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Events v0.11.1

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Describes event message schemas which convey activity in the Apiture Digital Banking platform.

An event is an action that has occurred at a point in time (such as: user logged in, account beneficiary added, payment batch approved, etc.). An event is an abstraction. Each kind of event has an event type. Related events are also organized into categories, such as profile or transfers. Each event type belongs to one category. There can be many event messages over time for each event type.

An event message is a concrete data packet representation of an event that has occurred. The message contains event metadata (such as a unique event ID, timestamp, etc.) and the event's associated data payload. Each event message is defined with the eventMessageItem schema, which includes the metadata. The eventMessageItem object has a data object whose value depends on the eventMessageItem.type. The data value is constrained to the schema whose name is derived from the type. The data event message schema name is the event type name with the suffix EventSchema. For example, an event message with type of userLoggedIn is defined by the userLoggedInEventSchema.

Event Types by Category

Events are organized into categories, as follows:

Event category Event type Event Message Schema
accounts fullAccountNumberAccessed fullAccountNumberAccessedEventSchema
authentication identityChallengeFailed identityChallengeFailedEventSchema
authentication identityChallengeInitiated identityChallengeInitiatedEventSchema
authentication identityChallengeSucceeded identityChallengeSucceededEventSchema
authentication mfaFailed mfaFailedEventSchema
authentication mfaInitiated mfaInitiatedEventSchema
authentication mfaSucceeded mfaSucceededEventSchema
authentication passwordUpdated passwordUpdatedEventSchema
authentication passwordUpdateFailed passwordUpdateFailedEventSchema
authentication userLoggedIn userLoggedInEventSchema
authentication userLoginFailed userLoginFailedEventSchema
authentication usernameUpdated usernameUpdatedEventSchema
externalAccounts externalAccountActivated externalAccountActivatedEventSchema
externalAccounts externalAccountRemoved externalAccountRemovedEventSchema
externalAccounts externalAccountRequested externalAccountRequestedEventSchema
externalAccounts externalAccountVerificationFailed externalAccountVerificationFailedEventSchema
externalAccounts fullExternalAccountNumberAccessed fullExternalAccountNumberAccessedEventSchema
profile addressUpdated addressUpdatedEventSchema
profile entitlementUpdated entitlementUpdatedEventSchema
profile mobileDeviceRegistrationDeleted mobileDeviceRegistrationDeletedEventSchema
profile phoneNumberUpdated phoneNumberUpdatedEventSchema
profile primaryEmailUpdated primaryEmailUpdatedEventSchema
profile smsConsentUpdated smsConsentUpdatedEventSchema
transfers singleTransferCanceled singleTransferCanceledEventSchema
transfers singleTransferCreated singleTransferCreatedEventSchema
transfers singleTransferFailed singleTransferFailedEventSchema
transfers singleTransferInitiated singleTransferInitiatedEventSchema
transfers singleTransferProcessed singleTransferProcessedEventSchema
transfers singleTransferScheduled singleTransferScheduledEventSchema
transfers singleTransferUpdated singleTransferUpdatedEventSchema
wireTransfers wireTransferApproved wireTransferApprovedEventSchema
wireTransfers wireTransferBeneficiaryUpdated wireTransferBeneficiaryUpdatedEventSchema
wireTransfers wireTransferCreated wireTransferCreatedEventSchema
wireTransfers wireTransferInitiated wireTransferInitiatedEventSchema
wireTransfers wireTransferScheduled wireTransferScheduledEventSchema
Note: This document is not an API definition, but uses the OpenAPI document format to define the schemas of the event messages.

Download OpenAPI Definition (YAML)

Base URLs:

Terms of service

Email: Apiture Web: Apiture

License: Apiture API License




Account Routing Number (v1.0.0)

An account ABA routing and transit number.

type: string

minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$


  "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
  "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
  "locality": "Wilmington",
  "regionName": "North Carolina",
  "countryCode": "US",
  "postalCode": "28412"

Address (v1.2.0)

A postal address that can hold a US address or an international (non-US) postal addresses.


Address (v1.2.0) object
A postal address that can hold a US address or an international (non-US) postal addresses.
address1 string(text) (required)
The first line of the postal address. In the US, this typically includes the building number and street name.
format: text
maxLength: 35
address2 string(text)
The second line of the street address. This should only be used if it has a value. Typical values include building numbers, suite numbers, and other identifying information beyond the first line of the postal address.
format: text
maxLength: 35
locality string(text) (required)
The city/town/municipality of the address.
format: text
maxLength: 20
countryCode string (required)
The ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for the country associated with the postal address.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}$
regionName string(text)
The state, district, or outlying area of the postal address. This is required if countryCode is not US. regionCode and regionName are mutually exclusive.
format: text
minLength: 2
maxLength: 20
regionCode string
The state, district, or outlying area of the postal address. This is required if countryCode is US regionCode and regionName are mutually exclusive.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: ^[A-Za-z]{2}$
postalCode string (required)
The postal code, which varies in format by country. If countryCode is US, this should be a five digit US ZIP code or ten character ZIP+4.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 12
pattern: [0-9A-Za-z][- 0-9A-Za-z]{0,10}[0-9A-Za-z]


  "previousAddress": {
    "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
    "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"
  "newAddress": {
    "address1": "1822 Tiburon Dr.",
    "address2": "Building 9, Suite 100",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionCode": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"
  "type": "mailing"

Address Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated their postal address.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of addressUpdated.


Address Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated their postal address.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of addressUpdated.

previousAddress usAddress (required)
A postal address within the United States or US territories.
The schema usAddress was added on version 0.5.0 of the API.
newAddress usAddress (required)
A postal address within the United States or US territories.
The schema usAddress was added on version 0.5.0 of the API.
type string (required)
Indicates which address associated with this banking customer's profile was updated.
enum values: physical, mailing


  "type": "debit_card_controls",
  "category": "account",
  "state": true

Event Schema (v0.1.1)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has changed account or customer entitlements for another customer.

A state value of true means the entitlement was set, and false means it was unset. For example, when the entitlement type: view has state: true, the customer's account view access is allowed. Some entitlements (those where the type starts with the prefix "no_") are negative. For example, when the entitlement type: no_stmt_view has a state: true, the customer's statement view access is blocked.


Event Schema (v0.1.1) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has changed account or customer entitlements for another customer.

A state value of true means the entitlement was set, and false means it was unset. For example, when the entitlement type: view has state: true, the customer's account view access is allowed. Some entitlements (those where the type starts with the prefix "no_") are negative. For example, when the entitlement type: no_stmt_view has a state: true, the customer's statement view access is blocked.

type string (required)
The name of the enitlement setting.
minLength: 4
maxLength: 64
pattern: ^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{3,63}$
category eventEntitlementCategory (required)

Indicates whether the entitlement is over an account or over a customer.

eventEntitlementCategory strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Entitlement is over a banking account


Entitlement is over a banking customer

enum values: account, customer
state any (required)
The new entitlement setting; true means the entitlement was set, false means it was unset.


  "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
  "maskedNumber": "*3210",
  "routingNumber": "021000021"

Account Reference (v0.1.0)

A reference to a banking account.


Account Reference (v0.1.0) object
A reference to a banking account.
id resourceId (required)
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$



Event User Type (v0.1.0)

Describes the type of agent (user or actor) that performed the action that triggered an event.

eventAgentType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A banking customer


A financial institution operator or administrator


A system process or job, not an interactive person

type: string

enum values: customer, operator, system



Event Authentication Challenge Factor (v1.0.0)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

type: string

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms



Entitlement Category (v1.0.0)

Indicates whether the entitlement is over an account or over a customer.

eventEntitlementCategory strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Entitlement is over a banking account


Entitlement is over a banking customer

type: string

enum values: account, customer


  "id": "0399abed30f38b8a365c",
  "institutionId": "TIBURON",
  "correlationId": "da2da17214b86185fb9e",
  "type": "singleTransferScheduled",
  "category": "transfers",
  "occurredAt": "2019-09-13T05:03:50.375Z",
  "agentId": "4f3ec1daab02eed9de64",
  "agentType": "customer",
  "coreCustomerId": "138929",
  "host": "",
  "primaryId": "a727ff2aedea60646819",
  "data": {
    "sourceAccount": {
      "id": "14bdbe18a60b58a91982",
      "maskedNumber": "*3210",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"
    "targetAccount": {
      "id": "bd9a225cb9a285e59cb8",
      "maskedNumber": "*3219",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"

Event Item (v0.5.0)

A data record representing a banking activity or action performed by a user. This conveys:

The type is a key into the set of event types . Each type has a corresponding JSON schema that defines the layout of the data object. The schema name is derived from the type name by adding EventSchema. For example, the transferScheduled event type's data is defined by the schema named transferScheduledEventSchema.


Event Item (v0.5.0) object
A data record representing a banking activity or action performed by a user. This conveys:

  • who did something (agentId, agentType, coreCustomerId)
  • what they did (type, category),
  • when they did it (occurredAt),
  • where they did it (host),
  • what they did it to (primaryId, secondaryId)
  • additional data that is specific to the activity type.

The type is a key into the set of event types . Each type has a corresponding JSON schema that defines the layout of the data object. The schema name is derived from the type name by adding EventSchema. For example, the transferScheduled event type's data is defined by the schema named transferScheduledEventSchema.

id resourceId (required)
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
institutionId institutionId
The unique immutable identifier of a financial institution.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 8
pattern: ^[A-Z0-9_]{2,8}$
correlationId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
sessionId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
type string (required)
The type of this event. This is the key into the set of event types. This is a lowerCamelCase string.
minLength: 4
maxLength: 48
pattern: [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,47}
category string (required)
An identifier for the category of the record type. Multiple record types can belong to a category. This is a lowerCamelCase string.
minLength: 4
maxLength: 40
pattern: [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,39}
occurredAt timestamp(date-time) (required)
A timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ RFC 3339 date-time UTC format.
The schema timestamp was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
agentId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
agentType eventAgentType (required)
Indicates what type of agent or actor performed the operation that triggered this event.
enum values: customer, operator, system
coreCustomerId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
requesterId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
host string(text)
The host IP address of client which was used for this activity, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
primaryId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
secondaryId resourceId
The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.
minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$
data abstractEventDataSchema
Additional properties of the event, represented as a type-specific object.


  "version": "0.1.0",
  "startsAt": "2022-12-02T11:00:00.000",
  "endsAt": "2022-12-02T11:10:00.000Z",
  "items": [
      "id": "b844b2d641da",
      "institutionId": "TIBURON",
      "category": "authentication",
      "type": "userLoggedIn",
      "occurredAt": "2022-12-02T11:08:00.375Z",
      "correlationId": "0730fd7ac6bfe5a87b0a",
      "sessionId": "2ded0203a8a2b6e7befa",
      "agentId": "4f3ec1daab02eed9de64",
      "coreCustomerId": "12299292",
      "agentType": "customer",
      "host": "",
      "primaryId": "b844b2d6d9ca818df3c8",
      "data": {
        "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "operatingSystem": "macos",
        "platform": "web",
        "application": "apitureDigitalBanking",
        "score": 2500
      "id": "0399abed30f38b8a365c",
      "institutionId": "TIBURON",
      "category": "transfers",
      "type": "singleTransferScheduled",
      "occurredAt": "2022-12-02T11:08:00.375Z",
      "correlationId": "2266452a0bfd8150cf64",
      "sessionId": "2ded0203a8a2b6e7befa",
      "agentId": "4f3ec1daab02eed9de64",
      "coreCustomerId": "12299292",
      "agentType": "customer",
      "host": "",
      "primaryId": "a727ff2aedea60646819",
      "data": {
        "sourceAccount": {
          "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
          "maskedNumber": "*3210",
          "routingNumber": "021000021"
        "targetAccount": {
          "id": "0c8ad50ab6cf0eb48c25",
          "maskedNumber": "*3219",
          "routingNumber": "021000021"

Event Messages (v0.5.0)

A list of events within a time frame.


Event Messages (v0.5.0) object
A list of events within a time frame.
version string(semver) (required)
The semantic version number of the event metadata structure.
format: semver
minLength: 5
maxLength: 12
enum values: 0.1.0
startsAt timestamp(date-time)
A timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ RFC 3339 date-time UTC format.
The schema timestamp was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
endsAt timestamp(date-time)
A timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ RFC 3339 date-time UTC format.
The schema timestamp was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.
format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30
items array: [eventMessageItem] (required)
An array of event items.
maxItems: 10000
items: object



Event Single Transfer Failed Reason (v1.0.0)

Indicates why a single transfer failed.

eventSingleTransferFailedReason strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

nonSufficientFundsNon Sufficient Funds:

Non Sufficient Funds (NSF) in the source account

sourceAccountClosedSource Account Closed:

The source (debit) account for the transfer is closed

targetAccountClosedTarget Account Closed:

The target (credit) account for the transfer is closed


Another unspecified reason

type: string

enum values: nonSufficientFunds, sourceAccountClosed, targetAccountClosed, other


  "name": "Fribble Inc.",
  "address": {
    "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
    "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
    "locality": "Wilmington",
    "regionName": "NC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "postalCode": "28412"

Event Wire Beneficiary (v0.1.0)

The name and address of a wire transfer beneficiary.


Event Wire Beneficiary (v0.1.0) object
The name and address of a wire transfer beneficiary.
name string(text) (required)
The name of the wire transfer beneficiary.
format: text
maxLength: 35
address address (required)
A postal address that can hold a US address or an international (non-US) postal addresses.


  "account": {
    "id": "a5b383950c769e52a316",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
  "verificationMethod": "instant"

External Account Activated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has activated an external banking account after successful account verification, or the financial institution has activated the account on behalf of the customer.


External Account Activated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has activated an external banking account after successful account verification, or the financial institution has activated the account on behalf of the customer.
account eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
verificationMethod externalAccountVerificationMethod (required)

The method used to verify the customer has access to the external account.

externalAccountVerificationMethod strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

instantInstant Account Verification:

Access to the external account is verified via integration with an account verification service provider.


Access to the external account is verified via verifying a set of micro-deposits.


Access to the external account is verified manually by the financial institution.

enum values: instant, microDeposits, manual
institutionName string(text) (required)
The financial institution's name.
format: text
maxLength: 35


  "maskedNumber": "*6789",
  "routingNumber": "123123123",
  "institutionName": "Third Party Bank"

External Account Removed Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has removed (unlinked) an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountRemoved.


External Account Removed Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has removed (unlinked) an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountRemoved.

maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$
institutionName string(text) (required)
The financial institution's name.
format: text
maxLength: 35


  "maskedNumber": "*6789",
  "routingNumber": "123123123",
  "verificationMethod": "microDeposits"

External Account Requested Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a banking customer has requested linking an external ACH banking account so that they may transfer funds between this financial institution and that external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountRequested.


External Account Requested Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a banking customer has requested linking an external ACH banking account so that they may transfer funds between this financial institution and that external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountRequested.

maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$
verificationMethod externalAccountVerificationMethod (required)

The method used to verify the customer has access to the external account.

externalAccountVerificationMethod strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

instantInstant Account Verification:

Access to the external account is verified via integration with an account verification service provider.


Access to the external account is verified via verifying a set of micro-deposits.


Access to the external account is verified manually by the financial institution.

enum values: instant, microDeposits, manual


  "maskedNumber": "*6789",
  "routingNumber": "123123123",
  "institutionName": "Third Party Bank",
  "verificationMethod": "microDeposits",
  "reason": "microDepositsMismatched",
  "failureCount": 1

External Account Verification Failed Event Schema (v0.3.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed to verify ownership of an external account while trying to add access to an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountVerificationFailed.


External Account Verification Failed Event Schema (v0.3.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed to verify ownership of an external account while trying to add access to an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of externalAccountVerificationFailed.

maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$
institutionName string(text) (required)
The financial institution's name.
format: text
maxLength: 35
verificationMethod externalAccountVerificationMethod (required)

The method used to verify the customer has access to the external account.

externalAccountVerificationMethod strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

instantInstant Account Verification:

Access to the external account is verified via integration with an account verification service provider.


Access to the external account is verified via verifying a set of micro-deposits.


Access to the external account is verified manually by the financial institution.

enum values: instant, microDeposits, manual
reason externalAccountVerificationFailureEventReason (required)

Indicates the reason that external account verification failed.

externalAccountVerificationFailureEventReason strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

microDepositsAccountMismatchedMicro-Deposits Account Number Mismatched:

When verifying micro-deposits, the account number did not match the external account being verified

microDepositsAmountsMismatchedMicro-Deposits Amounts Mismatched:

When verifying micro-deposits, the amounts did not match the actual transactions


Account verification failed for some other reason


Account verification failed for an unknown reason

enum values: microDepositsAccountMismatched, microDepositsAmountsMismatched, other, unknown
failureCount integer(int32)
The number of times a external account verification attempt failed. Omitted if unknown.
format: int32
minimum: 1
maximum: 20



External Account Verification Failure Event Reason (v1.0.0)

Indicates the reason that external account verification failed.

externalAccountVerificationFailureEventReason strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

microDepositsAccountMismatchedMicro-Deposits Account Number Mismatched:

When verifying micro-deposits, the account number did not match the external account being verified

microDepositsAmountsMismatchedMicro-Deposits Amounts Mismatched:

When verifying micro-deposits, the amounts did not match the actual transactions


Account verification failed for some other reason


Account verification failed for an unknown reason

type: string

enum values: microDepositsAccountMismatched, microDepositsAmountsMismatched, other, unknown



External Account Verification Method (v1.1.0)

The method used to verify the customer has access to the external account.

externalAccountVerificationMethod strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

instantInstant Account Verification:

Access to the external account is verified via integration with an account verification service provider.


Access to the external account is verified via verifying a set of micro-deposits.


Access to the external account is verified manually by the financial institution.

type: string

enum values: instant, microDeposits, manual


  "maskedNumber": "*3210",
  "routingNumber": "021000021"

Full Account Number Accessed Events Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has accessed a full unmasked account number for an internal account at the financial institution.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category accounts and event message type of fullAccountNumberAccessed.


Full Account Number Accessed Events Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has accessed a full unmasked account number for an internal account at the financial institution.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category accounts and event message type of fullAccountNumberAccessed.

maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$


  "maskedNumber": "*3210",
  "routingNumber": "021000021"

Full External Account Number Accessed Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has accessed a full (unmasked) account number for an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of fullExternalAccountNumberAccessed.


Full External Account Number Accessed Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has accessed a full (unmasked) account number for an external account.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category externalAccounts and event message type of fullExternalAccountNumberAccessed.

maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
routingNumber accountRoutingNumber (required)
An account ABA routing and transit number.
minLength: 9
maxLength: 9
pattern: ^[0-9]{9}$


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [
  "failureCount": 1

Identity Challenge Failed Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed an identity challenge.


Identity Challenge Failed Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed an identity challenge.
factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the identity challenge one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected identity challenge factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have identity challenge delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72
failureCount integer(int32) (required)
The number of times the user submitted an invalid identity Challenge response, such as the wrong one-time passcode or incorrect security questions.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 20


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [

identity Challenge Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has initiated and identity challenge for an operation that requires proof of identity.


identity Challenge Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has initiated and identity challenge for an operation that requires proof of identity.
factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the identity challenge one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected identity challenge factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have identity challenge delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [
  "failureCount": 1

Identity Challenge Succeeded Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has successfully completed an identity challenge.


Identity Challenge Succeeded Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has successfully completed an identity challenge.
factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the identity challenge one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected identity challenge factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have identity challenge delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72
failureCount integer(int32) (required)
The number of times the user submitted an invalid identity Challenge response, such as the wrong one-time passcode or incorrect security questions.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 20



Institution ID (v1.1.0)

The unique immutable identifier of a financial institution.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 8
pattern: ^[A-Z0-9_]{2,8}$



institution Locator Type (v1.0.0)

Indicates the type of the institution locator.

institutionLocatorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

abaRoutingNumberABA Routing Number:

The American Bankers Association routing number of a financial institution


The SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC) code of a financial institution


International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

type: string

enum values: abaRoutingNumber, swiftBicCode, ibanAccountNumber



Masked Account Number (v1.0.1)

A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.

type: string

minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [
  "failureCount": 1

MFA Failed Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered each time a user has failed a multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge after logging in, such an entering an incorrect one-time passcode. This may be followed by a mfaSucceeded event upon a retry, or the user may reach their failure limit and then entire MFA flow fails.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaFailed.


MFA Failed Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered each time a user has failed a multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge after logging in, such an entering an incorrect one-time passcode. This may be followed by a mfaSucceeded event upon a retry, or the user may reach their failure limit and then entire MFA flow fails.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaFailed.

factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the MFA one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected MFA factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have MFA delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72
failureCount integer(int32)
The number of times the user submitted an invalid MFA response, such as the wrong one-time passcode or incorrect security questions.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 20


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [

MFA Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.1)

Payload for event messages triggered when the system has initiated multi-factor authentication (MFA) after a user logs in.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaInitiated.


MFA Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.1) object
Payload for event messages triggered when the system has initiated multi-factor authentication (MFA) after a user logs in.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaInitiated.

factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the MFA one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected MFA factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have MFA delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72


  "factor": "sms",
  "channels": [
  "failureCount": 1

MFA Succeeded Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has successfully completed multi-factor authentication (MFA) after logging in. This may be preceded my one or more mfaFailed events if the user had intermediate failures, as indicated by the failureCount property.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaSucceeded.


MFA Succeeded Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has successfully completed multi-factor authentication (MFA) after logging in. This may be preceded my one or more mfaFailed events if the user had intermediate failures, as indicated by the failureCount property.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mfaSucceeded.

factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms
channels array: [string]
An optional list of channels through which the MFA one-time passcode is delivered to the user according to the selected MFA factor. A user can select one or two email channels for the email factor. The voice, sms and twoWaySms factors allow only one channel. Omitted if the factor does not have MFA delivery channels.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
items: string(text)
» format: text
» maxLength: 72
failureCount integer(int32)
The number of times the user submitted an invalid MFA response, such as the wrong one-time passcode or incorrect security questions.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 20


  "deviceId": "c6b79477550d0ebd16f7"

Mobile Device Registration Deleted Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has deleted a device registration.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mobileDeviceRegistrationDeleted.


Mobile Device Registration Deleted Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has deleted a device registration.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of mobileDeviceRegistrationDeleted.

deviceId string(text)
The unique ID of the device the user removed.
format: text
maxLength: 256



Monetary Value (v1.1.0)

The monetary value, supporting only positive amounts. The numeric value is represented as a string so that it can be exact with no loss of precision.
The schema monetaryValue was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.

type: string

maxLength: 16
pattern: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*).[0-9][0-9]$


  "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "operatingSystem": "macos",
  "platform": "web",
  "application": "apitureDigitalBanking",
  "temporaryPassword": true

Password Update Failed Event Schema (v0.1.1)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed to change a password.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of passwordUpdateFailed.


Password Update Failed Event Schema (v0.1.1) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed to change a password.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of passwordUpdateFailed.

browser string(text)
The browser or user agent associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 160
operatingSystem string(text)
The name of operating system of the device associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
platform string
The application platform of user's client application associated with the client request, if known.
enum values: web, mobile, voice, sms, other, unknown
application string(text)
The application into which the user logged in. The reserved names apitureDigitalBanking and apitureMobile represent Apiture's web and mobile applications. unknown if the application is not known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
temporaryPassword boolean
If true, the user failed to update a temporary password that was assigned for forgotten password flows or first-time login. If false or omitted, the failure applied to the user's normal password.


  "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "operatingSystem": "macos",
  "platform": "web",
  "application": "apitureDigitalBanking"

Password Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their password.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of passwordUpdated.


Password Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their password.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of passwordUpdated.

browser string(text)
The browser or user agent associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 160
operatingSystem string(text)
The name of operating system of the device associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
platform string
The application platform of user's client application associated with the client request, if known.
enum values: web, mobile, voice, sms, other, unknown
application string(text)
The application into which the user logged in. The reserved names apitureDigitalBanking and apitureMobile represent Apiture's web and mobile applications. unknown if the application is not known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
temporaryPassword boolean
If true, the user replaced a temporary password that was assigned for forgotten password flows or first-time login. If false or omitted, the user changed their normal password.



Phone Number Type (v1.0.0)

Describes the type of a banking customer's phone number.

phoneNumberType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The user's primary phone number


The user's secondary phone number


The user's mobile phone number


The user's fax phone number


The user's alternate phone number

type: string

enum values: primary, secondary, mobile, fax, alternate


  "previousPhoneNumber": "910-555-1234",
  "newPhoneNumber": "910-555-5678",
  "type": "mobile"

Phone Number Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated a phone number associated with their profile.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of phoneNumberUpdated.


Phone Number Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated a phone number associated with their profile.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of phoneNumberUpdated.

previousPhoneNumber string(text)
The previous phone number. If omitted, the user did not have a previous number of this type.
format: text
maxLength: 20
newPhoneNumber string(text)
The previous phone number. If omitted, the user has removed the number of this type.
format: text
maxLength: 20
type phoneNumberType (required)

Describes the type of a banking customer's phone number.

phoneNumberType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


The user's primary phone number


The user's secondary phone number


The user's mobile phone number


The user's fax phone number


The user's alternate phone number

enum values: primary, secondary, mobile, fax, alternate


  "previousEmail": "",
  "newEmail": ""

Primary Email Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their primary email address.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of primaryEmailUpdated.


Primary Email Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their primary email address.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of primaryEmailUpdated.

previousEmail string(email)
The previous original value of the email address before the update.
format: email
maxLength: 120
newEmail string(email)
The previous original value of the email address before the update.
format: email
maxLength: 120



Resource Identifier (v1.0.0)

The unique, opaque system identifier for a resource. This case-sensitive ID is also used as path parameters in URLs or in other properties or parameters that reference a resource by ID rather than URL.

type: string

minLength: 6
maxLength: 48
pattern: ^[-_:.~$a-zA-Z0-9]+$


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "d8f6fabcc1085a2022ae",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "dc09216a9d32f1952259",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"

Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer or the system has canceled a transfer.


Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer or the system has canceled a transfer.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "370c93621e94f0f088bc",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "8fdca899061880daf280",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"

Single Transfer createdEvent Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has created a single account-to-account transfer.


Single Transfer createdEvent Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has created a single account-to-account transfer.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "3cfce6d07f4eb75185e9",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "777a2a2442ce020e63b1",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "amount": "350.00",
  "frequency": "once"

Single Transfer Event (v1.0.0)

Describes the details of a single account-to-account transfer in an event payload.


Single Transfer Event (v1.0.0) object
Describes the details of a single account-to-account transfer in an event payload.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference
A reference to a banking account.
amount monetaryValue
The monetary value, supporting only positive amounts. The numeric value is represented as a string so that it can be exact with no loss of precision.
The schema monetaryValue was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.
maxLength: 16
pattern: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.[0-9][0-9]$
frequency transferFrequency

For recurring transfers, the interval at which the money movement recurs.

transferFrequency strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Transfer does not repeat


Transfer recurs but without a new scheduled date


Repeat daily on business days


Repeat weekly


Repeat every two weeks (26 times a year)


Repeat twice a month (24 times a year)


Repeat monthly

monthlyFirstDayMonthly First Day:

Repeat on the first business day of the month

monthlyLastDayMonthly Last Day:

Repeat on the last business day of the month


Repeat every other month


Repeat quarterly (four times a year)


Repeat every six months (twice a year)


Repeat once every year

enum values: once, occasional, daily, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, monthlyFirstDay, monthlyLastDay, bimonthly, quarterly, semiyearly, yearly


  "reason": "nonSufficientFunds",
  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "0c8ad50ab6cf0eb48c25",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "123123123"

Single Transfer Failed Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when the system has failed to process a single account-to-account transfer.


Single Transfer Failed Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when the system has failed to process a single account-to-account transfer.
reason eventSingleTransferFailedReason (required)

Indicates why a single transfer failed.

eventSingleTransferFailedReason strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

nonSufficientFundsNon Sufficient Funds:

Non Sufficient Funds (NSF) in the source account

sourceAccountClosedSource Account Closed:

The source (debit) account for the transfer is closed

targetAccountClosedTarget Account Closed:

The target (credit) account for the transfer is closed


Another unspecified reason

enum values: nonSufficientFunds, sourceAccountClosed, targetAccountClosed, other
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "b4f9dc1f07af757b0696",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "73bec47bcabaee4fca6c",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "123123123"

Message Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when the system has started processing a single scheduled account-to-account transfer.


Message Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when the system has started processing a single scheduled account-to-account transfer.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "370c93621e94f0f088bc",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "8fdca899061880daf280",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"

Single Transfer Processed Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a single account-to-account transfer has completed processing.


Single Transfer Processed Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a single account-to-account transfer has completed processing.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
    "maskedNumber": "*3210",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"
  "targetAccount": {
    "id": "0c8ad50ab6cf0eb48c25",
    "maskedNumber": "*3219",
    "routingNumber": "021000021"

Single Transfer Scheduled Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has scheduled a single account-to-account transfer. The transfer resource ID is captured in the event's primaryId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category transfers and event message type of singleTransferScheduled.


Single Transfer Scheduled Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has scheduled a single account-to-account transfer. The transfer resource ID is captured in the event's primaryId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category transfers and event message type of singleTransferScheduled.

sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.


  "previousTransfer": {
    "sourceAccount": {
      "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
      "maskedNumber": "*3210",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"
    "targetAccount": {
      "id": "0c8ad50ab6cf0eb48c25",
      "maskedNumber": "*3219",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"
    "amount": "350.00",
    "frequency": "once"
  "newTransfer": {
    "sourceAccount": {
      "id": "a212d3c119148960683d",
      "maskedNumber": "*3210",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"
    "targetAccount": {
      "id": "f901940ca3df8a40a238",
      "maskedNumber": "*8239",
      "routingNumber": "021000021"
    "amount": "450.00",
    "frequency": "weekly"

Single Transfer Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has scheduled a single account-to-account transfer. The transfer resource ID is captured in the event's primaryId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category transfers and event message type of singleTransferScheduled.


Single Transfer Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has scheduled a single account-to-account transfer. The transfer resource ID is captured in the event's primaryId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category transfers and event message type of singleTransferScheduled.

previousTransfer singleTransferEvent (required)
Describes the details of a single account-to-account transfer in an event payload.
newTransfer singleTransferEvent (required)
Describes the details of a single account-to-account transfer in an event payload.


  "consented": true

SMS Consent Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their SMS notification consent. (i.e. when a user opts-in for or opt-out of SMS notifications.) This is also triggered if the user changes their mobile number.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of smsConsentUpdated.


SMS Consent Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed their SMS notification consent. (i.e. when a user opts-in for or opt-out of SMS notifications.) This is also triggered if the user changes their mobile number.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category profile and event message type of smsConsentUpdated.

consented boolean (required)
Indicates if the user has just consented to (true) removed consent (false) for SMS notifications.



Timestamp (v1.0.0)

A timestamp (an instant in time) formatted in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ RFC 3339 date-time UTC format.
The schema timestamp was added on version 0.4.0 of the API.

type: string(date-time)

format: date-time
minLength: 20
maxLength: 30



Transfer Frequency (v1.0.0)

For recurring transfers, the interval at which the money movement recurs.

transferFrequency strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


Transfer does not repeat


Transfer recurs but without a new scheduled date


Repeat daily on business days


Repeat weekly


Repeat every two weeks (26 times a year)


Repeat twice a month (24 times a year)


Repeat monthly

monthlyFirstDayMonthly First Day:

Repeat on the first business day of the month

monthlyLastDayMonthly Last Day:

Repeat on the last business day of the month


Repeat every other month


Repeat quarterly (four times a year)


Repeat every six months (twice a year)


Repeat once every year

type: string

enum values: once, occasional, daily, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, monthlyFirstDay, monthlyLastDay, bimonthly, quarterly, semiyearly, yearly


  "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
  "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
  "locality": "Wilmington",
  "regionCode": "NC",
  "countryCode": "US",
  "postalCode": "28412"

Address (United States) (v1.3.0)

A postal address within the United States or US territories.
The schema usAddress was added on version 0.5.0 of the API.


Address (United States) (v1.3.0) object
A postal address within the United States or US territories.
The schema usAddress was added on version 0.5.0 of the API.
address1 string(text) (required)
The first line of the postal address. In the US, this typically includes the building number and street name.
format: text
maxLength: 35
address2 string(text)
The second line of the street address. This should only be used if it has a value. Typical values include building numbers, suite numbers, and other identifying information beyond the first line of the postal address.
format: text
maxLength: 35
locality string(text) (required)
The city/town/municipality of the address.
format: text
maxLength: 20
countryCode string (required)
The ISO-3611 alpha-2 value for the country associated with the postal address.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
const: US
regionCode string (required)
The state, district, or outlying area of the postal address.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 2
pattern: ^[A-Za-z]{2}$
postalCode string (required)
A group of five or nine numbers that are added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
minLength: 5
maxLength: 10
pattern: ^\d{5}(?:[- ]?\d{4})?$


  "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "operatingSystem": "macos",
  "platform": "web",
  "application": "apitureDigitalBanking",
  "userType": "retail",
  "score": 2500

User Logged In Event Schema (v0.2.1)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has logged in. The authenticated user's resource ID is captured in the event's agentId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of userLoggedInEvent.


User Logged In Event Schema (v0.2.1) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has logged in. The authenticated user's resource ID is captured in the event's agentId.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of userLoggedInEvent.

browser string(text)
The browser or user agent associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 160
operatingSystem string(text)
The name of operating system of the device associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
platform string
The application platform of user's client application associated with the client request, if known.
enum values: web, mobile, voice, sms, other, unknown
application string(text) (required)
The application into which the user logged in. The reserved names apitureDigitalBanking and apitureMobile represent Apiture's web and mobile applications. unknown if the application is not known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
userType string
Indicates the type of digital banking customer/member. Omitted if not a digital banking customer.
enum values: commercial, retail
score number
A score that indicates the risk level of the user.
minimum: 0
maximum: 10000


  "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "operatingSystem": "macos",
  "platform": "web",
  "application": "apitureDigitalBanking",
  "reason": "disabled"

User Login Failed Event Schema (v0.1.1)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed a login attempt.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of userLoginFailed.


User Login Failed Event Schema (v0.1.1) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has failed a login attempt.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of userLoginFailed.

browser string(text)
The browser or user agent associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 160
operatingSystem string(text)
The name of operating system of the device associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
platform string
The application platform of user's client application associated with the client request, if known.
enum values: web, mobile, voice, sms, other, unknown
application string(text)
The application into which the user logged in. The reserved names apitureDigitalBanking and apitureMobile represent Apiture's web and mobile applications. unknown if the application is not known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
reason string(text) (required)
Indicates why the user was unable to login. Some possible values are

  • disabled
  • invalidCredentials
  • ipRestriction
  • other
  • unknown

Other values are possible.
format: text
maxLength: 80


  "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "operatingSystem": "macos",
  "platform": "web",
  "application": "apitureDigitalBanking"

Username Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated their username (access ID).

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of usernameUpdated.


Username Updated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has updated their username (access ID).

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category authentication and event message type of usernameUpdated.

browser string(text)
The browser or user agent associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 160
operatingSystem string(text)
The name of operating system of the device associated with the client request, if known.
format: text
maxLength: 32
platform string
The application platform of user's client application associated with the client request, if known.
enum values: web, mobile, voice, sms, other, unknown
application string(text)
The application into which the user logged in. The reserved names apitureDigitalBanking and apitureMobile represent Apiture's web and mobile applications. unknown if the application is not known.
format: text
maxLength: 32


  "approvalCount": 1,
  "remainingApprovalsCount": 1,
  "factor": "email"

Wire Transfer Approved Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a banking user has approved a wire transfer. The wire transfer requires additional transfers if remainingApprovalsCount is greater than 0. If remainingApprovalsCount is 0, the system will schedule the wire to process on its scheduled date. This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferApproved.


Wire Transfer Approved Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a banking user has approved a wire transfer. The wire transfer requires additional transfers if remainingApprovalsCount is greater than 0. If remainingApprovalsCount is 0, the system will schedule the wire to process on its scheduled date. This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferApproved.
approvalCount integer(int32) (required)
The number of approvals already given for the wire transfer, including the approval corresponding to this event.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 3
remainingApprovalsCount integer(int32) (required)
The number of the remaining approvals that are required before the wire payment can be scheduled and processed.
format: int32
minimum: 0
maximum: 3
factor eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor (required)

The name of an authentication challenge factor, which indicates the method used to verify a user's identity when performing an operation that requires identity verification.

eventAuthenticationChallengeFactor strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


One-time passcode sent to the primary mobile phone number


One-time passcode sent to the primary email address


One-time passcode communicated via automated voice phone call

softwareTokenSoftware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered software authenticator application

hardwareTokenHardware Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered hardware device such as a token key fob

authenticatorTokenAuthenticator Token:

One-time passcode issued by a pre-registered authenticator

securityQuestionsSecurity Questions:

Prompt the user to answer their registered security questions

twoWaySmsTwo-way SMS:

Prompt the user to verify their identity via a two-way SMS conversation

enum values: sms, email, voice, hardwareToken, softwareToken, authenticatorToken, securityQuestions, twoWaySms


  "previousBeneficiary": {
    "name": "Fribble Inc.",
    "address": {
      "address1": "1805 Tiburon Dr.",
      "address2": "Building 14, Suite 1500",
      "locality": "Wilmington",
      "regionName": "NC",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "postalCode": "28412"
  "newBeneficiary": {
    "name": "Fribble LLC",
    "address": {
      "address1": "1810 Tiburon Dr.",
      "address2": "Building 6, Suite 100",
      "locality": "Vancouver",
      "regionName": "British Columbia",
      "countryCode": "CA",
      "postalCode": "V5K 0A1"

Wire Transfer Beneficiary Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed a wire transfer beneficiary.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferBeneficiaryUpdated.


Wire Transfer Beneficiary Updated Event Schema (v0.2.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has changed a wire transfer beneficiary.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferBeneficiaryUpdated.

previousBeneficiary eventWireBeneficiary (required)
The name and address of a wire transfer beneficiary.
newBeneficiary eventWireBeneficiary (required)
The name and address of a wire transfer beneficiary.


  "scope": "domestic",
  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "c2f333cc-9cef-4bfc-af8e-fca63cd50b1b",
    "maskedNumber": "*6789",
    "routingNumber": "123123123"
  "targetAccount": {
    "maskedNumber": "*8911",
    "locatorType": "abaRoutingNumber",
    "locator": "321321321"

Wire Transfer Created Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a user has created a wire transfer.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferCreated.


Wire Transfer Created Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a user has created a wire transfer.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferCreated.

sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount wireTransferEventTargetAccount (required)
Identifies a target account for a domestic or international wire transfer.
scope wireTransferPaymentScope (required)

Indicates if the wire transfer is a domestic wire or an international wire.

wireTransferPaymentScope strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A wire transfer in which both the sender and beneficiary (recipient) financial institutions are in the US.


A wire transfer in which the beneficiary (recipient) financial institution is not in the US.

enum values: domestic, international


  "maskedNumber": "*6789",
  "locatorType": "abaRoutingNumber",
  "locator": "123123123"

Wire Transfer Target Account (v0.1.0)

Identifies a target account for a domestic or international wire transfer.


Wire Transfer Target Account (v0.1.0) object
Identifies a target account for a domestic or international wire transfer.
maskedNumber maskedAccountNumber (required)
A masked account number: an asterisk * followed by one to four characters of the fullAccountNumber.
minLength: 2
maxLength: 5
pattern: ^\*[- _a-zA-Z0-9.]{1,4}$
locator string(text) (required)
The American Bankers Association routing number, SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC) code, or IBAN account number of the institution. The form of this institution locator string is set with the locatorType property.
format: text
maxLength: 36
locatorType institutionLocatorType (required)

Indicates the type of the institution locator.

institutionLocatorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

abaRoutingNumberABA Routing Number:

The American Bankers Association routing number of a financial institution


The SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC) code of a financial institution


International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

enum values: abaRoutingNumber, swiftBicCode, ibanAccountNumber


  "scope": "domestic",
  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "65d2467fe82b5858e9fb",
    "maskedNumber": "*6789",
    "routingNumber": "123123123"
  "targetAccount": {
    "maskedNumber": "*8911",
    "locatorType": "abaRoutingNumber",
    "locator": "321321321"

Wire Transfer Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when the financial institution has initiate (started processing) a wire transfer with the FED wire network.


Wire Transfer Initiated Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when the financial institution has initiate (started processing) a wire transfer with the FED wire network.
sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount wireTransferEventTargetAccount (required)
Identifies a target account for a domestic or international wire transfer.
scope wireTransferPaymentScope (required)

Indicates if the wire transfer is a domestic wire or an international wire.

wireTransferPaymentScope strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A wire transfer in which both the sender and beneficiary (recipient) financial institutions are in the US.


A wire transfer in which the beneficiary (recipient) financial institution is not in the US.

enum values: domestic, international



Wire Transfer Payment Scope (v1.0.0)

Indicates if the wire transfer is a domestic wire or an international wire.

wireTransferPaymentScope strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A wire transfer in which both the sender and beneficiary (recipient) financial institutions are in the US.


A wire transfer in which the beneficiary (recipient) financial institution is not in the US.

type: string

enum values: domestic, international


  "scope": "domestic",
  "sourceAccount": {
    "id": "c2f333cc-9cef-4bfc-af8e-fca63cd50b1b",
    "maskedNumber": "*6789",
    "routingNumber": "123123123"
  "targetAccount": {
    "maskedNumber": "*8911",
    "locatorType": "abaRoutingNumber",
    "locator": "321321321"

Wire Transfer Scheduled Event Schema (v0.1.0)

Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has submitted and approved a wire transfer and it is queued for processing on its scheduled date.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferScheduled.


Wire Transfer Scheduled Event Schema (v0.1.0) object
Payload for event messages triggered when a customer has submitted and approved a wire transfer and it is queued for processing on its scheduled date.

This schema defines the data object for event messages with category wireTransfers and event message type of wireTransferScheduled.

sourceAccount eventAccountReference (required)
A reference to a banking account.
targetAccount wireTransferEventTargetAccount (required)
Identifies a target account for a domestic or international wire transfer.
scope wireTransferPaymentScope (required)

Indicates if the wire transfer is a domestic wire or an international wire.

wireTransferPaymentScope strings may have one of the following enumerated values:


A wire transfer in which both the sender and beneficiary (recipient) financial institutions are in the US.


A wire transfer in which the beneficiary (recipient) financial institution is not in the US.

enum values: domestic, international

Generated by @apiture/api-doc 3.0.2 on Tue May 16 2023 17:32:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).