Apiture Public Events 0.14.1 documentation
Apiture Public Events 0.14.1

Describes the event channels and event messages that the Apiture Open digital banking platform publishes for client subscription/consumption.

  • #Authentication
  • #Accounts
  • #External Account Verifications
  • #External Accounts
  • #Remote Check Deposits
  • #Account Applications
  • #Enrollments
  • #Users
  • #Micro-Deposits
  • #Account Invitations
  • #Debit Cards
  • #Documents
  • #Cases


  • https://api.devbank.apiture.com/async-eventssqsdevbank

    The DevBank public DevPortal sandbox environment


  • SUB userProfile/preferredPhoneChanged

    A user has changed their preferred phone number.

    User Preferred Phone Number Changed

    Fired after a customer changes their preferred phone number and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDuserPreferredPhoneChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User Preferred Phone Number ChangeduserPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred phone number.

    uid: userPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred phone number.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/preferredEmailAddressChanged

    A user has changed their preferred email address.

    User Preferred Email Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes their preferred email address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDuserPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User Preferred Email Address ChangeduserPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

    uid: userPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/taxAddressChanged

    A user has changed their tax address.

    User Preferred Tax Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes their tax address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDuserTaxAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User Preferred Tax Address ChangeduserTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their tax address.

    uid: userTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/preferredMailingAddressChanged

    A user has changed their preferred mailing address.

    User Preferred Mailing Address Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes their preferred mailing address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDuserPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User Preferred Mailing Address Address ChangeduserPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred mailing address.

    uid: userPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/additionalAddressCreated

    A user has created a new address.

    Additional User Address Created

    Fired after a customer creates a new user postal address to their profile.

    Operation IDadditionalUserAddressCreated

    Accepts the following message:

    Additional User Address CreatedadditionalUserAddressCreated

    User (banking customer) added a new postal address to their profile.

    uid: additionalUserAddressCreated

    The user created a new address in additional their preferred mailing address.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/w9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user has changed their W-9 tax withholding status.

    User W-9 Tax Withholding Created

    Fired after a customer changes their W-9 tax withholding status.

    Operation IDuserW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User W-9 Tax Withholding CreateduserW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their W-9 tax withholding status.

    uid: userW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user changed their W-9 tax withholdings status. true indicates the user is subject to backup W-9 tax withholdings.

    • #Users


  • SUB userProfile/userSmsOptInChanged

    The user changed their SMS notification opt-in/opt-out setting.

    User SMS Opt-In Setting Changed

    The user changed their SMS notification opt-in/opt-out setting.

    Operation IDuserSmsOptInChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    User SMS Opt-In Setting ChangeduserSmsOptInChanged

    The current user and their SMS notification setting.

    uid: userSmsOptInChanged

    Message conveying a user changed their SMS communication option.

    • #Users


  • SUB organizationProfile/preferredPhoneChanged

    A user has changed the organization's preferred phone number.

    Organization Preferred Phone Number Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the organization's preferred phone number and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDorganizationPreferredPhoneChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization Preferred Phone Number ChangedorganizationPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred phone number.

    uid: organizationPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred phone number.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/preferredEmailAddressChanged

    A user has changed the organization's preferred email address.

    Organization Preferred Email Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the organization's preferred email address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDorganizationPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization Preferred Email Address ChangedorganizationPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

    uid: organizationPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/taxAddressChanged

    A user has changed the organization's tax address.

    Organization Preferred Tax Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the organization's tax address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDorganizationTaxAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization Preferred Tax Address ChangedorganizationTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's tax address.

    uid: organizationTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/preferredMailingAddressChanged

    A user has changed the organization's preferred mailing address.

    Organization Preferred Mailing Address Address Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the organization's preferred mailing address and it is reviewed and accepted.

    Operation IDorganizationPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization Preferred Mailing Address Address ChangedorganizationPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred mailing address.

    uid: organizationPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/additionalAddressCreated

    A user has created a new address.

    Additional Organization Address Created

    Fired after a customer creates a new user postal address to their profile.

    Operation IDadditionalOrganizationAddressCreated

    Accepts the following message:

    Additional Organization Address CreatedadditionalOrganizationAddressCreated

    User (banking customer) added a new postal address to their profile.

    uid: additionalOrganizationAddressCreated

    The user created a new address in additional the organization's preferred mailing address.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/w9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user has changed the W-9 tax withholding status of an organization.

    Organization W-9 Tax Withholdings Status Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the W-9 tax withholding status of an organization

    Operation IDorganizationW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization W-9 Tax Withholdings Status ChangedorganizationW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the W-9 tax withholding status of an organization

    uid: organizationW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user changed the organization's W-9 tax withholdings status. true indicates the organization is subject to backup W-9 tax withholdings.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB organizationProfile/websiteUrlChanged

    A user has changed the home website URL of an organization.

    Organization Website URL Changed

    Fired after a customer changes the home website URL of an organization

    Operation IDorganizationWebsiteUrlChanged

    Accepts the following message:

    Organization Website URL ChangedorganizationWebsiteUrlChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the home website URL of an organization

    uid: organizationWebsiteUrlChanged

    A user changed the organization's home website URL.

    • #Organizations


  • SUB accountApplications/started

    New digital account opening account application started.

    Account Application Started

    Fired after a customer starts a new account application for review/approval.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationStarted

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application StartedaccountApplicationStarted

    User (banking customer) started an account application to open a new account.

    uid: accountApplicationStarted

    A user (banking customer) has started an account application for review/approval.

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB accountApplications/approved

    New digital account opening account application was approved, either automatically or by the financial institution.

    Account Application Approved

    Fired after a completed account application was approved.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationApproved

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application ApprovedaccountApplicationApproved

    A completed account application was approved.

    uid: accountApplicationApproved

    An account application has been approved, either automatically or by the financial institution.

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB accountApplications/blocked

    New digital account opening account application has become blocked.

    Account Application Blocked

    Fired after a customer's account application has become blocked.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationBlocked

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application BlockedaccountApplicationBlocked

    User (banking customer) account application has become blocked.

    uid: accountApplicationBlocked

    An account application has become blocked.

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB accountApplications/expired

    New digital account opening account application has expired.

    Account Application Expired

    Fired after a customer's account application has expired.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationExpired

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application ExpiredaccountApplicationExpired

    User (banking customer) account application has expired.

    uid: accountApplicationExpired

    A user's account application has expired

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB accountApplications/canceled

    A user has canceled a digital account opening account application.

    Account Application Canceled

    Fired after a customer has canceled an account application.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationCanceled

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application CanceledaccountApplicationCanceled

    User (banking customer) has canceled an account application.

    uid: accountApplicationCanceled

    A user (banking customer) has canceled an account application.

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB enrollments/expired

    Enrollment as a joint owner or authorized signer on an account has expired.

    Enrollment Expired

    Fired after a customer's account application has expired.

    Operation IDenrollmentExpired

    Accepts the following message:

    Enrollment ExpiredenrollmentExpired

    User (banking customer) account application has expired.

    uid: enrollmentExpired

    A user's enrollment as an account joint owner or authorized signer has expired,

    • #Enrollments


  • SUB enrollments/canceled

    A user has canceled their enrollment as a joint owner or authorized signer on an account.

    Enrollment Canceled

    Fired after a customer has canceled an account application.

    Operation IDenrollmentCanceled

    Accepts the following message:

    Enrollment CanceledenrollmentCanceled

    User (banking customer) has canceled an account application.

    uid: enrollmentCanceled

    A user (banking customer) has canceled their enrollment as an account joint owner or authorized signer.

    • #Enrollments


  • SUB accountApplications/flaggedForReview

    A user's digital account opening account application was flagged for review by the financial institution.

    Account Application Flagged For Review

    Fired after an account application was flagged for review.

    Operation IDaccountApplicationFlaggedForReview

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Application Flagged For ReviewaccountApplicationFlaggedForReview

    An account application was flagged for review.

    uid: accountApplicationFlaggedForReview

    An account application was flagged for review by the financial institution.

    • #Account Applications


  • SUB invitations/jointOwnerInvitationCompleted

    User has completed an invitation to become a joint account owner

    Joint Owner Invitation Completed

    Fired after a user has completed an invitation to become a joint account owner.

    Operation IDjointOwnerInvitationCompleted

    Accepts the following message:

    Joint Owner Invitation CompletedjointOwnerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become a joint account owner.

    uid: jointOwnerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become a joint owner on a personal account.

    • #Invitations


  • SUB invitations/authSignerInvitationCompleted

    User has completed an invitation to become an authorized signer on a business account

    Authorized Signer Invitation Completed

    Fired after a user has completed an invitation to become an authorized signer on a business account.

    Operation IDauthSignerInvitationCompleted

    Accepts the following message:

    Authorized Signer Invitation CompletedauthSignerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become an authorized signer on a business account

    uid: authSignerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become an authorized signer on a business account.

    • #Invitations


  • SUB accounts/created

    Account Created events.


    Fired after a customer creates (opens) a banking account

    Operation IDaccountCreated

    Accepts the following message:

    Account CreatedaccountCreated

    User (banking customer) successfully created (opened) an account

    uid: accountCreated

    A banking customer successfully opened a new account.

    • #Accounts


  • SUB accounts/closed

    Account Closed events.


    Fired after an account is closed by the customer or the financial institution.

    Operation IDaccountClosed

    Accepts the following message:

    Account ClosedaccountClosed

    A banking account was closed

    uid: accountClosed

    A banking account was closed.

    • #Accounts


  • SUB accounts/updated

    Account updated events.


    Fired after updating properties of an account. Note: CD maturity settings and CD interest disbursement settings are conveyed with other events.

    Operation IDaccountUpdated

    Accepts the following message:

    Account UpdatedaccountUpdated

    Properties of a bank account were updated

    uid: accountUpdated

    A banking account resource was updated.

    • #Accounts


  • SUB accounts/cds/maturityUpdated

    Account CD maturity updated events.


    Fired after a customer changes a CD account's maturity settings.

    Operation IDcdMaturityUpdated

    Accepts the following message:

    Account UpdatedcdMaturityUpdated

    CD Maturity settings of a bank account were updated

    uid: cdMaturityUpdated

    A banking account's CD Maturity Settings resource were updated.

    • #Accounts


  • SUB accounts/cds/interestDisbursementUpdated

    Account interest disbursement Updated events.


    Fired after a customer changes a CD account's interest disbursement settings.

    Operation IDcdInterestDisbursementUpdated

    Accepts the following message:

    Account UpdatedcdInterestDisbursementUpdated

    CD Interest Disbursement settings of a bank account were updated

    uid: cdInterestDisbursementUpdated

    A banking account's CD Maturity Settings resource were updated.

    • #Accounts


  • SUB accounts/external/verifications/submitted

    External account verification submitted events.

    Account Verifications

    Fired after the customer submitted a new external account for verification.

    Operation IDaccountVerificationSubmitted

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Verification SubmittedaccountVerificationSubmitted

    User (banking customer) submitted external account details for verification

    uid: accountVerificationSubmitted

    Message body sent when a user's attempt to link an external account triggered review.

    • #External Account Verifications


  • SUB accounts/external/verifications/approved

    External account verification approved events.

    Account Verifications

    Fired after the system or an operator approved an external account that was under review.

    Operation IDapproved

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Verification ApprovedaccountVerificationApproved

    The system or an operator approved an external account that was under review

    uid: accountVerificationApproved

    Message body sent when an operator approved an external account that was under review.

    • #External Account Verifications


  • SUB accounts/external/verifications/rejected

    Account verification rejected events.

    Account Verifications

    Fired after external account verification rejected events.

    Operation IDaccountVerificationRejected

    Accepts the following message:

    Account Verification RejectedaccountVerificationRejected

    The system or an operator rejected an external account that was under review

    uid: accountVerificationRejected

    Message body sent when an operator rejected an external account that was under review.

    • #External Account Verifications


  • SUB accounts/external/activated

    External Account Activated

    External Account Activated

    Fired after a user activated a verified external account.

    Operation IDexternalAccountActivated

    Accepts the following message:

    External Account ActivatedexternalAccountActivated

    A user activated a verified external account.

    uid: externalAccountActivated

    Message body sent when a user activates a verified external account.

    • #External Accounts


  • SUB accounts/external/verifications/microDepositVerificationStarted

    Micro-Deposit Verification Started

    Micro-Deposit Verification Started

    Fired after user user has initiated micro-deposits verification of an external account.

    Operation IDmicroDepositVerification Started

    Accepts the following message:

    Micro-Deposit Verification StartedmicroDepositVerificationStarted

    The user has initiated micro-deposits verification of an external account.

    uid: microDepositVerificationStarted

    Message body sent when a user has initiated micro-deposits verification of an external account.

    • #Micro-Deposits


  • SUB accounts/external/verifications/microDepositDeposited

    Micro-Deposit Deposited

    Micro-Deposit Deposited

    Fired after the financial institution has completed micro-deposits transaction.

    Operation IDmicroDepositDeposited

    Accepts the following message:

    Micro-Deposit DepositedmicroDepositDeposited

    The financial institution has completed micro-deposits transaction

    uid: microDepositDeposited

    Message body sent when the financial institution has completed micro-deposits transaction.

    • #Micro-Deposits


  • SUB authentication/userAuthenticated

    User (banking customer) successfully authenticated.

    User Authentication

    Fired after a user successfully authenticates.

    Operation IDuserAuthenticated

    Accepts the following message:

    User AuthenticateduserAuthenticated

    User (banking customer) successfully authenticated message

    uid: userAuthenticated

    Message body sent when a user (banking customer) has successfully authenticated.

    • #Authentication


  • SUB authentication/userAuthenticationFailed

    User (banking customer) failed to authenticate.

    User Authentication Failed

    Fired after a user failed to authenticate.

    Operation IDuserAuthenticationFailed

    Accepts the following message:

    User Authentication FaileduserAuthenticationFailed

    User (banking customer) failed to authenticate message

    uid: userAuthenticationFailed

    Message body sent when a user (banking customer) failed an authentication attempt.

    • #Authentication


  • SUB authentication/userAuthenticationAttempted

    User (banking customer) attempted to authenticate (logon).

    User Authentication Attempted

    User (banking customer) attempted to authenticate (logon).

    Operation IDuserAuthenticationAttempted

    Accepts the following message:

    User Authentication AttempteduserAuthenticationAttempted

    User (banking customer) attempted to authenticate (logon).

    uid: userAuthenticationAttempted

    User (banking customer) attempted to authenticate (logon).

    • #Authentication


  • SUB checkDeposits/checkSubmitted

    User (banking customer) submitted a remote check for verification and processing and depositing.

    Check Submitted

    User (banking customer) submitted a remote check for verification and processing and depositing.

    Operation IDcheckSubmitted

    Accepts the following message:

    Check SubmittedcheckSubmitted

    Customer submitted a remote check for deposit

    uid: checkSubmitted

    Message body sent when a user has submitted a remote check for verification, processing and depositing.

    • #Remote Check Deposits


  • SUB checkDeposits/checkAccepted

    The processor and/or financial institution has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check for deposit.

    Check Accepted

    The processor and/or financial institution has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check for deposit.

    Operation IDcheckAccepted

    Accepts the following message:

    Check AcceptedcheckAccepted

    The processor and/or financial institution has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check for deposit

    uid: checkAccepted

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check.

    • #Remote Check Deposits


  • SUB checkDeposits/checkAcceptedAdjustedUp

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount up.

    Check Accepted, Adjusted Up

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount up.

    Operation IDcheckAcceptedAdjustedUp

    Accepts the following message:

    Check Accepted, Adjusted UpcheckAcceptedAdjustedUp

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount up.

    uid: checkAcceptedAdjustedUp

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount up.

    • #Remote Check Deposits


  • SUB checkDeposits/checkAcceptedAdjustedDown

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount down.

    Check Accepted, Adjusted Down

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount down.

    Operation IDcheckAcceptedAdjustedDown

    Accepts the following message:

    Check Accepted, Adjusted DowncheckAcceptedAdjustedDown

    The check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount down

    uid: checkAcceptedAdjustedDown

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount down.

    • #Remote Check Deposits


  • SUB checkDeposits/checkRejected

    The processor and/or financial institution has rejected a remote check.

    Check Rejected

    The processor and/or financial institution has rejected a remote check.

    Operation IDcheckRejected

    Accepts the following message:

    Check RejectedcheckRejected

    The processor and/or financial institution has rejected a remote check

    uid: checkRejected

    Message body sent when the check processor or the financial institution has rejected a remote check.

    • #Remote Check Deposits


  • SUB invitations/invitationSent

    An account owner sent an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Invitation Sent

    An account owner sent an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Operation IDinvitationSent

    Accepts the following message:

    Invitation SentinvitationSent

    An account owner sent an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    uid: invitationSent

    Message payload when an owner has sent an invitation to ask another person to join the account.

    • #Account Invitations


  • SUB invitations/invitationAccepted

    An invitee has accepted an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Invitation Accepted

    An invitee has accepted an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Operation IDinvitationAccepted

    Accepts the following message:

    Invitation AcceptedinvitationAccepted

    An invitee has accepted an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    uid: invitationAccepted

    Message payload when an invitee has accepted an invitation to join the account.

    • #Account Invitations


  • SUB invitations/invitationRevoked

    An account owner revoked an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Invitation Revoked

    An account owner revoked an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    Operation IDinvitationRevoked

    Accepts the following message:

    Invitation RevokedinvitationRevoked

    An account owner revoked an invitation to add another owner to an account.

    uid: invitationRevoked

    Message payload when an owner has revoked an invitation to ask another person to join the account.

    • #Account Invitations


  • SUB invitations/invitationExpired

    An invitation to add another owner to an account has expired.

    Invitation Expired

    An invitation to add another owner to an account has expired.

    Operation IDinvitationExpired

    Accepts the following message:

    Invitation ExpiredinvitationExpired

    An invitation to add another owner to an account has expired.

    uid: invitationExpired

    Message payload when an invitation to ask another person to join the account has expired.

    • #Account Invitations


  • SUB debitCards/secondaryAccountAddedToCard

    The user added a secondary account to a card.

    Secondary Account Added to Card

    The user added a secondary account to a card.

    Operation IDsecondaryAccountAddedToCard

    Accepts the following message:

    Secondary Account Added to CardsecondaryAccountAddedToCard

    The user added a secondary account to a card

    uid: secondaryAccountAddedToCard

    The user added a secondary account to a card.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/secondaryAccountRemovedFromCard

    The user removed a secondary account from a card.

    Secondary Account Removed from Card

    The user removed a secondary account from a card.

    Operation IDsecondaryAccountRemovedFromCard

    Accepts the following message:

    Secondary Account Removed from CardsecondaryAccountRemovedFromCard

    The user removed a secondary account from a card

    uid: secondaryAccountRemovedFromCard

    The user removed a secondary account from a card.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardRequestSubmitted

    Card Request Submitted

    Card Request Submitted

    Fired when an account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

    Operation IDcardRequestSubmitted

    Accepts the following message:

    Card Request SubmittedcardRequestSubmitted

    An account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

    uid: cardRequestSubmitted

    An account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardRequestRejected

    The financial institution or card provider rejected a request for a new or replacement debit card.

    Card Request Rejected

    The financial institution or card provider rejected a request for a new or replacement debit card.

    Operation IDcardRequestRejected

    Accepts the following message:

    Card Request RejectedcardRequestRejected

    The financial institution or card provider rejected a request for a new or replacement debit card.

    uid: cardRequestRejected

    The financial institution or card provider rejected a request for a new or replacement debit card.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardOrdered

    Card Ordered

    Card Ordered

    Fired when a card order has been accepted and approved and sent to the card issuer.

    Operation IDcardOrdered

    Accepts the following message:

    Card OrderedcardOrdered

    A card order has been accepted and approved and sent to the card issuer.

    uid: cardOrdered

    An account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardClosed

    Card Closed

    Card Closed

    Fired when a debit card holder closed a debit card for an account.

    Operation IDcardClosed

    Accepts the following message:

    Card ClosedcardClosed

    Card Closed

    uid: cardClosed

    A card holder has closed their debit card to prevent use.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardLocked

    Card Locked

    Card Locked

    Fired when a debit card holder locked a debit card for an account to prevent use.

    Operation IDcardLocked

    Accepts the following message:

    Card LockedcardLocked

    Card Locked

    uid: cardLocked

    A card holder has locked their debit card to prevent use.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardUnlocked

    Card Unlocked

    Card Unlocked

    Fired when a debit card holder unlocked a previously locked debit card for an account to allow use again.

    Operation IDcardUnlocked

    Accepts the following message:

    Card UnlockedcardUnlocked

    Card Unlocked

    uid: cardUnlocked

    A card holder has unlocked their debit card to allow use.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB debitCards/cardActivated

    Card Activated

    Card Activated

    Fired when a debit card holder activated a debit card for an account

    Operation IDcardActivated

    Accepts the following message:

    Card ActivatedcardActivated

    Card Activated

    uid: cardActivated

    A card holder has activated their debit card.

    • #Debit Cards


  • SUB adminDocuments/documentRequirementReturned

    A financial institution operator returned an account application document to the applicant so that the applicant can replace the document with a new upload.

    Document Requirement Returned for Account Application

    The financial institution operator returned a document to the uer for replacement.

    Operation IDdocumentRequirementReturned

    Accepts the following message:

    Document Requirement Returned for Account ApplicationdocumentRequirementReturned

    Document Requirement Returned for Account Application

    uid: documentRequirementReturned

    A financial institution operator returned an account application document to the applicant so that the applicant can replace the document with a new upload.

    • #Documents


  • SUB adminDocuments/documentReplacementUploaded

    The user has uploaded a replacement document for a document that the financial institution returned.

    Document Replacement Updated

    The user uploaded a replacement document.

    Operation IDdocumentReplacementUploaded

    Accepts the following message:

    Document Replacement UpdateddocumentReplacementUploaded

    Document Replacement Updated

    uid: documentReplacementUploaded

    A user uploaded a replacement for a document that the financial institution returned after review.

    • #Documents


  • SUB cases/caseCreated

    A new financial institution operator case was created

    Case Created

    A new financial institution operator case was created.

    Operation IDcaseCreated

    Accepts the following message:

    Case CreatedcaseCreated

    Case Created

    uid: caseCreated

    Event message describing a newly created case.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseClosed

    A new financial institution operator case was closed

    Case Closed

    A new financial institution operator case was closed.

    Operation IDcaseClosed

    Accepts the following message:

    Case ClosedcaseClosed

    Case Closed

    uid: caseClosed

    Event message describing a recently closed case.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseCanceled

    A financial institution operator case was canceled.

    Case Canceled

    A financial institution operator case was canceled.

    Operation IDcaseCanceled

    Accepts the following message:

    Case CanceledcaseCanceled

    A financial institution operator case was canceled.

    uid: caseCanceled

    A financial institution operator case was canceled.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseExpired

    A financial institution operator case expired.

    Case Expired

    A financial institution operator case expired.

    Operation IDcaseExpired

    Accepts the following message:

    Case ExpiredcaseExpired

    A financial institution operator case expired.

    uid: caseExpired

    A financial institution operator case expired.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseAssigned

    A financial institution operator case was assigned to an operator.

    Case Assigned

    A financial institution operator case was assigned to an operator.

    Operation IDcaseAssigned

    Accepts the following message:

    Case AssignedcaseAssigned

    A financial institution operator case was assigned to an operator.

    uid: caseAssigned

    A financial institution operator case was assigned to an operator.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseUnassigned

    A financial institution operator case was unassigned.

    Case Unassigned

    A financial institution operator case was unassigned.

    Operation IDcaseUnassigned

    Accepts the following message:

    Case UnassignedcaseUnassigned

    A financial institution operator case was unassigned.

    uid: caseUnassigned

    A financial institution operator case was unassigned.

    • #Cases


  • SUB cases/caseMessageSent

    A message was sent for a financial institution operator case.

    Case Message Sent

    A message was sent for a financial institution operator case.

    Operation IDcaseMessageSent

    Accepts the following message:

    Case Message SentcaseMessageSent

    A message was sent for a financial institution operator case.

    uid: caseMessageSent

    A message was sent for a financial institution operator case.

    • #Cases



  • object
    uid: abstractMessage

    Base abstract schema for all event message schemas.

  • object
    uid: abstractUserMessage

    Base abstract schema for all event message schemas for events initiated by or on behalf of banking users.

  • object
    uid: abstractUserProfileMessage

    An abstract schema used to define messages related to user profile changes.

  • object
    uid: userPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred phone number.

  • object
    uid: userPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: userPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: userTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed their preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: additionalUserAddressCreated

    The user created a new address in additional their preferred mailing address.

  • object
    uid: userW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user changed their W-9 tax withholdings status. true indicates the user is subject to backup W-9 tax withholdings.

  • object
    uid: abstractAccountApplicationMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other message schemas related to account applications.

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationStarted

    A user (banking customer) has started an account application for review/approval.

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationApproved

    An account application has been approved, either automatically or by the financial institution.

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationBlocked

    An account application has become blocked.

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationCanceled

    A user (banking customer) has canceled an account application.

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationExpired

    A user's account application has expired

  • object
    uid: accountApplicationFlaggedForReview

    An account application was flagged for review by the financial institution.

  • object
    uid: abstractAccountEnrollmentMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other message schemas related to joint owner or authorized signer enrollments.

  • object
    uid: enrollmentCanceled

    A user (banking customer) has canceled their enrollment as an account joint owner or authorized signer.

  • object
    uid: enrollmentExpired

    A user's enrollment as an account joint owner or authorized signer has expired,

  • object
    uid: accountType

    A property for an account type

  • object
    uid: accountProductProperties

    Properties of messages referencing a banking product by IFX type.

  • object
    uid: accountProperties

    Properties of messages referencing a banking account.

  • object
    uid: abstractAccountMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other account-related message schemas.

  • object
    uid: abstractExternalAccountMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other external account-related message schemas.

  • object
    uid: accountCreated

    A banking customer successfully opened a new account.

  • object
    uid: accountClosed

    A banking account was closed.

  • object
    uid: accountUpdated

    A banking account resource was updated.

  • object
    uid: cdMaturityUpdated

    A banking account's CD Maturity Settings resource were updated.

  • object
    uid: cdInterestDisbursementUpdated

    A banking account's CD Maturity Settings resource were updated.

  • object
    uid: abstractAccountVerificationMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other account verification schemas.

  • object
    uid: accountVerificationSubmitted

    Message body sent when a user's attempt to link an external account triggered review.

  • object
    uid: accountVerificationApproved

    Message body sent when an operator approved an external account that was under review.

  • object
    uid: accountVerificationRejected

    Message body sent when an operator rejected an external account that was under review.

  • object
    uid: externalAccountActivated

    Message body sent when a user activates a verified external account.

  • object
    uid: microDepositVerificationStarted

    Message body sent when a user has initiated micro-deposits verification of an external account.

  • object
    uid: microDepositDeposited

    Message body sent when the financial institution has completed micro-deposits transaction.

  • object
    uid: jointOwnerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become a joint owner on a personal account.

  • object
    uid: authSignerInvitationCompleted

    User (banking customer) completed an invitation to become an authorized signer on a business account.

  • object
    uid: abstractUserAuthenticationMessage

    Abstract message body used to construct other message schemas related to user authentication.

  • object
    uid: userAuthenticated

    Message body sent when a user (banking customer) has successfully authenticated.

  • object
    uid: userAuthenticationFailed

    Message body sent when a user (banking customer) failed an authentication attempt.

  • object
    uid: userAuthenticationAttempted

    User (banking customer) attempted to authenticate (logon).

  • object
    uid: organizationProperties

    Properties which identify an organization in event messages possibly related to an organization.

  • object
    uid: checkDepositAccount

    The target account where a check or batch of checks are deposited.

  • object
    uid: abstractCheckMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other check event schemas.

  • object
    uid: checkSubmitted

    Message body sent when a user has submitted a remote check for verification, processing and depositing.

  • object
    uid: operatorIdentification

    Identifies the financial institution operator or administrative user involved with the banking activity

  • object
    uid: abstractProcessedCheckMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other processed check event schemas.

  • object
    uid: checkAccepted

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check.

  • object
    uid: checkAcceptedAdjustedUp

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount up.

  • object
    uid: checkAcceptedAdjustedDown

    Message body sent when the check processor has processed, validated, and accepted a remote check but adjusted the deposit amount down.

  • object
    uid: checkRejected

    Message body sent when the check processor or the financial institution has rejected a remote check.

  • object
    uid: abstractOrganizationProfileMessage

    An abstract schema used to define messages related to organization profile changes.

  • object
    uid: organizationPreferredPhoneChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred phone number.

  • object
    uid: organizationPreferredEmailAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: organizationPreferredMailingAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: organizationTaxAddressChanged

    User (banking customer) changed the organization's preferred email address.

  • object
    uid: additionalOrganizationAddressCreated

    The user created a new address in additional the organization's preferred mailing address.

  • object
    uid: organizationW9TaxWithholdingsStatusChanged

    A user changed the organization's W-9 tax withholdings status. true indicates the organization is subject to backup W-9 tax withholdings.

  • object
    uid: organizationWebsiteUrlChanged

    A user changed the organization's home website URL.

  • object
    uid: abstractInvitationMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other account owner invitation-related message schemas.

  • object
    uid: invitationSent

    Message payload when an owner has sent an invitation to ask another person to join the account.

  • object
    uid: invitationAccepted

    Message payload when an invitee has accepted an invitation to join the account.

  • object
    uid: invitationRevoked

    Message payload when an owner has revoked an invitation to ask another person to join the account.

  • object
    uid: invitationExpired

    Message payload when an invitation to ask another person to join the account has expired.

  • object
    uid: abstractCardMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other card-related message schemas.

  • object
    uid: abstractSecondaryCardAccountMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other message schemas related to secondary accounts linked to a card (which allows checking account balances or making withdrawals/deposits against the secondary accounts).

  • object
    uid: secondaryAccountAddedToCard

    The user added a secondary account to a card.

  • object
    uid: secondaryAccountRemovedFromCard

    The user removed a secondary account from a card.

  • object
    uid: abstractCardRequestMessage

    An abstract schema used to define other messages event schemas related debit card requests.

  • object
    uid: cardRequestSubmitted

    An account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

  • object
    uid: cardRequestRejected

    The financial institution or card provider rejected a request for a new or replacement debit card.

  • object
    uid: cardOrdered

    An account holder requested a new or replacement debit card for an account.

  • object
    uid: cardLocked

    A card holder has locked their debit card to prevent use.

  • object
    uid: cardUnlocked

    A card holder has unlocked their debit card to allow use.

  • object
    uid: cardClosed

    A card holder has closed their debit card to prevent use.

  • object
    uid: cardActivated

    A card holder has activated their debit card.

  • object
    uid: userSmsOptInChanged

    Message conveying a user changed their SMS communication option.

  • object
    uid: abstractAccountApplicationDocumentMessage

    Abstract schema used to construct message schemas related to account application documents.

  • object
    uid: documentRequirementReturned

    A financial institution operator returned an account application document to the applicant so that the applicant can replace the document with a new upload.

  • object
    uid: documentReplacementUploaded

    A user uploaded a replacement for a document that the financial institution returned after review.

  • object
    uid: operatorReference

    Properties of a financial institution operator.

  • object
    uid: abstractOperatorMessage

    Abstract schema used to construct message schemas related to financial institution operator actions.

  • object
    uid: caseSummary

    Summary properties of a financial institution operator case.

  • object
    uid: abstractCaseMessage

    Abstract schema used to construct message schemas related to financial institution operator cases.

  • object
    uid: abstractAssignedCaseMessage

    Abstract schema used to construct message schemas related to assigned financial institution operator cases.

  • object
    uid: caseCreated

    Event message describing a newly created case.

  • object
    uid: caseClosed

    Event message describing a recently closed case.

  • object
    uid: caseCanceled

    A financial institution operator case was canceled.

  • object
    uid: caseExpired

    A financial institution operator case expired.

  • object
    uid: caseAssigned

    A financial institution operator case was assigned to an operator.

  • object
    uid: caseUnassigned

    A financial institution operator case was unassigned.

  • object
    uid: caseMessageSummary

    Identifies a message associated with a financial institution operator case.

  • object
    uid: caseMessageSent

    A message was sent for a financial institution operator case.

  • object
    uid: address

    A postal address with the address type and an identifier.

    This schema was resolved from contacts/address.

  • object
    uid: simpleAddress

    A postal address.

    This schema was resolved from contacts/simpleAddress.

  • string
    uid: ifxType

    A code which identifies the product type. This is one of the IFX AcctType values. Labels and descriptions for the enumeration values are in the ifxType key in the response of the getLabels operation.

    ifxType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

    CCACredit card account
    CDACertificate of deposit account (CD)
    CLACommercial loan account
    CMACash management account
    DDADemand deposit account
    EQUHome equity loan
    GLAGeneral ledger account
    ILAInstallment loan account
    INVInvestment account
    IRAIndividual retirement account
    IRLAccounts held in Ireland
    LOCConsumer line of credit
    MLAMilitary Lending Account: Credit facility held by former US service member
    MMAMoney market account
    PBAPackaged bank Account: Account with additional benefits that charges a fixed monthly fee.
    PPAPrivate pension administrator
    RWDReward accounts
    SDASavings deposit account

    These enumeration values are further described by the label group named ifxType in the response from the getLabels operation.

    This schema was resolved from products/ifxType.

      Allowed values:
    • "CCA"
    • "CDA"
    • "CLA"
    • "CMA"
    • "DDA"
    • "EQU"
    • "GLA"
    • "ILA"
    • "INV"
    • "IRA"
    • "IRL"
    • "LOC"
    • "MLA"
    • "MMA"
    • "PBA"
    • "PPA"
    • "RWD"
    • "SDA"
  • string
    uid: cardRequestReason

    The reason the user is requesting a replacement card.

    cardRequestReason strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

    initialInitial Card Request
    lostLost Card
    stolenStolen Card
    damagedDamaged Card
    neverReceivedNever Received: The card holder is requesting a replacement of card that was shipped but never received.
    reorderReorder Closed Card: The card holder is requesting a replacement of a previously closed card.

    These enumeration values are further described by the label group named cardRequestReason in the response from the getLabels operation.

    This schema was resolved from cards/cardRequestReason.

      Allowed values:
    • "initial"
    • "lost"
    • "stolen"
    • "damaged"
    • "neverReceived"
    • "reorder"
  • string
    uid: caseType

    Indicates what type of cases this is.

    caseType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

    accountApplicationReviewAccount Application Review
    accountCoOwnerEnrollmentReviewAccount Co-owner Enrollment Review
    authorizedSignerReviewAuthorized Signer Review
    externalAccountReviewExternal Account Review
    transactionInquiryTransaction Inquiry: Opened when a customer inquires about a transaction. This is not a dispute, although a financial institution operator may create a new transaction dispute case based on the inquiry.
    transactionDisputeTransaction Dispute: A customer has disputed a transaction.

    This schema was resolved from cases/caseType.

      Allowed values:
    • "accountApplicationReview"
    • "accountCoOwnerEnrollmentReview"
    • "authorizedSignerReview"
    • "externalAccountReview"
    • "transactionInquiry"
    • "transactionDispute"
  • string
    uid: messageAuthorType

    Indicates the type of user who created the message, and by inference, who the message recipient is. If the author is customer, then the recipient is the operator; if the author is operator, then the recipient is the customer.

    messageAuthorType strings may have one of the following enumerated values:

    customerCustomer: This message was written by the customer
    operatorOperator: This message was written by a financial institution operator.

    This schema was resolved from messages/messageAuthorType.

      Allowed values:
    • "customer"
    • "operator"
  • string
    uid: addressType

    The type of a postal address.

    Warning: The enum list will be removed in a future release.

    The allowed values for this property are defined at runtime in the label group named addressType in the response from the getLabels operation.

    This schema was resolved from contacts/addressType.

      Allowed values:
    • "unknown"
    • "home"
    • "prior"
    • "work"
    • "school"
    • "mailing"
    • "vacation"
    • "shipping"
    • "billing"
    • "headquarters"
    • "commercial"
    • "site"
    • "property"
    • "other"
    • "notApplicable"