories
The value of this resource's entity tag, to be passed with If-Match and If-None-Match request headers in other conditional API calls for this resource.
304 Not Modified
Not Modified. The resource has not been modified since it was last fetched.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'If-None-Match: string' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

GET{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
If-None-Match: string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

var headers = {
  'Authorization':'Bearer {access-token}'


  url: '{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories',
  method: 'get',

  headers: headers,
  success: function(data) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'If-None-Match' => 'string',
  'Authorization' => 'Bearer {access-token}'

result = RestClient.get '{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'If-None-Match': 'string',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer {access-token}'

r = requests.get('{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories', params={

}, headers = headers)

print r.json()

URL obj = new URL("{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "If-None-Match": []string{"string"},
        "Authorization": []string{"Bearer {access-token}"},

    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}/disputeCategories", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

Return a list of transaction dispute categories


Return a list of dispute categories for this transaction.

This is a conditional operation when the If-None-Match header is used. If the client has a transactionDisputeCategories response and the ETag returned from a previous call, this operation returns a 304 Not Modified if called again when the categories have not changed.


in: header
The entity tag that was returned in the ETag response header of a previous call. If the resource's current entity tag value matches this header value, the GET will return 304 (Not Modified) and no response body, else the current resource representation and updated ETag is returned.
maxLength: 512
pattern: "^\\P{Cc}{1,512}$"
in: path
resourceId (required)
The unique identifier of this account resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
in: path
transactionId (required)
The unique identifier of this transaction resource. This is an opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 256
pattern: "^[-_:,.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,256}$"

Example responses

200 Response

  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "There are unauthorized charges on my account.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
          "type": "singleLineText",
          "required": true
          "label": "Was your debit card stolen?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "required": true
          "label": "When did you first notice your card was missing?",
          "type": "oneOfManySelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "Less than 1 day ago",
              "value": "Less than 1 day ago"
              "label": "1 to 3 days ago",
              "value": "1 to 3 days ago"
              "label": "More than 3 days ago",
              "value": "More than 3 days ago"
          "required": true
          "label": "Additional comments about this transaction",
          "type": "multipleLineText",
          "required": false
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "I don't recognize this charge.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Which of the following describes the issue you are encountering?",
          "type": "multipleSelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "The date of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The date of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The amount of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The amount of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed."
              "label": "I was charged more than once for something.",
              "value": "I was charged more than once for something."
              "label": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account."
              "label": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account."
          "required": true
          "label": "Have you contacted the merchant?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "label": "Has the merchant responded?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"


200 OK
Schema: transactionDisputeCategories
The value of this resource's entity tag, to be passed with If-Match and If-None-Match request headers in other conditional API calls for this resource.
304 Not Modified
Not Modified. The resource has not been modified since it was last fetched.
400 Bad Request

Bad Request. The request body, request headers, and/or query parameters are not well-formed.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized. The operation requires authentication but no authentication or insufficient authentication was given.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
403 Forbidden

Forbidden. The authenticated caller is not authorized to perform the requested operation.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
404 Not Found

Not Found.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: problemResponse
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity. The request body and/or query parameters were well-formed but otherwise invalid.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests. The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

This error response may have one of the following type values:

Schema: Inline
4XX Unknown
Client Request Problem. The client request had a problem not listed under another specific 400-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline
5XX Unknown
Server Problem. The server encountered a problem not listed under another specific 500-level HTTP response code. View the detail in the problem response for additional details.
Schema: Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 401

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 403

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 422

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 429

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 4XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.

Status Code 5XX

Property Name Description
Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
» type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
maxLength: 2048
» title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
maxLength: 120
» status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
» detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
maxLength: 256
» instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
maxLength: 2048
» id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$
» occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
» problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
» attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.



  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists at the given account_url",
  "instance": ""

API Problem (v1.2.1)

API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.


API Problem (v1.2.1) object
API problem or error, as per RFC 7807 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object


  "type": "sms",
  "labels": [

Challenge Factor (v1.2.1)

A challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.


Challenge Factor (v1.2.1) object
A challenge factor. See requiredIdentityChallenge for multiple examples.
id challengeFactorId
The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the challenge factors associated with a challenge. The client should pass this id value as the factorId when starting or verifying a challenge factor.

Note: The id will become required in a future update to this schema.
minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"

type challengeFactorType (required)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken
labels array: [string]
A list of text label which identifies the channel(s) through which the user completes the challenge. For an sms or voice challenge, the only label item is the last four digits of the corresponding phone number. For an email challenge, each label is the masked email address.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 4
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 300
securityQuestions challengeSecurityQuestions
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.



Challenge Factor ID (v1.0.0)

The ID of an a challenge factor. This ID is unique within the factors offered with a challenge.

type: string

minLength: 3
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{3,48}$"



Challenge Factor Type (v1.0.0)

The name of challenge factor.

challengeFactorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

authenticatorTokenauthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device, such as a token key fob, or an authenticator app

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt with the user's security questions registered with their security profile

type: string

enum values: sms, email, voice, securityQuestions, authenticatorToken



Challenge Operation ID (v1.0.1)

The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"



Challenge Prompt ID (v1.0.0)

The unique ID of a prompt (such as a security question) in a challenge factor.

type: string

minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"


  "id": "74699fa628911e762ea5",
  "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"

Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1)

A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions


Challenge Security Question (v1.0.1) object
A single security question within the questions array of the challengeSecurityQuestions
id challengePromptId (required)
The unique ID of security question prompt. This should be included in the challengeVerification response as the promptId.
minLength: 1
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
prompt string(text) (required)
The text prompt of this security question.
format: text
maxLength: 80


  "questions": [
      "id": "q1",
      "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
      "id": "q4",
      "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
      "id": "q9",
      "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"

Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1)

Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.


Challenge Security Questions (v1.0.1) object
Describes a securityQuestions challenge. This is omitted if the challenge type is not securityQuestions.
questions array: [challengeSecurityQuestion] (required)
The array of security questions.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object



Content Type (v1.0.1)

The media type of a file.

type: string

minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"



Date (v1.0.0)

A date formatted in YYYY-MM-DD RFC 3339 date UTC format.

type: string(date)

format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10


  "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
  "description": "**MACYS1234",
  "amount": "25.00",
  "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"

Disputed Transaction Reference (v2.0.0)

A summary of transaction details for a transaction dispute.


Disputed Transaction Reference (v2.0.0) object
A summary of transaction details for a transaction dispute.
id transactionId (required)
The transaction's unique identifier.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 256
pattern: "^[-_:,.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,256}$"
description string(text)
The transaction description assigned by the transaction cleansing service.
format: text
maxLength: 128
amount monetaryValue(decimal)
The monetary amount for the transaction.
format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.[0-9][0-9]$"
occurredOn date(date)
The date of the transaction in YYYY-MM-DD RFC 3339 date format. This is derived and immutable.
format: date
minLength: 10
maxLength: 10



External Resource Identifier (v1.1.0)

The unique, opaque system identifier for an external resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference an external resource by ID rather than URL.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256



Monetary Value (v1.1.1)

The monetary value, supporting only positive amounts. The numeric value is represented as a string so that it can be exact with no loss of precision.

type: string(decimal)

format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.[0-9][0-9]$"


  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "attachment": {
    "type": "disputeForm",
    "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
    "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"
  "formResponses": [
      "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
      "values": [
        "The merchant did not issue a refund after my purchase was returned."
      "label": "Has it been more than 15 days since your refund request?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Have you had any refund requests previously denied by this merchant?",
      "values": [
      "label": "Which of the following documents has the merchant provided to you?",
      "values": [
        "Purchase Order",
        "Transaction Receipt",
        "Return Merchandise Authorization Form"
      "label": "When did you first notice the issue with the transaction?",
      "values": []

New Transaction Dispute (v2.1.0)

Representation used to create a new transaction dispute. Disputes are created in the context of an account.

A file can be attached as part of the dispute creation. Additional files can be added afterwards until the dispute is resolved (approved or rejected) through the createTransactionDisputeAttachment operation.


New Transaction Dispute (v2.1.0) object
Representation used to create a new transaction dispute. Disputes are created in the context of an account.

A file can be attached as part of the dispute creation. Additional files can be added afterwards until the dispute is resolved (approved or rejected) through the createTransactionDisputeAttachment operation.

transaction disputedTransactionReference (required)
The transaction being disputed. The id is used to lookup the transaction. Additional fields are for informative use only.
attachment newTransactionDisputeAttachment
Representation used to create a new transaction dispute attachment.
disputedAmount monetaryValue(decimal)
The monetary amount being disputed for the transaction, defaulting to the full monetary amount of the transaction.
format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.[0-9][0-9]$"
category transactionDisputeCategoryReference (required)
Representation of the dispute category for the transaction.
formResponses array: [transactionDisputeFormItemResponse] (required)
A list of customer responses to transaction dispute form items. The responses coorespond 1-to-1 with the form items in the transaction dispute category; the number of values in the items array should match the count of form items. If the user did not provide a value for a non-required form item, the client should pass the corresponding form label and an empty array for the item's values.
unique items
minItems: 1
maxItems: 100
items: object


  "type": "disputeForm",
  "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf"

New Transaction Dispute Attachment (v1.0.1)

Representation used to create a new transaction dispute attachment.


New Transaction Dispute Attachment (v1.0.1) object
Representation used to create a new transaction dispute attachment.
type transactionDisputeAttachmentType (required)

The type of document being attached to a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeAttachmentType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

disputeFormDispute Form:

A document that provides the reasons a customer or member is disputing a transaction.

disputeLetterDispute Letter:

A letter from a financial institution to inform customers or members of an issue for a transaction.

supportingDocumentationSupporting Documentation:

Additional information or evidence provided by the customer, member, or merchant to support their claim or dispute, such as receipts, invoices, contracts, or other relevant documents that can help resolve the issue.

otherUncategorized Document:

A document related to the transaction dispute that doesn't match one of the other attachment types.

enum values: disputeForm, disputeLetter, supportingDocumentation, other
fileName transactionDisputeAttachmentFileName(text) (required)
The file name for a transaction dispute attachment.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 255
content transactionDisputeAttachmentContent(byte) (required)
The Base64-encoded content containing the evidence or supporting documentation for a transaction dispute.

The attachment allows portable document format (PDF), images (JPEG, PNG, and TIFF), Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx format) and Microsoft Excel (.xls and .xlsx format) files.

The maximum length constraint allows for a (non-Base64 encoded) input file of at most 6,500,000 bytes.
format: byte
maxLength: 8905000


  "id": "3fbad566-be86-4b22-9ba6-3ca99fdc0799",
  "type": "",
  "title": "Account Not Found",
  "status": 422,
  "occurredAt": "2022-04-25T12:42:21.375Z",
  "detail": "No account exists for the given account reference",
  "instance": ""

Problem Response (v0.4.1)

API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.


Problem Response (v0.4.1) object
API problem or error response, as per RFC 9457 application/problem+json.
type string(uri-reference)
A URI reference (RFC3986) that identifies the problem type. If present, this is the URL of human-readable HTML documentation for the problem type. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
title string(text)
A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. The title is usually the same for all problem with the same type.
format: text
maxLength: 120
status integer(int32)
The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
detail string(text)
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
format: text
maxLength: 256
instance string(uri-reference)
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. This is the URI of an API resource that the problem is related to, with a unique error correlation ID URI fragment
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
id readOnlyResourceId
The unique identifier for this problem. This is an immutable opaque string.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
occurredAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time)
The timestamp when the problem occurred, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
problems array: [apiProblem]
Optional root-causes if there are multiple problems in the request or API call processing.
maxItems: 128
items: object
attributes object
Additional optional attributes related to the problem. This data conforms to the schema associated with the error type.



Read-only Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system-assigned identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used in URLs as path parameters or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL. Resource IDs are immutable.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"



Read-Only Timestamp (v1.0.0)

A readonly or derived timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in RFC 3339 date-time UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

type: string(date-time)

format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30


  "operationId": "createTransfer",
  "challengeId": "0504076c566a3cf7009c",
  "factors": [
      "type": "sms",
      "labels": [
      "id": "85c0ee5753fcd0b0953f"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "d089e10a80a8627df37b"
      "type": "voice",
      "labels": [
      "id": "10506ecf9d1c2ee00403"
      "type": "email",
      "labels": [
      "id": "e917d671cb2f030b56f1"
      "type": "authenticatorToken",
      "labels": [
        "Acme fob"
      "id": "fe6c452d7da0bbb4e407"
      "type": "securityQuestions",
      "securityQuestions": {
        "questions": [
            "id": "q1",
            "prompt": "What is your mother's maiden name?"
            "id": "q4",
            "prompt": "What is your high school's name?"
            "id": "q9",
            "prompt": "What is the name of your first pet?"
      "id": "df33c6f88a37d6b3f0a6"

Required Challenge (v1.2.3)

A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.


Required Challenge (v1.2.3) object
A request from the service for the user to verify their identity. This contains a challenge ID, the corresponding operation ID, and a list of challenge factors for identity verification. The user must complete one of these challenge factors to satisfy the challenge. This schema defines the attributes in the 401 Unauthorized problem response when the 401 problem type name is challengeRequired. See the "Challenge API" for details.
operationId challengeOperationId (required)
The ID of an operation/action for which the user must verify their identity via an identity challenge. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9$_]{6,48}$"
challengeId readOnlyResourceId (required)
The unique ID of this challenge instance. This is an opaque string. This is passed when starting a challenge factor or when validating the identity challenge responses.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"
factors array: [challengeFactor] (required)
A list of challenge factors. The user must complete one of these challenge factors. The labels in each factor identify one or more channels the user may use, such as a list of email addresses the system may use to send a one-time passcode to the user. *Note: The same channel may be used by multiple factors in the array of factors. For example, the user's primary mobile phone number may be used for both an sms factor and a voice factor.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 8
items: object



Resource Identifier (v1.0.1)

The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: "^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,48}$"


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "category": {
    "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
    "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."
  "attachments": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "type": "disputeForm",
      "contentType": "application/pdf",
      "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
      "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
      "allows": {
        "delete": true
  "disputedAmount": "25.00",
  "state": "submitted",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true
  "createdAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"

Transaction Dispute (v2.2.0)

Representation of a transaction dispute resource.


Transaction Dispute (v2.2.0) object
Representation of a transaction dispute resource.
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when this resource was created, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
updatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when the resource was last updated, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier for this transaction dispute resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
state transactionDisputeState (required)

The state of a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The transaction dispute was submitted and is under review.


The transaction dispute was rejected after review by the financial institution.


The transaction dispute was approved after review by the financial institution.

enum values: submitted, rejected, approved
transaction disputedTransactionReference (required)
A summary of transaction details for a transaction dispute.
disputedAmount monetaryValue(decimal) (required)
The monetary amount being disputed for the transaction.
format: decimal
maxLength: 16
pattern: "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.[0-9][0-9]$"
category transactionDisputeCategoryReference (required)
Representation of the dispute category for the transaction.
attachments array: [transactionDisputeAttachmentSummaryItem] (required)
A list of attachment summary resources for this transaction dispute.
unique items
minItems: 0
maxItems: 100
items: object
allows transactionDisputeAllows (required)
Indicates what transaction dispute actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute.


  "delete": false

Transaction Dispute Allows (v1.0.0)

Indicates what transaction dispute actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute.


Transaction Dispute Allows (v1.0.0) object
Indicates what transaction dispute actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute.
delete boolean (required)
The customer is allowed to delete the transaction dispute.


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "type": "disputeForm",
  "content": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGVkIENTViBjb250ZW50IGhlcmUuLi4=",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true

Transaction Dispute Attachment (v2.1.0)

Representation of a transaction dispute attachment resource.


Transaction Dispute Attachment (v2.1.0) object
Representation of a transaction dispute attachment resource.
type transactionDisputeAttachmentType (required)

The type of document being attached to a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeAttachmentType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

disputeFormDispute Form:

A document that provides the reasons a customer or member is disputing a transaction.

disputeLetterDispute Letter:

A letter from a financial institution to inform customers or members of an issue for a transaction.

supportingDocumentationSupporting Documentation:

Additional information or evidence provided by the customer, member, or merchant to support their claim or dispute, such as receipts, invoices, contracts, or other relevant documents that can help resolve the issue.

otherUncategorized Document:

A document related to the transaction dispute that doesn't match one of the other attachment types.

enum values: disputeForm, disputeLetter, supportingDocumentation, other
fileName transactionDisputeAttachmentFileName(text) (required)
The file name for a transaction dispute attachment.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 255
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when this resource was created, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier for this transaction dispute attachment resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
contentType contentType (required)
The media type of this document.
minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"
allows transactionDisputeAttachmentAllows (required)
Indicates what transaction dispute attachment actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute this attachment belongs to.
content transactionDisputeAttachmentContent(byte) (required)
The Base64-encoded content containing the evidence or supporting documentation for a transaction dispute.

The attachment allows portable document format (PDF), images (JPEG, PNG, and TIFF), Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx format) and Microsoft Excel (.xls and .xlsx format) files.

The maximum length constraint allows for a (non-Base64 encoded) input file of at most 6,500,000 bytes.
format: byte
maxLength: 8905000


  "delete": false

Transaction Dispute Attachment Allows (v1.0.0)

Indicates what transaction dispute attachment actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute this attachment belongs to.


Transaction Dispute Attachment Allows (v1.0.0) object
Indicates what transaction dispute attachment actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute this attachment belongs to.
delete boolean (required)
The customer is allowed to delete the transaction dispute.



Transaction Dispute Attachment Content (v1.0.1)

The Base64-encoded content containing the evidence or supporting documentation for a transaction dispute.

The attachment allows portable document format (PDF), images (JPEG, PNG, and TIFF), Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx format) and Microsoft Excel (.xls and .xlsx format) files.

The maximum length constraint allows for a (non-Base64 encoded) input file of at most 6,500,000 bytes.

type: string(byte)

format: byte
maxLength: 8905000



Transaction Dispute Attachment File Name (v1.0.0)

The file name for a transaction dispute attachment.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 255


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "type": "disputeForm",
  "contentType": "application/pdf",
  "fileName": "macys-dispute-letter-nov-15-2023.pdf",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-15T06:29:13.053Z",
  "allows": {
    "delete": true

Transaction Dispute Attachment Summary Item (v1.2.0)

Summary representation of a transaction dispute attachment summary resource in transaction dispute attachments collections. To fetch the full representation of this transaction dispute attachment, use the getTransactionDisputeAttachment operation, passing this item's id field as the transactionDisputeAttachmentId path parameter.


Transaction Dispute Attachment Summary Item (v1.2.0) object
Summary representation of a transaction dispute attachment summary resource in transaction dispute attachments collections. To fetch the full representation of this transaction dispute attachment, use the getTransactionDisputeAttachment operation, passing this item's id field as the transactionDisputeAttachmentId path parameter.
type transactionDisputeAttachmentType (required)

The type of document being attached to a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeAttachmentType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

disputeFormDispute Form:

A document that provides the reasons a customer or member is disputing a transaction.

disputeLetterDispute Letter:

A letter from a financial institution to inform customers or members of an issue for a transaction.

supportingDocumentationSupporting Documentation:

Additional information or evidence provided by the customer, member, or merchant to support their claim or dispute, such as receipts, invoices, contracts, or other relevant documents that can help resolve the issue.

otherUncategorized Document:

A document related to the transaction dispute that doesn't match one of the other attachment types.

enum values: disputeForm, disputeLetter, supportingDocumentation, other
fileName transactionDisputeAttachmentFileName(text) (required)
The file name for a transaction dispute attachment.
format: text
minLength: 4
maxLength: 255
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when this resource was created, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier for this transaction dispute attachment resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
contentType contentType (required)
The media type of this document.
minLength: 8
maxLength: 191
pattern: "^[-a-z0-9]{4,48}\\/[-+a-z0-9.]{3,142}$"
allows transactionDisputeAttachmentAllows (required)
Indicates what transaction dispute attachment actions are allowed for the current customer, given the user's entitlements and the state of the transaction dispute this attachment belongs to.



Transaction Dispute Attachment Type (v1.0.0)

The type of document being attached to a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeAttachmentType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

disputeFormDispute Form:

A document that provides the reasons a customer or member is disputing a transaction.

disputeLetterDispute Letter:

A letter from a financial institution to inform customers or members of an issue for a transaction.

supportingDocumentationSupporting Documentation:

Additional information or evidence provided by the customer, member, or merchant to support their claim or dispute, such as receipts, invoices, contracts, or other relevant documents that can help resolve the issue.

otherUncategorized Document:

A document related to the transaction dispute that doesn't match one of the other attachment types.

type: string

enum values: disputeForm, disputeLetter, supportingDocumentation, other


  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "label": "There are unauthorized charges on my account.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
          "type": "singleLineText",
          "required": true
          "label": "Was your debit card stolen?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "required": true
          "label": "When did you first notice your card was missing?",
          "type": "oneOfManySelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "Less than 1 day ago",
              "value": "Less than 1 day ago"
              "label": "1 to 3 days ago",
              "value": "1 to 3 days ago"
              "label": "More than 3 days ago",
              "value": "More than 3 days ago"
          "required": true
          "label": "Additional comments about this transaction",
          "type": "multipleLineText",
          "required": false
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "label": "I don't recognize this charge.",
      "formItems": [
          "label": "Which of the following describes the issue you are encountering?",
          "type": "multipleSelection",
          "values": [
              "label": "The date of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The date of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The amount of the charge is wrong.",
              "value": "The amount of the charge is wrong."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that I didn't accept."
              "label": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed.",
              "value": "The charge is for goods or services that weren't delivered to I as agreed."
              "label": "I was charged more than once for something.",
              "value": "I was charged more than once for something."
              "label": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I returned the item, but the credit wasn't posted to my account."
              "label": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account.",
              "value": "I paid for the item, but the payment wasn't posted to my account."
          "required": true
          "label": "Have you contacted the merchant?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"
          "label": "Has the merchant responded?",
          "type": "binaryOption",
          "itemGroup": "4567457a",
          "required": true,
          "values": [
              "label": "Yes",
              "value": "Yes"
              "label": "No",
              "value": "No"

Transaction Dispute Category List (v1.1.0)

List of transaction dispute categories. The items in the list are ordered in the items array.


Transaction Dispute Category List (v1.1.0) object
List of transaction dispute categories. The items in the list are ordered in the items array.
items array: [transactionDisputeCategoryItem] (required)
An array containing a list of transaction dispute category items.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 100
items: object


  "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
  "type": "singleLineText",
  "required": true

Transaction Dispute Category Form Item (v1.0.1)

Summary representation of a transaction dispute category form item in a transaction dispute category.

A transaction dispute category form item gathers details on a specific transaction for a certain dispute type, enabling a financial institution to assess and resolve the issue once the information has been provided.


Transaction Dispute Category Form Item (v1.0.1) object
Summary representation of a transaction dispute category form item in a transaction dispute category.

A transaction dispute category form item gathers details on a specific transaction for a certain dispute type, enabling a financial institution to assess and resolve the issue once the information has been provided.

label transactionDisputeFormItemLabel(text) (required)
The client should use this text as the UI label for the corresponding UI form/control.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500
type transactionDisputeCategoryFormItemType (required)
The type discriminator of the form item. The type informs additional constraints.
enum values: singleLineText, multipleLineText, binaryOption, oneOfManySelection, multipleSelection
values array: [transactionDisputeCategoryFormItemValue]
The allowed values for the form item. This is only present when the type is binaryOption, oneOfManySelection, or multipleSelection.
unique items
minItems: 1
maxItems: 20
items: object
itemGroup string(text)
For form items that are linked together, this is the shared item group identifier. Form items with the type binaryOption are typically linked.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 20
required boolean (required)
When true, a value for this form item is required to submit a dispute. Form items that are part of an itemGroup require at least one value to be selected.
default: false



Transaction Dispute Category Form Item Type (v1.0.0)

Defines the type of this transaction dispute category form item. This determines what type of form control the client should use for this item in the generated form.

transactionDisputeCategoryFormItemType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

singleLineTextSingle Line Text:

A freeform line text input allowing a single line of text.

multipleLineTextMultiple Line Text:

A freeform text input allowing multiple lines of text.

binaryOptionBinary Option:

A form item that allows a choice between two options.

oneOfManySelectionOne of Many Selection:

A form item that allows a single choice between more than two options.

multipleSelectionMultiple Selection:

A form item that allows multiple choices between more than two options.

type: string

enum values: singleLineText, multipleLineText, binaryOption, oneOfManySelection, multipleSelection


  "label": "No",
  "value": "false"

Transaction Dispute Category Form Item Value (v1.0.0)

A pairing of a human readable label and an internal value for a form item with a fixed set of allowed values.


Transaction Dispute Category Form Item Value (v1.0.0) object
A pairing of a human readable label and an internal value for a form item with a fixed set of allowed values.
label string(text) (required)
The human readable label for a form item value.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 300
value string(text) (required)
The internal representation for a form item value.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 300


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "label": "There are unauthorized charges on my account.",
  "formItems": [
      "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
      "type": "singleLineText",
      "required": true
      "label": "Was your debit card stolen?",
      "type": "oneOfManySelection",
      "values": [
          "label": "Yes",
          "value": "Yes"
          "label": "No",
          "value": "No"
      "required": true

Transaction Dispute Category (v1.1.0)

Summary representation of a transaction dispute category.


Transaction Dispute Category (v1.1.0) object
Summary representation of a transaction dispute category.
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier of the transaction dispute category. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
label transactionDisputeCategoryLabel(text) (required)
The human readable text describing the transaction dispute category.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500
formItems array: [transactionDisputeCategoryFormItem] (required)
A list of form items for the transaction dispute category.
unique items
minItems: 1
maxItems: 100
items: object


"There are unauthorized charges on my account."

Transaction Dispute Category Label (v1.0.0)

The human readable text describing the transaction dispute category.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500


  "id": "a9cdfee9a712",
  "label": "I did not authorize this transaction."

Transaction Dispute Category Reference (v1.1.0)

Representation of the dispute category for the transaction.


Transaction Dispute Category Reference (v1.1.0) object
Representation of the dispute category for the transaction.
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier of the category of the transaction dispute. This is an opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
label transactionDisputeCategoryLabel(text)
The human readable text describing the transaction dispute category.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500


"Why are you disputing this transaction?"

Transaction Dispute Form Item Label (v1.0.0)

The client should use this text as the UI label for the corresponding UI form/control.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500


  "label": "Why are you disputing this transaction?",
  "values": [
    "I did not authorize this transaction."

Transaction Dispute Form Item Response (v1.0.0)

A pairing of a form item label and the customer responses. Some form item responses consist of multiple values from a predefined list.


Transaction Dispute Form Item Response (v1.0.0) object
A pairing of a form item label and the customer responses. Some form item responses consist of multiple values from a predefined list.
label transactionDisputeFormItemLabel(text) (required)
The client should use this text as the UI label for the corresponding UI form/control.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 500
values array: [transactionDisputeFormItemResponseValue] (required)
The responses from the customer for the given form item.
unique items
maxItems: 25
items: string(text)
» format: text
» minLength: 1
» maxLength: 300


"I did not authorize this transaction."

Transaction Dispute Form Item Response Value (v1.0.0)

The user-provided response value for a form item. This string must be the value from the category form item if the category form item type is binaryOption, oneOfManySelection or multipleSelection.

type: string(text)

format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 300


  "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
  "state": "submitted",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
    "description": "**MACYS1234",
    "amount": "25.00",
    "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
  "createdAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"

Transaction Dispute Item (v2.1.0)

Summary representation of a transaction dispute resource in transaction disputes collection. To fetch the full representation of this transaction dispute, use the getTransactionDispute operation, passing this item's id field as the transactionDisputeId path parameter.


Transaction Dispute Item (v2.1.0) object
Summary representation of a transaction dispute resource in transaction disputes collection. To fetch the full representation of this transaction dispute, use the getTransactionDispute operation, passing this item's id field as the transactionDisputeId path parameter.
createdAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when this resource was created, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
updatedAt readOnlyTimestamp(date-time) (required)
The date-time when the resource was last updated, in RFC 3339 date-time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format, UTC. This is derived and immutable.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
id externalResourceId(text) (required)
The unique identifier for this transaction dispute resource. This is an immutable opaque string.
format: text
minLength: 1
maxLength: 256
state transactionDisputeState (required)

The state of a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The transaction dispute was submitted and is under review.


The transaction dispute was rejected after review by the financial institution.


The transaction dispute was approved after review by the financial institution.

enum values: submitted, rejected, approved
transaction disputedTransactionReference (required)
A summary of transaction details for a transaction dispute.



Transaction Dispute State (v1.0.0)

The state of a transaction dispute.

transactionDisputeState strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The transaction dispute was submitted and is under review.


The transaction dispute was rejected after review by the financial institution.


The transaction dispute was approved after review by the financial institution.

type: string

enum values: submitted, rejected, approved


  "items": [
      "id": "0399abed-fd3d",
      "state": "approved",
      "transaction": {
        "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
        "description": "**MACYS1234",
        "amount": "25.00",
        "occurredOn": "2023-05-18"
      "createdAt": "2023-11-10T18:24:36.059Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T12:36:05.053Z"
      "id": "d62c0701-0d74-4836-83f9-ebf3709442ea",
      "state": "submitted",
      "transaction": {
        "id": "88f5bf17-ecc4",
        "description": "**WALMART1337",
        "amount": "97.46",
        "occurredOn": "2023-11-01"
      "createdAt": "2023-11-15T13:57:15.123Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-15T13:57:15.123Z"

Transaction Dispute Collection (v2.1.0)

Collection of transaction disputes. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array.


Transaction Dispute Collection (v2.1.0) object
Collection of transaction disputes. The items in the collection are ordered in the items array.
items array: [transactionDisputeItem] (required)
An array containing transaction dispute items.
maxItems: 1000
items: object



Transaction ID (v1.0.0)

The transaction's unique identifier.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 256
pattern: "^[-_:,.~$a-zA-Z0-9]{6,256}$"

Generated by @apiture/api-doc 3.2.4 on Thu Feb 27 2025 22:02:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).