Release Notes

Warning The Apiture Open product line will reach end of life December, 2023. Consumers of the Apiture Open APIs should migrate to the Apiture Digital Banking APIs before that time.

Apiture Digital Banking APIs Release Notes

This page lists recent Changes and Deprecations in the Apiture Digital Banking APIs.

The 1.49.0 release of the Apiture Digital Banking APIs platform includes the following APIs and versions:

API Description Version
Account Verifications Verifies access to linked external financial institution accounts 0.24.0
Accounts Access internal accounts and account details (balances, etc.) at a financial institution, as well as linked external accounts 0.77.0
Applications Manages the data and workflow for applications for new banking accounts 0.38.0
Approvals Record the pending review, and approval or rejection of processes, documents or other resources which require manual intervention 0.14.1
Associations Maintain associations and roles between related business objects 0.8.4
Audit Administrative access to user authentication and other banking activity audit records 0.11.0
Authentication Authentication 0.33.2
Business Verifications Allows financial institutions to verify business identities and the identities of authorized representatives connected to the business 0.14.0
Cards Manage banking and debit cards 0.28.2
Check Deposits Deposit checks by submitting pictures from a mobile device 0.13.0
Check Orders Order checkbooks for checking accounts 0.18.0
Configurations Platform configuration 0.12.2
Consents Tracks a user’s consent of financial institution policies and documents such as account terms and conditions, electronic consent, and privacy policy 0.12.0
Contacts Manage people and their personal contact information such as date of birth, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses 0.27.2
Dates Perform date calculations, such as processing dates 0.7.0
Documents List and download banking documents such as statements, tax forms, and notices 0.6.7
Identity Verify the identity of individuals such as account owners and authorized signers 0.15.0
Invitations Invite others to become joint owners of personal accounts or authorized signers of business accounts 0.7.1
Messages Secure conversational messages between the customer and the financial institution 0.6.0
Notifications In-app contextual messages and global notifications 0.15.1
Organizations Represents businesses, trusts, and other entities, primarily for business accounts ownership 0.40.5
Payments Request payments to a payee, using various payment methods 0.12.1
Products The financial institution’s list of banking products (savings, checking, certificates of deposit); each account is an instance of a product 0.37.0
Text Manage customizable text for client applications 0.12.0
Transactions Account transaction history 0.27.1
Transfers Transfer funds between a financial institution’s accounts or between an internal and an external account 0.21.0
Users People who are enrolled in digital banking, with a user ID and credentials 0.40.1
Vault Document storage in hierarchical folders, with document revision history 0.15.0
Workflow Business processes, included automatic and manual human-driven tasks, such as filling in forms or approving activities 0.25.3


Below are noteworthy changes in the Apiture Digital Banking APIs, Release 1.49.0.

Accounts API Changes

  • Document 400 and 404 response codes for updateConfigurationGroupValue[s]
  • Made 400 responses from addAccountTrackingIds more consistent
  • Removed deprecated beneficiary.percentage
  • Update doc on beneficiary schema to allow for configuration
  • Add beneficiaries.allocationPolicy property and beneficiaryAllocationPolicy enum schema
  • Add configuration group beneficiaries with allocationPolicy config schema
  • Add primaryLabel, primaryDescription to balance schema
  • Add Accept-Language header on getAccount, getAccounts operations
  • Added primary and original to balance schema.
  • Fixed documentation of ?embed query parameter on getAccounts, getAccount operations.
  • Adding an _id in the overdraftAccount schema
  • Fix response schema on getOverdraftAccount operation: overdraftAccounts -> overdraftAccount

Applications API Changes

  • Add _links (apiture:replace) to applicationDocument schema
  • Document 400 and 404 response codes for updateConfigurationGroupValue[s]
  • Add If-Match to updateConfigurationGroupValue
  • Update dependent schema versions
  • Renamed error types to be consistent across APIs:
    • invalidGroupName -> groupNotFound
    • invalidValueName -> valueNotFound
  • Made 400 responses from addApplicationTrackingIds more consistent
  • Make task counts, product and organization name properties available for enrollment as well as for application objects
  • This allows C&C to present the same information in application details and enrollment details to an FI operator.
  • Defined a common schema applicationWorkflowTasks to share between them
  • Also added additional links on an enrollment: apiture:account apiture:workflow apiture:product
  • Removed redundant _id on application - inherited from summaryApplication
  • Add operation replaceProcessDocument
  • Changed the type of application.documents and enrollment.documents from document to applicationDocument to avoid conflict with the document schema from Consents.
  • Extracted enum type requiredDocumentCategory from requiredDocument schema
  • Add usageAnswers to newAccounts
  • Added new applicationAccount schema for the newAccounts items

Audit API Changes

  • Removed deprecated customerId and onBehalfOf in record schema.

Configurations API Changes

  • Document 400 and 404 response codes for updateConfigurationGroupValue[s]
  • Add If-Match to update(Public)ConfigurationGroupValue
  • Added footer configuration in client public configuration group with ability to turn items on/off per client.
  • Deprecate footer in web-portal.

Consents API Changes

  • Add givenAt to the allowed sortBy properties on getConsents

Identity API Changes

  • Add phoneNumberRestricted category for fraudRiskCategoryType
  • Added manualReview status for fraudRiskReportState

Organizations API Changes

  • Remove uri pattern from homeUrl until clients can handle the restriction
  • Fix pattern on preferredEmailAddressId, preferredPhoneId, preferredMailingAddressId, and taxAddressId
  • Added invalidFilterExpression and invalidSortBy error types to getOrganizations
  • In updateBeneficialOwner: replace If-None-Match with If-Match header; replace 304 with 412 response
  • The response 304 is removed from updateBeneficialOwners operation. The call does not return 304
  • Changed format names personName to person-name; addressText to address-Text This is more consistent with all other format names such as date-time, encrypted-string, etc.
  • Set text formats to prevent control character input in key user input data
  • Updated preferredResource schema to use same pattern, maxLength as email/phone/address _id strings
  • Added new schema formats:
    • format: text
    • format: person-name
    • format: address-text
    • format: phone-number
  • Remove (previously deprecated) getConfiguration operation. Use getConfigurationGroups
  • Document 400 and 404 response codes for updateConfigurationGroupValue[s]
  • Add If-Match to updateConfigurationGroupValue
  • Deprecate getConfiguration operation; use getConfigurationGroups instead
  • Removed the response 422 from getEmailAddresses, getPhoneNumbers and getAddresses operations. The calls do not return 422
  • Added generateCaseForAddressApproval to organizationsPreferences configuration group
  • Added entityAuthorizationFormContext to configuration group organizationsPreferences
  • Updated configuration group schemas to use additionalProperties: false
  • fix typo in security scope
  • Document augmented behavior of getAuthorizedSigners, deleteAuthorizedSigner
  • Add ?account= query parameter to generateEntityAuthorizationForm operation
  • Clean up responses for generateEntityAuthorizationForm operation

Products API Changes

  • Add property and loanProduct schema for loan servicing
  • Added support schemas, termLoanProduct and revolvingLoanProduct and loanProductCategory
  • Add configuration for setting primary balance per product, with defaults for loan vs. deposit products.
  • Use common twoDecimalInterestRate and threeDecimalInterestRate schemas
  • Use common readOnlyTimestamp schema for createdAt properties

Transfers API Changes

  • Change format of start from date-time to date

Users API Changes

  • Update address schema for correct address-text format
  • Add userCoreBanking.ensenta property and ensenta schema
  • Set text formats to prevent control character input in key user input data:
    • format: text
    • format: person-name
    • format: address-text
    • format: phone-number
  • Clarified monetary values with pattern and examples.
  • Document 400 and 404 response codes for updateConfigurationGroupValue[s]
  • Change the auth scope on the createUser operation in users from profiles/write to admin/write
  • Made 400 responses from addUserTrackingIds more consistent
  • Fixed example in userTextSearch schema


Accounts API Deprecations

  • The beneficiary.percentage integer property was deprecated and removed. Instead, clients should use the beneficiary.percent number property which can hold fractional allocations. beneficiary.percent was added in 1.38.0 of the Accounts API.

Applications API Deprecations

  • The applicant property of the createEnrollment, summaryEnrollment, and enrollment schemas is deprecated. It will be removed in release 0.40.0 or later of the Applications API, when the schema versions will increase to 2.0.0, 2.0.0, and 2.0.0 respectively. Use the applicants array instead.

Associations API Deprecations

  • The updateAssociation schema is deprecated. Use the association schema for the patchAssociation request body. The updateAssociation schema was deprecated in version 0.8.0 and will be removed on or after version 0.9.0 of the Associations API

  • The updateRole schema is deprecated. Use the role schema for the updateRole and patchRole request bodies. The updateRole schema was deprecated in version 0.8.0 and will be removed on or after version 0.9.0 of the Associations API

Audit API Deprecations

  • The previously deprecated onBehalfOf and customerId properties in the record schema in the Audit API were removed. Use userId instead of customerId to reference the User from the Apiture Users service. Use coreCustomerId to reference the customer from the banking core. If operatorId is set, it is the ID of the financial institution operator who performed the action.

Configurations API Deprecations

The footer configuration value in the web-portal configuration group is deprecated. Use the footer configuration value in the client public configuration group.

Consents API Deprecations

  • The getLabels operation response is now defined by the labelGroups schema (formerly localizedLabels, which was deprecated since version 0.11.0 of the Consents API)
  • The criteria for matching existing consents in the getNeededConsents and giveConsent operations changed in release 0.11.0 of the API to match only the consent type and the document.uri, not the document context.

Contacts API Deprecations

  • The contactVerificationFields in the identifiedContact schema is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0.0 of the identifiedContact schema, on or after version 0.28.0 of the Contacts API. Instead, use the corresponding verification properties kycAnswers, identityVerificationStatus, and identityVerification in the Users API.

  • The following properties in the createContact, summaryContact, and contact schemas are deprecated and will be removed on or after version 0.28.0 of the Contacts API:
    Replace these properties with the corresponding properties on the user schema in the Users API. Contacts no longer have identity verification properties, only authenticated users do.

  • The following related schemas are also deprecated in the Contacts API and will be removed on or after version 0.28.0 of the Contacts API; corresponding schemas exist in the Users API.

  • The following properties are currently defined with an enum constraint list in Contacts API. These enumeration constraints will be removed in a future release of the Contacts API. Instead, the list of valid values is configurable by the financial institution for each of these, as defined by the label group of the same name in getLabels operation response. For example, the list of valid values for the phoneNumberType is defined in the label group named phoneNumberType.

Schema or Property Used in Schemas
citizenship identifiedContact, createContact, summaryContact, userContact
occupation identifiedContact, createContact, summaryContact, userContact
preferredContactMethod simpleContact, identifiedContact, createContact, summaryContact, userContact
phoneNumberType phoneNumber
email typedEmailAddress
addressType address

Also note that these properties are included in other schemas composed from or which use these defining schemas, and those schemas may be used in other APIs such as summaryUser and user in the Users API.

Identity API Deprecations

  • The getContactVerification verification operation (GET /identity/contactVerification), contactVerification schema, and the contactUri and userUri query parameters on the getContactVerification operation are deprecated. They will be removed on or after version 0.16.0 of the Identity API. Instead, use the getIdentityVerification operation and the identityVerification schema.

  • The createApproval and getApproval operations and the approval schema are deprecated. They will be removed on or after version 0.16.0 of the Identity API. Instead, use an Approval resource and the approval resource from the Approvals API operation.

Organizations API Deprecations

  • The getConfiguration operation was removed (it was deprecated as of version 0.38.1 of the API). Use getConfigurationGroups instead.
  • The operations for managing authorized signer for an organization ( createAuthorizedSigner, deleteAuthorizedSigner) in the Organizations API are Authorized signers are implemented per-account in the Accounts API. These operations will be removed in version 0.41.0 of the Organizations API.

  • The expiration property on the organizationIdentification schema is deprecated. It will be removed on version 2.0.0 of the organizationIdentification schema on or after version 0.41.0 of the Organizations API. Use the expiresOn date property instead.

  • The establishedDate property on the organizationIdentification schema is deprecated. It will removed on version 2.0.0 of the organizationIdentification schema on or after version 0.41.0 of the Organizations API. Use the establishedOn date property instead.

  • The following properties are currently defined with an enum constraint list in Organizations API. These enumeration constraints will be removed in a future release of the Contacts API. Instead, the list of valid values is configurable by the financial institution for each of these, as defined by the label group of the same name in getLabels operation response. For example, the list of valid values for the yearsOwned is defined in the label group named yearsOwned.
Schema or Property Used in Schemas
accountPurpose createOrganization, summaryOrganization
estimatedAnnualRevenue regulatory
intermediaryServices regulatory
yearsOwned createOrganization, summaryOrganization
physicalLocationsCount createOrganization, summaryOrganization

Also note that these properties are included in other schemas composed from or which use these defining schemas.

Products API Deprecations

  • The following properties are currently defined with an enum constraint list in Products API. These enumeration constraints will be removed in a future release of the Contacts API. Instead, the list of valid values is configurable by the financial institution for each of these, as defined by the label group of the same name in getLabels operation response. For example, the list of valid values for the productFeeType is defined in the label group named productFeeType.
Schema or Property Used in Schemas
productFeeType fee, productDetails, createProduct, product

Also note that these properties are included in other schemas composed from or which use these defining schemas, such as Accounts API.

Transfers API Deprecations

  • The accountTitle property of the transferAccount schema is deprecated and will be removed on version 2.0.0 of the transferAccount schema. Use the title property instead. The property will be removed on or after version 0.21.0 of the Transfers API. Note that the transferAccount schema is used in other Apiture Digital Banking APIs APIs, notably Accounts and Applications.

  • The modifiedBy property in the scheduledTransfer and pastTransfer schemas is deprecated and will be removed on version 2.0.0 of the respective schemas, or after version 0.21.0 of the Transfers API. Use the updatedBy property instead.

Users API Deprecations

  • The userLookup operation is deprecated. To find users by tax ID (for administrative use), use the new lookupUser operation
  • Deprecate userSearch schema
  • The identityVerification property of the userVerificationFields, userFields, createUser, summaryUser, and user schemas will be removed on version 2.0.0 of the respective schemas, on or after version 0.42.0 of the Users API.